Chapter 4- Refusing One's self(part 1)
#4 of Golden chance
well guys usual this is another one only this one is two parts which i will put on at the same time so enjoy!
like always copy right of:
nathan and logan to nathan oswarth.
johnny and dave to me.
don't forget if you hate m/m then please leave.
one last thing although i'm the creater of goldenia i like to say you guys should give cheers to nathan he's the writer and i come up with ideas most of the time some nice team work.
"Good morning to you too, Mr. Thompson." The lion said happily, walking up and offering his paw to the orca. He took it and shook it happily; the Lugia just raised his paw up in friendship.
"What's up, J?" he greeted.
Everyone was confused about the sight; Nate even went as far as shaking his head in disbelief.
The lion chuckled and the orca turned around and smiled.
"Nate wins." He said, putting a paw on the otter's shoulder and gently shaking him. Nathan was brought back to reality, chuckling a little sheepishly.
"S-sorry.....seeing you for the first time can be a little....surprising, Professor." Nate apologized, trying to show respect for the lion. The Lugia nudged the lion and laugh.
"Yep, he's a hottie." He smiled, hugging the lion from behind. Logan was taken aback for seeing the open felt similar to the way Nate and J acted when they saw each other for the first time in 3 years.....were they....lovers?
"Um, sir.....I, uh.....don't want to be rude....." Logan started, eyes going on him: instantly he shrank to almost nothing " the Lugia......your.....mate?"
The lion, looking to the Lugia, smiled and kissed him lovingly for a moment...then looked to Logan.
"I'll take that as a "yes" then..." Logan mumbled, blushing sheepishly; Dave pulled him tight and close to him, hugging the Flamedramon lovingly.
"So, sir, how have you two been fairing? It's been quite a while since I was last invited to visit you." Johnny said curiously; Nate looked to them as well, folding his arm across his chest and leaning back to his own feet.
"Johnny, you know you're free to visit us whenever you want: me and my little leo are always happy to see you." Said the Lugia, looking to Nathan and the others "If you ever run into trouble or just feel like dropping by, please do: we love talking to our students....connecting with them. The better we can understand you, the better we can try to make it for everyone else."
"We'll keep that in mind; now then, I have a question," Nathan spoke, trying to sound serious "I've been wondering why me and J have to wear these kind of you know why?"
The Headmaster frowned, maybe in disappointment.
"Unfortunately, I do not; he merely sent me his assistant to tell me the message to all of his other students: I have the list of his students, therefore he asked me." The Headmaster explained; he seemed to feel bad that he wasn't able to help.
****** (POV Change: Nathan) ******
I couldn't help but sigh: I was hoping I'd get an answer from the Headmaster....but not even he knows why. So much for hoping the Headmaster would help me and J.
"Oh......okay." I mumble to myself, unable to hide the disappointment. Johnny pulled in for a hug, putting my head on his shoulder.
"It's fine, we'll know soon enough." He encouraged me, making me smile a little.
"I know...I was just looking forward to knowing why." I say, hugging J back lovingly. I could see the Headmaster and his mate stare at us from behind J's back, making me blush: guess they already know.
"Now then, is there anything else you have questions over before you run off to your classes?" The Headmaster asked, his expression changing from sad to friendly.
"No...I think we're good for now." Johnny said as he let go of me; everyone, including me, nodded and smiled "Thanks for your help."
"You're very welcome," the Headmaster smiled, the Lugia stepping around to offer his hand to me and J. He continued on "We hope to see you soon."
His hand was HUGE! I put my entire paw into his palm and he still got a good deal of my arm, luckily he was gentle.
As we all turned around to head to class, I heard the Headmaster call me -no one else, just me- back to him and the Lugia.
Curious, I followed orders and walked back to the Headmaster.
"Nathan there was something I wanted to tell you about your Combat class." The Headmaster knelt down; it was kind of weird: he put his paw on my shoulder and gazed right into my eyes "Whatever is said, whatever you may have done or do.....remember that you will ALWAYS be yourself: you are you, no matter what." I felt his words flow into me; it gave me the sense that he could be my father. I nodded in understandment.
"Okay, I won't forget it. Thank you, sir." I replied. He smiled and hugged me, the first time he's done it so far; his fur felt warm against mine, my fingers unable to help but run through his mane slowly.
He whispered to me "Don't let your Shadow break you, you can overcome it!"
I couldn't help but wonder what that meant.
"Wait, what do you mean 'let my Shadow break me'? What is my 'Shadow'?" I asked him, but he never said another word about it. He let go of me and shooed me away, smiling; I didn't get it, it was so confusing.....needless to say, however, I had to keep that in mind.
'Whatever is said, whatever you may have done or do.....remember that you will ALWAYS be yourself: you are you, no matter what.'
"What does that mean?" I asked myself, walking behind the others: they saw that I was beckoned and they waited for me the entire time. Johnny was worried about me, that much I could tell from the look on his face....but he never said anything until we reached the actual school campus (it was easy enough, we just went towards the biggest building on the island).
" something wrong?" I heard someone ask me, yet my mind was elsewhere: I barely registered I was being talked to.
"Yeah....I was just thinking...." I looked up and saw that it was Logan: he stopped to look back to me and he hung back to talk to me.
"You sure? You can tell me anything......remember?" I felt his paw hold mine; he usually did that to let me know he was there...even when I knew he liked me a little. I tease him for that sometimes....but, right now, it was more to let me I could trust him....even with my life.
I smiled and squeezed his paw tight, sighing and leaning back as I walked.
"Well....something the Headmaster said to me has been bothering me: it was like he knew I was gonna change into some kind of monster or something."
"Really? What did he say?" he asked curiously. I told him the advice the lion gave me, even going as far as telling him about the warning(?) about my Shadow.
"Shadow? What's that?" he asked me again.
"I don't know." I told him, sighing. He held my paw tighter than I was holding his.
"Hey, don't worry about it: I wouldn't think you could be anything other than yourself....yet I'm still unsure about the 'Shadow' part." He reassured me, smiling his kindly smile.
I sighed, smiling slightly.
"I guess you're worries me."
At the moment we reached the school grounds I was surprised at the huge number of students exactly like Johnny said when we got to the island. I look left and right and notice some strange creatures all over furs, lizards, Pokémon, Digimon, humans and some magical students to which only made me love this place more. The double door was the first strange thing I noticed about the building, it was designed in an old fashioned way made of wood and a golden door knob which didn't surprise most of the students and just when I thought the number of students was big.
The inside of the building was indescribable.......but, if there was one word I could use to describe it......I would use WIDE. VERY wide: the halls look like endless roads or something coming from a maze, walls of soft granite all around; from the windows in front you can see a huge green land stretching with lots of buildings around, some special decorations on them like each have a certain class which confused any newcomers.
" is it you're not overwhelmed?!" I asked him, kind of freaking out how huge the school was: unless they handed out maps, I'd never get ANYWHERE.
"I was....until I was introduced to Mr. Shawn." he explained now the noise from other students increasing before a loud roar comes from the halls: judging from everyone's attention, including me and the others (save for Johnny) jumping from the roar, the first impression was that there was going to be a fight with someone......I was WAY off.
"ALRIGHT EVERYONE, I'M MR. SHAWN!" the strange male voice shouts as Johnny watches in amusement; I noticed it was a Nidoking: a big one wearing glasses and carrying a strange PDA in his paw.
"WELCOME TO GOLDENIA ACADEMY!" he shouts again; his volume soon decreased severely since he was sure everyone is paying attention now "I will be the one who will offer you guidance when needed; I will also give you locations of your, if you all please follow me?" He requests politely; as we all follow him, Johnny caught up to me, like he used to all the time; I couldn't stop myself from asking him.
"Who is Shawn?"
Johnny nods and looks at Dave and Logan "He's like the security of this school: he has a team, but he takes care of everything himself considering the order of students; he worked in the army before, and that's why he knows how to roar and know, getting everyone's attention" He explains further. I nodded and looked at the strong Pokémon moving in front of everyone "So, now on his PDA, he will bring up information about students and help direct them to their classes. He calls a group of 4 each time to see what they preferred, then a full detailed map with the classes marked in a special way."
I nod again as we reached a building where all students entered; it looked like a gym, what with the wide opened space around us and the lined chairs: the number seemed to reach up to, like, 300.....maybe.
He nods for everyone to take seat as he clears his throat smiling "Let's begin I will call a group of four each time and ask about the classes they applied for then get sure of where are they going to go then offer a map, so everyone ready?" He asks chuckling as students starts to whisper among each other before they raise a paw nodding.
"Good. Now that everyone is together, let's begin with swimming, battle and artistic classes." He announced as he starts with a group of Pokémon: he talks for about a minute then gives them a map.
After three minutes he calls "Johnny Thompson, Nathan Osworth, Dave Anderson and Logan Mitchel: please step forward." The four of us walk up to him; he noticed me and Johnny were heavily dressed and he seemed a little confused; he checked the information before he said anything, a charming yet so calm of a voice coming from behind the Nidoking.
"I'll take Logan and Dave, Shawn." A strange-looking husky comes in walking towards the Digimon.
Shawn raises an eyebrow as he chuckles, checking his PDA "Mr. A is the teacher for the art section. So, are you two sure about taking only artistic and dancing classes?"
Dave nods while Logan squirms nervously......but he nods as well.
"Yes sir: we would like to take those classes." The husky smiles playfully, nodding and getting a little too close to Logan; Dave notices and was about to reach for him with his paw, but he chuckles and smiles "Gentlemen, follow me please." His tone is polite, cool and me, it also sounded, maybe, a little seductive. But I guess I was just imagining it.
They do as he said and left the room; Shawn shook his head back to focus again and turn his gaze towards me and J; he was holding hands, chuckling "Okay then: Johnny and Nathan. Battle class with a mix of swimming and diving classes too?" He asks; we nod at once, getting a blush from Johnny as I looked over to him "Yes, sir."
He chuckles "Aright, Johnny: you know where swimming is.....but here is a map to your classes."
We nod again and take the map he held out; we moved out of the door. I was about to ask where our Combat Class would be held but, at that moment, I see a blue door appear on the map with the name "Combat Room" on it as it's description. Johnny was more confused than I was at it, but we shrugged and began moving towards its direction.
After, maybe, 5 minutes of walking -and it got tedious after a while- we finally reach our destination: the blue door that appeared on the map.
"This it? The blue door?" he asked me, looking over it a little questionably.
"I don't know, I just read it's description: it said 'Combat Room' so I went on a limb; plus it just appeared on the map, so I don't know what it is." I say honestly, walking up to it. I placed my paw on the door: it felt cool and smooth to the touch, almost like the facet of a gem. Not only that, but I could energy radiating from it.
The knob had a keyhole and I knelt down to try and look inside through it......but there was only darkness.
"Dammit, I can't see anything inside," I stood up again and tried to open it...the knob wouldn't so much as budge "and I can't open the what?"
J shrugged and came over to me; he then proceeded to knock: so obvious for him.
With that knock, the sound of something unlocking rang out; the knob turned in my paw and I pushed the door open. Johnny smiled proudly.
"Knock, and ye shall enter." He said, making me elbow him in the arm; he yelped silently and rubbed it, making me laugh.
"Shut up." I tell him, taking his arm and leading him inside.
The entire inside was so....weird: there were three solid walls, the fourth (also the one I'm looking at) being that of an elevator went up into a never-ending ceiling. There was a clock-or the floor number displayer- that had its hands spinning all around it; it matched because, from the door, we were plummeting downward into a never-ending abyss....or, what I hope it would be.
The room wasn't bare, far from it: there were other doors (8 others to be exact), each one coming for this different era or time. Most were covered by these dark blue sheets....or they could've been white: the lighting was so weird it was hard to distinguish the difference to be honest.
Near the front there was this round table with a stack of cards in the middle; the picture, visible from where I was, was a weird mask or face on it, split into a lighter half and darker half...but still a mirror image. A fancy chair is behind it, big enough for one person to sit VERY comfortably in it....which someone was.
I felt really bad for just barging in, and I immediately tried to turn around...but from where we came, the door was gone. Only Johnny was there. He looked just as creeped out as I was, telling me it wasn't just me.
"Um......w-we're sorry for walking in on you...." I muttered, my body shaking. I felt a cold chill run across my neck, sending shivers down my spine....but then I felt warm, most-likely from the layers of clothing I was wearing. Ever since I talked to the Headmaster, I forgot how hot I was before I entered.
The figure in the chair didn't say a word; he had his head on his hands. He seemed, to me, dressed as a butler of some sorts: he had the coat, the gloves, but then again I'm letting my mind wonder from the suspense.
The noise that broke through wasn't his voice, per-say, but his laugh: it was a chuckle, and it seemed to be out of amusement. Johnny, finally getting himself together from me pulling him in (he fell, if you were wondering), stood next to me. He spoke shortly after he laughed.
"Welcome, my students, to the Velvet Room." He looked up, his eyes big and ringed....though I found no oddity coming from someone like him "My name is Igor. I am delighted to make your acquaintance."
I looked over to J, who only shrugged at me and went back to facing Igor. He waved his hand around somewhat and brought it back to his other. He went on.
"This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter....and only those with strong wills may enter. Which reminds me," he motions to the woman standing next to him: she had short white hair and yellow eyes, was wearing a blue dress that resembled a stewardess's outfit with five black-lined circles inside small yellow circles, blue gloves, a blue attendant-like hat, black leggings and blue boots. She was also carrying this brown book with her in her arms: guess she's a reader. From her expression, I could say she seemed....I guess "fun-loving"...or maybe "lukewarm" either way, I could tell she was happy.
"Her name is Elizabeth: she is my assistant here in this velvet room....and will also help you learn the basics of fighting later on."
'Later on?' I think, shaking my head as he continues on.
"Now then, I do recall that I have more than just two strong-willed students.....Elizabeth?" he looked over to her, who looked back at her.
"Yes, sir?" she asked in a slow yet fluent tone.
"Would you please so kind as to reveal to the rest of the class the Velvet Room?" he asks kindly, as if it were a favor. She nods and raises her right hand. She snaps the sound reverberating all around us. Then silence.
Soon two doors appear on either side of us, many others flowing out: I guess they just realized it appeared and went through. They seemed to know this rom well, because once everyone was in, he went on to his speech.
"Welcome, my class. My name is Igor, and I will be your teacher for your class. This is my assistant, Elizabeth." She smiled and took a step forward; she leaned to the side on her body, one of her arms against her chest and the other against the side of her cheek gently. TO me, it seemed natural for her.
"I am Elizabeth. I shall teach you the fundamentals of combat. I am pleased to meet all of you: it has been a long time since I have returned from my journey to find myself. I have seen and learned many things...and I hope to share all that I know with you." She took a step back and was silent...but the smile never left her face, not for a moment.
"Now then, I would also like to introduce my other helpers in this class; not to mean any offense, but they are not as important as Elizabeth is, so they were only rarely help us." He motioned from a door and soon two others walked through.
One was a male with white hair and yellow eyes. He wore a black-collared and long-sleeved shirt under a blue suit and blue tie. He was also wearing black pants with blue lines running through the sides, black shoes, and a hat similar to a flying attendant or even a bellboy.
The other was a woman that looked similar to Elizabeth. She had light blonde hair, pale skin and golden eyes. Similar to Elizabeth, and maybe even the other guy, she was dressed entirely in dark blue with two matching high heel shoes; I could even see some black and golden accessories.
"Hello, you may call me Margaret." Said the woman, smiling softly. The gentleman smiled as well, bowing slightly.
"I am Theodore, but you may freely call me by the name 'Theo' if you wish." They soon disappeared behind the door again.
Once they were gone, I felt a chill run down my body again, making me shiver. I looked around and soon everyone was shivering like I was....but it was only temporary. Once I felt warm again, I saw that my vision was getting clouded and blurry, I looked to Johnny and he was clear as crystal, standing next to me.
"Fog." I say, understanding that I wasn't going blind or anything.
A door opened and closed, followed by Margaret and Theo pushing a cart full of glasses to the entire class: they were in all kinds of colors and shape. Igor's voice rang true through the fog, as if unaffected by it.
"Now then, before we continue with our first lesson, I request that each of you select a pair of glasses from the cart. Those that cannot see through the fog when looking through them, please inform either Margaret or Theodore. The look is irrelevant to complete this task, choose a pair you wish to have for yourself."
Me and Johnny, as well as others, walked up to the cart to look over the glasses. It was hard to choose just one pair for myself: it'd be easier if I was choosing for Johnny since I know what he likes and he knows what I like.
"Hey, J." I whisper to him "You pick out a pair for me and I pick out a pair for you?" I asked. He smiled and nodded.
After a while I settled on a pair of blue circular visors with light-blue tint on the glasses; the frame wrapped around the top part of the lens, not the bottom. I gave them to the orca; he gave me in return these rectangular glasses with a chocolate brown frame; the frame was similar to Johnny's.
We both put them on and smiled.
"Perfect." We said in sync. Then when we turned around we saw a HUGE difference: the entire room was clear, not a single trace of fog or mist.
"Whoa! J! These glasses work!" I say excited, looking all around to make sure they did.
"It's like the fog doesn't exist." He remarks, and I could hear how excited he was too.
"Hey, I can't see anything. None of them work!" I heard one complain.
"Yeah, all I see is mist!" said another.
Soon the room was filled with complainers.
"Now then, those who are capable of seeing through the fog, please step forward towards the table." Said Igor.
We walked forward and soon, from about 60, there were 20 of us.
"Ah, it seems quite a few of you have the Potential." He said, smiling and chuckling that weird chuckle like before. Elizabeth stepped forward.
"Now then, I would like for you all to follow me."
Everyone complied and followed the woman through a strange door....