My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 23
"no, yukiharu, masashi and me are hanging out while onii-chan and saki-san are for themselves, we promised we will meet them at the time when the fireworks starts." kimi-chan said. "well, have fun kids." i said. "you look nice, kelly-san."
Draco - Chapter 1
sans même tourner le regard je savais qui se tenait à cet instant précis derrière moi. je soupirais, observant l'infini firmament d'un regard mélancolique.
The radio continued, "this declaration from los angeles has inspired protests in san francisco.
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 6
"morning, mayumi-san." hiroyuki, torahiko, kounosuke, and kyouji, greted. "mom, is dad around?" toshi asked. "yes, he's with mitsuhisa-san in the study room." she then looks at me. "oh, mom this is kelly, he would like to talk to dad."
Draco - Chapter 5
Kyo la regarda pendant un long moment sans rien dire. ses yeux se remplirent de larmes. - pour que tu comprennes il faut que je remonte loin dans le passé. il lui raconta tout, d'un bloc sans s'arrêter.
Asriel and Toriel
The prince sans was out hunting on the hills. asriel knew the long-ship of his father coming. "oh!" said he to the servants, "my mother is coming, and she will kill me."
TOKYO ZONE Episode 3 Scavenger Hunt
"um...akane-san?" "what is it already mai?!" tafu asked her angrily as mai pointed to a bunch of arienns with plasma guns. "give us the canister with the substance known as m.a.d!" one of the arienns shouted out.
Identity: Cast of Characters
Fernando da _spencer douglas_; great dane; district attorney of san fernando criminals: _medea_; ?
August 6: An Unusual Big Bro
Even though he and juuichi-san had almost the same heavy build, kenji's softer appearance made him more of the type for a good cuddling.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 3.6 - Red Eye
"was wondering when they'd get someone to replace luzek-san." "uhh, luzek-san?" "oh right, i'm orga, nice to meetcha."
An Experiment Gone Wrong? CH.8 (Rewrite)
He just blinks, but then answers, "sans gave me-" he's interrupted by your laughter, "ha ha, no wonder you didn't like it. azzy that stuff sans has isn't fresh anymore and it's instant coffee.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 6.6 - A New Challenger
"hey raito-san." "ehh? oh." he turned to gen with his beady eyes. "you here fer the circuit?" "yeah, is clover-san around?"