Endless Hope - ch.4

Story by aaron blackwolf on SoFurry

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#4 of dragon choas

Well guys after a long writer's block and irl crazy.

Chapter 4 first try on fights from multiple fronts. Be gentle ^^;; or at least got any tips fire away no trolling please o3o

"So just like that? You wake up on this world?"The lion asks a little surprised pacing forward and back thinking it's crazy, but then again so is his mark.

The wolf nods still sitting down scratching his arms not used to this "fur".

"So I want to help you guys against this and I need to find my friend D."He explains and gets up putting his arms on the table looking up to the other male who then stops pacing looking at him with narrowed eyes.

He moves to the bed where he pulls out a scroll that has a small seal on it locking away its contents. Then he opens up the seal easily unwrapping the scroll exposing a map.The wolf looks at the map to see what seems like a map of a forest with strange features.

The lion clears his throat then moves towards the door calling Ren to them looking at Blaze smiling."She will explain better."

Blaze nods confused then looks behind him at the female who just appeared and smile. She smiles back and looks at the map.

"Are you sure Hadori?"She asks with a nervous chuckle looking at the wolf with a playful grin. The lion only nods and gives a thumbs up leaving the room. "Okay what the hell is going on now?"The still confused Blaze asks her then she nods leaning against the wall.

"My original form as you know is this husky body,right?"She starts smiling when he nods then point to the map moving towards it pointing to the crest that seems to be shining.

"This seal only appears every red moon, in this forest that means every forty nights i think and tonight is the one." She explains then notice Blaze about to ask what does that have to do with anything. Instead she clear her throat and sound of bones cracking can be heard. He looks at her the fur is pulled back disappearing from her body being replaced by what seems like black scales with this bluish shade. He into a dragon herself almost too quickly. She grins"Now try to see through this form, you know see that it's a trick."She simply says with a grin.

Blaze nods his mind still spinning from the confusion then tries to use his magic to detect her own, but he can't and to him this is her real form or to his magic. "H-how?" He blinks surprised and she grins.

She points at the crest on the map starting to tell him a slightly long story on her power to shapeshift was only good, until she met Hadori in that forest and he gave her the seal to use for training. "The seal pretty much marks the user original form hidden from all eyes, there is a catch though."She shows him her eyes still the exact same.

"Using the seal has a small chance of turning the user body only leaving some main features the same."He looks up to her thinking she got the crest and nods."So you have it?"

She shakes her head and rolls back the scroll giving it to the wolf"We will take you there and once we reach the forest, only support you have will be me."He nods then looks at his nude body only thing on him is his loin cloth.

She giggles and nods moving through Hadori room for something that he can wear.

"Yes."she pulls out something then comes back with some very light armor that is made of leather and a belt for putting important things. Then she pulls out a sheath for a sword like his own only there is gem right at the bottom of it.

He looks at it confused then looks at the sheath for a moment before touching the gem getting a feel of it. "In case your weapon can leak magic this gem keeps the magic inside the sheath hidden from curios eyes."She explains then notice him looking for his sword left and right.

She sighs and waves her paw which starts to shine the ground shaking, a plant coming out from the floor slowly blooming. He jumps back being on guard a little surprised as the flower blooms having his blade on it.

"Phew, you only hid it."He takes his sword then smiles waving it around quickly making her curios at why is he so happy.

"Is it magical at all?"She asks curiously going off track of the forest and the crest.

He looks at her and rubs the back of his head"The metal itself is, the weapon doesn't have a hint of magic at all."He tries to sound reasonable, but it only gets the husky female much more confuse instead.

He stands up then grunts dark elemental magic going through his arm. The energy hits the blade hilt which absorbs the energy. That moment the blade almost adapts to the dark energy getting surrounded with it, then runes appear all across the metal.

"The metal can absorb magical energy of the user , then it shifts the blade into said magical energy." He explains with a playful smile then clears his throat.

"To a none elemental warriors this is nothing but a sword, but to a Mage or someone like me it can be something extremely dangerous."He grabs the sheath from her and puts the sword inside the black energy dispersing.

"Well you have a really amusing weapon then."She comments after the strange show of power then shakes her head."Let's go tell the two we are ready , that is once you put on this armor."

Blaze nods and he puts on the leather armor which was mostly two straps across the chest with braces in a way, a belt that he can use to carry certain things and boots that go along with his new feet. (notes for readers:Blaze is originally a dragon :p ).

Then he looks at the leather pants a little embarrassed"Any robe maybe?"He asks politely and get one right to his face, a black robe.

He warps it around his body looking at himself sighing happily before he looks at Ren body shining as her body shifts to its original form already fully armored. He shrugs and waits for her to move then follows her downstairs looking at the other two males are already ready to go.

Hadori had some really strange white armor with engravings all around it and his blade seem to be emitting energy from its sheath making him look at it curiously.

He shrugs then looks at Chris wearing a greenish robe around his body with a belt full of small bottles and on his back the bow that was used on him.He smiles then follows the group as they start to move through the village of furs working hard.

Along the way the group gets friendly greetings and questions about the wolf who was deep in thought. "This place.....hmm."These were the words that went through his head, he shakes his head when he feels a paw on his shoulder.

He looks back to see its a tiger with some really strange clothes"Be careful of this group."He whispers then stifle a laugh"They are so crazy and followed by a LOT of angry dragons."

Blaze blinks and chuckles actually relieved he didn't end with an actual group of bad guys. He nods and smiles following the group again back to watching the life of the furries almost as normal as the clans back where he comes from. He sighs softly remembering that day of his exile and how he dragged D into it.

***(Flashback start)***

"D, are you really sure?"He asks the young dragon still sad after leaving his clan behind.

The dragon lets out a chuckle and pulls Blaze into a hug whispering words of comfort making his friend sigh even deeper leaning on him.

"Even If it's us against all clans, I'll still stand by you as brother and partner."He smiles saying those words with such deep honesty.

He looks down at Blaze who is tearing up happily hugging him really tightly. The two weren't brothers by blood, but D treated Blaze like a brother from back when they were hatchlings until this moment.

"T-thank you!"Blaze mumbles crying on his friend chest happy someone supports him so much. D smiles and holds him close chuckling"I promise Blaze, I'll be there for you even if just by heart."

Blaze nods and cries a little louder being a little emotional from the exile and saying goodbye and now his brother.

***(End of Flashback)***

Blaze sheds a tear, he looks down worried about D and the other three notice this, but they stay silent thinking it's better not to ask.

The group now crosses the bridge that is the edge of the village and Hadori looks at the new wolf ally chuckling.

He shrugs then keeps moving his paw on his shoulder grinning. The other two on the other hand followed closely and that confused the outsider.

He follows them holding the robe closer shaking his head waking up from his daydreaming.

"Any monsters along the way?"He asks randomly earning a laugh from the three"What?" They answer at once"Nope."Then grin and keep moving watching the green fields around them.

The group now looks back at the village bridge with no walls at all and buildings of stone and wood. They keep moving the three being slow while Blaze walks normally looking around nervously.

After a long silent walk they reach a riverbank that is surrounded by trees all around it, the rocks seem to be greenish under the surface of the water. Blaze then senses some really strong magic somewhere along the crystal like waters"Hadori?"He whispers then turns around to look at the lion who nods putting on a bronze like glove then paw on sheath. He looks at the other two being Ren and Blaze.

"Go Ren."He simply says then looks at Chris sighing softly nodding. Ren nods then slowly touches the ground with her paw a tentacle reaches out warping around Blaze waist who gasps loudly wiggling.

She waves her paw then he gets thrown right into the heavy forest formation and she follows him by simply running after him.


Blaze regains his balance half way through flying uncontrollably by grabbing a branch of a tree along the way spinning around then lands. Ren reaches him then chuckles looking up and down at him"Hmmm nice job."She grins and he frowns playfully then he shivers feeling the thud at the distance and sounds of magic clashing.

"Shouldn't we?"He asks, but Ren only shakes her head pulling him with her really fast getting them away from the fighting. Along the way a barrage of arrows made of ice come down at the two. "incoming!"She shouts pushing him out of the way then quickly summons a huge bloom around her that protects her from the ice.

"Ren!"He calls out worried about her safety then looks around for the attacker confused that there is no one. He quickly jumps to the side when he sees an incoming barrage of arrows from behind then he looks at the sun grinning. Another barrage of ice comes down pinning Ren under her flower which deflects the magical barrage.

Blaze tries to use his fire breath, but coughs forgetting he is a wolf. "Oh great."He mumbles then dodges another ice based attack. The attack this time being a small tailed beast that uses ice breath on the wolf.

He quickly forms an orb of light energy shooting it towards the monster, only to get it deflected back at him making him grunt in pain from the impact. He looks around again trying to find the actual enemy. He gasps pulling out his blade blocking an arrow targeting his back.

"Show yourself!" He shouts angrily at the hidden enemy earning a chuckle from the attacker. "Alright reaper!"The shadowy figure appears behind the small beast being a really strange looking white dragon.

He had no armor at all around his body, the wings on his back being obviously made of crystal like ice. He had this strange freezing glare that sent shivers down Blaze's back. He freezes the ground when he lands giving Blaze the impression he is really good in using ice magic.

"W....wait, reaper?" He tilts his head confused the sound of ice clashing against Ren's barrier distracting him.

He looks at her worried then the strange dragon growls slamming his tail down sending a wave of ice towards the big flower freezing it instantly. "Ren!"He looks at the stranger then growls softly his paw on his sheath. "Why?"He asks trying to understand something.

"Well reaper, you Already know." He replays with a grin then charges towards him really fast.


Hadori looks at Ren throwing Blaze then chuckles"It's better he doesn't know."He looks at Chris who blinks a little shocked. The two nod, Chris pulling out his Bow having an arrow ready.

Silence surrounds the two until their shadows start to shake changing shape, Chris pulls back on his arrow whispering a spell ,energy warping around his arrow tip. The water then starts to vibrate at the same time getting Hadori's attention.

That moment water starts to get hotter it vaporizes and steam surrounding the area making visibility around the lion alone close to none.

Chris tries to react, but gets an incoming blade going straight to his throat. He quickly shoots his arrow deflecting the blade strike then grabs a bottle from his belt throwing it at his shadow a blinding light coming from it. Roars are heard now four shadow dragons appear with red eyes darkness surrounding them. Chris grins pulls on another arrow waiting patiently.

One of the strange shadowy figures charges at the fox his feet disappearing going toward him like a breath attack.

The fox reacts by jumping back thinking it's just an reckless charge preparing to shoot his arrow. That very moment a blade hilt hits him in the back making him grunt in pain rolling on the floor"Not now!" He curses under his breath regaining his balance by pressing his paw on the floor to stop himself from rolling then throws a bottle under him a fog cloud surrounding him and his enemies.

While Chris was trying to not lose, Hadori was having trouble within the steam. "Not this again." He frowns playfully looking around with narrowed eyes. "Tsk Tsk Hadori! Wide open hehe." The other male comments then three spears appear behind the lion going straight to his vital limbs.

Hadori gasps looking behind him too late then sighs quickly placing the glove on pulling on his sword, the sheath shines faintly then the spears turn into hard rocks cracking down.

The enemy still hidden chuckles"Good you recognize me as an worthy enemy Hadori." He appears from the side throwing a trident towards the lion the forked weapon turns to liquid and spreads into multiple projectiles made of boiling water. The lion jumps back the projectiles follow him like arrows and he slashes at them with his blade turning them to stone, but the stone cracking only causes the water to appear again.

While he was trying to leap to the side he gets a really hard kick to the stomach taking his breath away and he is sent flying to the water. He growls and quickly throws his blade to the water turning a part of it to stone to stand on. "You can't trust your sword for long, you will have to use your magic Hadori haha." The hidden enemy says then some of the steam clears out the projectiles disappearing.

The dragon now stands on the stone patch with a wide grin. He has a strange shade of red scales all around his body with traces of fur on his arms and chest, he was slightly taller then Hadori carrying no weapons at all considering his water element. He had a swimmer kind of body build and his wings were a little less thicker then normal having some spike at the tip of them. Hadori then sighs at the sight of the dragon.

"Of course, you! Heh" He comments knowing this dragon who doesn't carry the king seal on his shoulder.

"Master of the water element, nicknamed kraken for your power to change anything in your body into water." He chuckles and the other male nods smiling getting in his battle pose a blade of water appears on his arm.

"Why are you guiding a reaper Hadori? I got news from the others about this." He asks then jumps back to the water chanting a spell making the stone start to shake violently. Hadori growls and pulls his sword out quickly leaping back from the river the stone breaks into shreds a portal of water opens up unleashing multiple small water tornados at the lion.

"He doesn't know yet! I can help him become the opposite." He shouts then waves his thumb tracing it on his blade, the touch burning his thumb slowly then a rune shines on it. He roars and does multiple slashing motions in the air cutting through most of the tornados let out on him then he slams his foot down on the ground rocks starting to float then gather around him forming armor of stone.

The red dragon grins then charges out of the water leaping from the portal his blade going for the lion head. The lion reacts by blocking the attack the two weapons clashing, Hadori's blade shining faintly slowly petrifying the other blade. "Then let your moves tell me if that's possible!" He shouts quickly jumping back making Hadori trip.

"Alright kraken! Heh."


Blaze yelps and tries to pull out his blade though he is too slow getting a punch right to the stomach freezing the inside of his body and is sent flying back hitting against a tree breaking it. He grunts loudly in pain then yelp as the tree breaks rubbing his stomach growling.

"You have two choices, fight me or this ice will freeze you reaper!" The white dragon threatens grinning.

Blaze gets up slowly coughing the ice starting with his stomach. He stumbles forward then gains his balance already tired. "Hmm not experienced yet I see." The white dragon comments then presses his foot on the ground leaping to a nearby tree letting out a basic ice breath towards the wolf.

Blaze yelps and tries to block it yet his strength in ice magic isn't enough so the freezing process accelerates when he takes the ice breath head on.

The white dragon grins when he hears the yelp of pain coming from him so he kicks him in the back and steps on it. "Goodbye reaper!" He whispers then just as he is about to use an ice spear on Blaze a tentacle pulls him to the side quickly. Blaze gasps and looks at the frozen flower with a hole that the tentacle came out of.

He stands up and before he could say anything gets this surge of pain going through him the tentacle seems to have injected something in him.

The lion falls on one knee then his fur fades away being replaced by his own scales, wings appear again and his long spiky tail as well. He keeps bearing with the pain before panting loudly now back to his original form.

The ice dragon growls about to shoot the frozen flower with the beast as an arrow. Blaze grins and the tentacle leave him now he leaps to the ice dragon with his fist warped in static electricity. "No you don't!" He hits his stomach sending this paralyzing shock through his enemy body a flow of water coming out of Blaze all ice melted.

The other dragon growls in pain and tries to use another ice power yet nothing comes out. "What did you do?" He looks at his stomach and blinks seeing the seal.

Blaze nods then roars pulling his sword back to him warping it with thunder leaping to his enemy with rage in his eyes. The other male gasps at the sudden change blocking the attack with his wings and the blade clashes then is deflected by the crystal making him grin. Blaze grins back and sends energy through his sword again the electric shock going through the dragon body making him roars in pain.

He leaps forward then turns around looking at Blaze with narrowed eyes like Hadori did. "Hmm Kai nicknamed winter breath, obvious name heh, see you around reaper of the elements.".

"Wait! What do you mean?!" He calls out then Kai flies away disappearing between the heavy trees the ice surrounding Ren's flower melts away. Blaze looks at the flower and rushes towards the female the flower opening up once the ice is all gone.

"I'm alright Blaze, don't worry." She gets up dusting off all the Ice dust of her fur. "So who was that? Kai or something?" He asks with a tilting his head.

She looks at him then sighs softly "Kai or winter breath, master of the ice element and he was playing with you considering you came out with minor bruises."

He blinks and nods checking everything is with them before they keep walking.


Back to the two Chris was struggling a little against four enemies that use the same element he uses. He keeps shooting arrows at them when he has the chance, but most of his attacks phase through considering those aren't dragons of blood and flesh.

He sighs then pulls out the same bottle he used before to pull them out throwing it in between them the blinding light burning through them. He takes this chance to shoot them with shadowy energy warped arrows shooting each one multiple times considering his enemies.

He pants heavily when he sees no one is left around him.

He looks at the mist that strangely muffled Hadori and kraken fight so he tries to go for it. He runs towards it and slips along the way on a small pond of a water then a hand of liquid grabs his legs throwing him back to the forest. He growls loudly and only hopes for the best for Hadori.

Hadori didn't have the same luck like the other two getting trapped inside his enemy sphere of water that expands wide not giving him space to escape. The lion gasps and quickly places the blade back into his sheath only a little water around him turning to stone.

He growls and tries to use the armor he had to breath yet it gets destroyed by the dragon charge at him hitting his chest all stone breaking apart leaving Hadori exposed. Hadori growls and slowly gathers energy in his glove now not able to move freely taking a direct strike from his enemy who enters the sphere.

The dragon swims towards him at extreme speed landing multiple hits on him then turns to water when Hadori tries to hit him. Hadori keeps taking hit after hit until he finally has enough energy his glove shining then he removes it exposing the magical orb in his paw.

"Now!" He swims back and points down sending this surge of energy into the ground under them, two pillars appear from the ground making a wall between the two. The lion uses this opening to escape the water bobby trap. Just as he reached the bubble exterior water forms under him the dragon appears in front of him.

"Too late!" The dragon warps around him with water like tentacles warping around his wrists, ankles, neck and waist then he places a sword on his neck. "Still need more Hadori and you better hope you didn't just ask for a reaper of the elements to help you, remember this war isn't that simple." He says in a calm voice then the sphere bursts and the dragons turns to liquid flowing back into the river, traces of his magic fading away and the steam disappears as well.

Hadori then falls on one knee coughing some water out looking around for Chris. The fox walks out of the forest his robe a little torn apart.

"Are you okay sir?" He asks the lion with a worried look and be gets a laugh in return. "I hope hell so, now let's hope Ren still remembers her training." He mumbles looking at where they ran all around him traces of wet grass.