The Pain Of Losing -Chapter four

Story by aaron blackwolf on SoFurry

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#4 of wolfies mess

This is my own story written by me >.< sorry for taking forever.

Copyright of my characters to me I got a plan to add some friends characters later so hope you like this chapter. Enjoy and no trolling only normal comments and if you find mistakes tell me please.

Gym class starts with Rick arriving with the rest after the teacher with him glaring at the wolf and sighing when he sees Jean with him.

Then a strange female doberman comes in announcing she's the girls gym teacher for today or more like Jean's class who arrived after her just like the boys, Kelly was one of them and she moves to the three right away pulling jean to the side whispering"How do you know Joey?"she asks curiously, the husky giggles and only say two words in her mind"Who knows."

The girls move to their locker rooms with some boys going to their own room since it's going to be a split match of soccer for boys and volley ball for girls in the other side of the huge gym.

(jean side).....

Kelly moves to her friend growling playfully"Come on how did you get such a cute freshman after you so easily?"she asks frowning.

Jean sighs and smiles"Fine we met in biology lab in a mixed up class."she confesses with a blush, Kelly and some other furs from her art class look at her surprised"WHAT?!!"They shout in unison then the Doberman steps in shouting"COME ON LADIES MOVE IT!!"The girls yelp and nod getting ready and move out of the room.

(Joey side)....

Alex sighs and whispers to Joey"How will we do it this time?"He keeps thinking of what will happen if Rick repeats the same move from last time, Joey doesn't phase or show a sign of fear chuckling"Trust me."He simply say before the boys move out of the room next with Rick glaring daggers at the wolf.

The two teachers were waiting on each side of the big field with a smirk and a ball bags next to them"Let's begin girls and boys, today will be a mix up class between the two."the Doberman takes over from there"The rules are simple: girls no throwing balls at the boys side and no flirting boys or you will be sitting on the benches for the rest of the class."then both shout together"DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!!"the class yelp and nod together.

The names gets called Alex with Joey, jean with Kelly on the other side just like they are used to everytime, Rick against Alex and Joey as well with the coach giving him a warning about last time.

The game for the boys start as Alex pass the ball to his team mate as they move in rhythm playing like it's for real, Rick on the other side growls moving to intercept the ball trying to get Alex in the process as well.

Alex understands this and smiles moving to Rick straight ahead making his team mate yelp in confusion on why not follow the plan? , still he keeps going and the moment they were about to collide Alex passes the ball to his team mate from behind using the heel of his shoes winking, rick growls loudly and moves to take it away from the other player and takes it quickly considering he is a soccer player in the school team.

Rick huffs and moves fast past the defense and Joey as well who couldn't stop him this time then shoots, then shoots getting the first goal for his team giving the coach this feeling he will be okay this time and won't try to take out Joey like last time.


The game keep going with Rick team winning by 2-1 but that doesn't seem to let joey give up easily as he winks at Alex for a small plan wagging his tail smiling, the black dragon doesn't get it at first but then lets out a grin and thumbs up.

The coach blows his whistle and the ball is with rick of course as he goes through angrily trying to work with his team mates but he's part of the school team, so it's hard to get a friendly match with that cougar.

Alex chuckles and moves to him really fast and passes him for a moment before doing a foot slide trying to push the ball right from Rick feet but being careful to not hit his legs at all and gets it done nicely as one of the team takes it going through the defense easily at first but Rick is already behind, Joey then grins and signals for Alex who hits his tail to the floor a little loudly to get the attention of the other fur who fortunately is a good listener.

He smiles and nods as he turns around just a little away from two defenders trying to take the ball and kicks it a long pass in the other direction making everyone look at him confused and then the two left and right wing players try to take it but Alex goes for it instead fast.

He jumps to the air and it hits his chest as he balanced it and really fast kicks it back to his team defense, to Joey to be more exact who gets a really evil grin starting to run with the ball as he yells"trust me!"to his team mates who shrug and wait as he moves with Alex by his side, he whispers at the exact moment Alex is next to him"Here is the deal I hold the ball with me then you take it when everyone will think I'm aiming for the goal."the dragon nods and runs with the wolf side to side passing through some of the defense jumping when someone tries to break their formation.

Rick is already trying to take the ball couple of times but strangely isn't trying to hurt the two at all"Get back here!"He thinks to himself wanting to win as usual but can't stop getting paranoid again"He's trying to get her I know it!".

He gets distracted and stops for a moment as he looks at his team as Alex/Joey mix up actually worked now the score 2-2 with only ten minutes left on the timer as the couch growls at him threateningly.

The game starts again as the couch blows his whistle and the other team starts to move right to the goal without any waiting but Alex gets in the way and tries to snatch it from them still to no avail leaving that for the team defense as the white wolf nods smiling, he starts to move in sync with the others and takes the ball nicely without any fouls.

"Ugh not again!"Rick growls from the same thing happening again as he runs after Joey fast trying to snatch the ball but this time is right behind him giving him a clear view of the wolf heels.

"Oh-uh."Joey thinks to himself running towards Alex faster wanting to get there in time but Rick is already about to trip him again, but at the exact moment this happens Jean hits the volley ball hard to the wall as it bounces and goes straight to the boys landing a nice shot on Rick face making him fall on his back.

Joey gasp at the sudden move and looks down at the cougar groaning slightly then the Doberman blows her whistle moving to the husky and shouts"Your out for the rest of class mrs. Jackson!" but no one other then Kelly noticed the teacher whispering"Nice shot" before the husky seats on the benches.

Joey just stands there for a moment before the bell rings ending the class as the couch blows his whistle ending the game with a tie.

Rick looks at the husky then sighs and doesn't react which makes me look at her with a raised eyebrow"What is going on between Rick and Jean he didn't even yell."he thought to himself.

"Come on all of you change and go back home!"The couch shouts for the girls and boys as everyone leaves but Joey and Rick making Alex growl but the wink from the white wolf got him a little less stressed.

(Joey pov)......

I smile and offer my paw to Rick trying to help him up ,but he growls and tries to pull me down with him yet I react and pull my paw away growling a little angrily"Stop this I don't want you to get in trouble over me Rick why do you hate me?!"i whisper angrily.

Rick growls and looks the other way, i sign and just move to the couch who noticed the whole thing"Couch please don't kick him of the team for what he tried to do."I try to say politely but the dragon is already too angry to listen.

"Rick get your ass in the changing rooms!"the cougar nods and moves glaring at me thinking I'm going to get him kicked out but he was wrong.

"I know you don't allow bad players to stay in your team but tell me was he like this before I came sir?"I ask him sitting on the bench.

He shakes his head"No your the second one he reacts around like that."he explains then sighs"He was the best player last year and was the reason or one of the reasons we won."He smiles and shakes his head"Still what he did isn't really a good thing so are you sure you want to forgive him?".

I smile and look down"Yeah sir I'm hundred percent sure he will do good in the normal school games as long as I don't apply for the team heh."He looks at me with a emotionless face for a moment before nodding"Fine as long as your sure of this I'll let him of the hook."

I sigh and relieve nodding"Alright sir see you next week."I wave smiling, he waves back smiling back, I move towards the locker room and pass by Rick but notice something from the looks of his eyes can't seem to get it so i shrug and get in the changing room to get my stuff.


As I'm getting out I noticed Alex and jean waiting for me but Jean eyes looked exactly like Rick when he passed by me that's when I couldn't take it something happened when she hit him with the ball or more like they know each other and she didn't say a thing about it.

I move towards the two and look at Jean"Tell me why?"I ask almost coldly not wanting to go this far but I need to get out of the way.

She looks down sad"Sorry Joey it's kinda my fault Rick is all over you like this."I almost wanted to start yelling ,but kept my face emotionless"Why jean?"I keep pushing as Alex stands in the way.

"Stop it Joey she is already feeling...."Jean paw stops him from talking as she leans on the wall and sighs deeply"My story with Rick is a long one so listen carefully."

(Jean pov)......

"Our story goes way back to middle school one year before we became high school freshman I met him in one of the school trips and quickly fell for him, he was......charming so cool and cocky in a good way heh."I explained with a smile as Alex listens as well smiling.

"So we were together for two years I think and he was the coolest kid ever heh or guy I don't know but a certain white wolf changed that."I explain further making Joey gulp slightly for a moment thinking it is him.

I look at him and shake my head"Not you he's older then you actually and his name is Jason plus he was trying to steal me away from Rick by flirting and trying to break us apart in any way possible but our love stayed strong and all was good."I sigh looking down sadly making Joey look at me confused.

"All stopped thanks to Rick paranoid character I guess or maybe it was me....I don't know but before our freshman year final tests ,we had a holiday to relax and prepare so for that occasion I invited Rick to my family hou....I mean mansion and back then I never told him I was in a rich family because I feared he will look at me differently and not love me the same ever again and I was right he started reacting strange around me really not charming and cool like I used to see of him."I whisper the last part trying to hold back my tears looking at Alex then at Joey.

"So the final tests came and I was doing so good and getting better grades but that wolf kept complmanting me and getting closer to a really risky limit then at the last day he did it."


"FINALLY I FINISHED!!"I shout with a thumb up giggling then run out of the testing room looking around for Rick.

The white wolf was already waiting and pulls me to him dancingwith me playfully as I shrug and play along"Congrats Jean I knew you could do it!!"He comments with a wide smile.

I blush and nod"Thanks Jason but where is Rick? I want to see how he did in his test."I ask confused as I look around the group of furs celebrating then find him then wave for him"RICK!!" I shout happily as he notices me and I try to break free from Jason embrace but to late as I yelp from him kissing me right on the lips and roughly holding me by warping his paws around me his back to Rick so he won't see me resist.

Rick looks at us with a hurt expression as I gasp squirming wanting to break free but he won't let go.

The cougar wants to kill Jason, I can see it in his eyes but he ran instead as I growl loudly shoving the white wolf back then slap him hard across the cheek.

"Hey what was that for?!"He asks with a angry growl.

I look at him with hurt expression myself then I whisper"I hate you! And If you dare get closer to me you will see another part of me bye!"Then I take off after Rick really fast wanting to explain I don't love that jerk.

When I finally reached him I panted"Rick.....please it's wasn't....."Rick looks back at me"How could you do this to me?! Afraid to say you want him over me?!"he shouts angerly and obviously hurt like his heart broken.

"No I love you Rick please believe me I slapped that damn wolf and said I hate him! Please !"I beg him to believe me but to no avail"It's over jean enjoy your time with that dog good bye."he leaves with anger and a lot of pain.

I tried to reach for him but he already takes of in his car and I dropped to my knees crying.

(end of flashback)......

Joey gasp and looks at me wide eyed"He didn't even let you explain?"He asks a little surprised but can't blame him really.

I nod a tear rolling down my cheek"Jason transported to another school when Alex got transported here with my class but we weren't much close just greeting from time to time."I smile at the dragon who nods putting a paw on my shoulder.

"You see that's exactly when me and Kelly became best friends and she did to me what I never thought another girl will do or a friend at that."She stops as the female wolf comes from behind smiling.

"Yeah I'm Kelly, that day when Jason kissed Jean, I video recorded it thinking they became a couple but when i saw the slap it was kinda a Ice breaker for me."She explains with a smile"Jean got depressed and asked for my help so I showed her the video then she begged me to talk to Rick that meat head!"she explains more with a grin.

She leans against the wall to keep going from where Jean stopped"So I did go to Rick but he already moved on being with another girl so I showed him the whole thing and left but Jean she didn't like this one bit and she never moved on or thought of it yet he already did."Joey nods looking at Jean his cold mood changing and he sigh softly regretting this.

"So Rick tried to say he's sorry but I had enough and left him saying he should make her happy just like he would if It was me."The husky finishes with a deep sigh and a tear rolling down her cheek.

Joey is first to react as he pulls her to a deep hug whispering"I'm so sorry for over reacting Jean thank you for telling me."Alex nods putting a paw on her shoulder"He sure did a huge mistake hmm well sorry I need to go home all of you so I'll see you next week enjoy the weekend."He say with a smile looking at the female husky and her friend"Kelly thanks for taking care of Jean even I didn't know that story."before he nudges Joey with a grin and takes of smiling wide.

Joey nods and waves goodbye then Kelly goes next waving at the two but stops looking at Joey before she leaves"Thanks for saving that meat head although you could have got him out of the team for good."then runs off.

Jean looks at Joey smiling as she chuckle"Let's go to my home now sorry for my um......story if it sounded depressing."The white wolf smiles and licks her cheek playfully"Last one to reach your mansion is a crying pup!"

He darts of the gym as she growls laughing, then she takes of after him"I'll get you silly Wolfie!"


Chapter 7- Recounting The Past

\*\*\*\*\*\*(Flashback: Class Schedule-distribution; POV Change: Nathan)\*\*\*\*\*\* "Yes sir: we would like to take those classes." The husky smiles playfully, nodding and getting a little too close to Logan; Dave notices and was about to reach for...

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Chapter 6- Rebirth as a Persona-User

Johnny, very carefully, helped Nathan walk with the group through Tartarus, Elizabeth in the lead. The otter could feel his consciousness slip in and out: it felt like he was trying to sleep yet can't seem to stay asleep; he felt so tired. "Almost...

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Chapter 5- Refusing One's self(part 2)

\*\*\*\*\*\* (POV Change: Nathan) \*\*\*\*\*\* Everyone in the group, including me and Johnny, were on our toes....but it wasn't Elizabeth's fault: she was leading down a very creepy hallway....and it could give anyone the heebie-jeebies. I slipped...

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