Chapter 10- ruining the moment

**\*\*\*\*\*\* (POV Change: Nathan) \*\*\*\*\*\*** **"I'd like to see you try!" yelled Ryland's shadow, stomping a huge foot in front of me; I raised the rapier in my paw to the side of my hip pointed down, getting into position to strike: I had to be...

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Chapter 1- reunited

"Do you see it yet?" asked an otter, bouncing where he stands excitedly. He was waiting for his turn to use the binoculars. "No...nothi-wait....I DO! I see the island!" exclaimed the flamedramon with the instrument, handing it to the...

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The Pain Of Losing - Chapter Two

Days passed like always as my friendship to Jean grew but Alex start to avoid me and give me some sort of strange stares yet I never wanted to push it. .......... I sigh to myself,"Oh man music class" I start moving to the music class then...

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Endless Hope - Chapter One

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* It's strange when you look at the sky, thinking what's out there you will find a lot of things, the name is blaze I'm a red dragon with black horns and though I'm fire breathing dragon like no other ,I did have something that...

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The Pain Of Losing - Chapter One

My mom calls up to my room. "Joey wake up or you will be late!" Hearing my mom's yell I sat up from my bed and groaned as I stretched my muscles; feeling the relief of a few bones cracking while doing so. I soon dash to the bathroom to prepare...

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The Pain Of Losing -Chapter four

Gym class starts with Rick arriving with the rest after the teacher with him glaring at the wolf and sighing when he sees Jean with him. Then a strange female doberman comes in announcing she's the girls gym teacher for today or more like Jean's...

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Chapter 6- Rebirth as a Persona-User

Johnny, very carefully, helped Nathan walk with the group through Tartarus, Elizabeth in the lead. The otter could feel his consciousness slip in and out: it felt like he was trying to sleep yet can't seem to stay asleep; he felt so tired. "Almost...

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Chapter 5- Refusing One's self(part 2)

\*\*\*\*\*\* (POV Change: Nathan) \*\*\*\*\*\* Everyone in the group, including me and Johnny, were on our toes....but it wasn't Elizabeth's fault: she was leading down a very creepy hallway....and it could give anyone the heebie-jeebies. I slipped...

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Chapter 4- Refusing One's self(part 1)

"Good morning to you too, Mr. Thompson." The lion said happily, walking up and offering his paw to the orca. He took it and shook it happily; the Lugia just raised his paw up in friendship. "What's up, J?" he greeted. Everyone was confused about the...

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Chapter 3- Recollecting

"Hey, you two! Dinner's ready!" Dave called down from the stairs, making the pair of lovers jump a bit: they were so caught up in their little fantasy they forgot about what time it was. Nate felt his stomach growling, his paw going to hold it...

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Endless Hope - Ch.2

The two was about to start the fight, but strangely, Blaze feel this source of unknown magic. He thought it was the husky, then again, she didn't activate anything so he pushes that thought to the side. The husky female looks at the dragon rather...

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The Pain Of Losing- chapter 5(part 2)

Jean looks at the white wolf giggling about his reaction to her father's way of comforting him, although a little curios about the reason behind his sadness. The two kept walking around the huge mansion that is decorated in a strange way with two...

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