The gutpunching home - Sidestory 1

They both take a second or two more of respite, then the fight resumes. the first to move is rampardos, wanting to score some quick jabs and hooks on haxorus's gut.

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A Conversation in Altered Space

This altered reality affords me a moment of respite, but not for long. in short, whoever's writing this will determine everything. oh, don't worry. you're not part of the story, though i'm sure you have someone else writing down your story for you.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Nine: Barriers And Beyond

But as quickly as the respite formed, it collapsed. the fluyt bucked and pitched, sending marek toppling into snapped ropes and tattered sails. he caught a fistful of fraying sail lines and stopped himself from going over the edge.

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Brother Bear: Chapters 1-3

But he had finally fallen asleep cuddled into me, and i was glad that he might be able to have a night's respite. i woke up to the smell of fresh fish. koda had caught breakfast for both of us!

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Tiger Wolf (pt 1)

"don't be too sure, love, in any case you may see a respite from him soon. davis has a job for him. apparently a known cult is poking around the bones of the giants for something new to play with.

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A Fateful Encounter

He dipped his head under the water, a brief respite from the pounding heat of the sun. as his head broke the surface, he watched the clean water wash from his eyes, allowing him to see again. it was then that his ear picked up a familiar sound.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Seventeen

It was an endless battle with no respite. the projectile of another platform cannon caught the wolf's attention. he looked at the screen and it enlarged itself on that trajectory of that projectile.

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That will be a pleasant respite._another darkness settled over him. one that had nothing to do with the lack of sun. even now, those faces, burned into his mind.


Juryokine: Chapter Twelve

The blissful respite lasted a total of three seconds before the pain hit him like a tidal wave. white hot, burning, mind-shattering pain the like of which he never even knew someone could feel without being killed by it.

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Courageous Efforts and Just Rewards

Looks like that little warm spell is over," he pointed out, as january was riding the dead of winter, and other than a brief respite from the cold, it seemed that a cold snap was due to hit again, any minute.

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A respite. a sip of tea, steam wafting into a woolly face. the other mimics, a beard hanging just below the bottom of the cup. "not only your philosophy, but your biology encourages immoral action?

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Cold Trailing: Some things Never Change

Even that tiny respite put his heart, at least to some small measure, at peace. rising, will walked over to close his office door and turn off the few remaining lights.

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