Chapter 3

"you've got a reason to be there, tickle the derg puss and shit, but we don't." "most of the club is made up of girls and they're single." "yeah i'm down," isaac said. "me too," matty added. "couldn't hurt to at least hear them out," nate pondered.

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Chapter 4

When there's poké-puss involved, i just can't keep my mouth shut." a couple of guys in the background whooped their support. jim let the team have their moment ribbing him before giving one back.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 12

He took a step back, grimacing against the freezing tingle in his muscles as a torrent of fetid blood and puss ran down the monster's spine, steaming in the freezing wind.

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Echo - Road 65 ( 1/2 )

He put his hand on my puss ! hannah, go get daryl ! » heather was sobbing. at the sound of his voice and the sight of his gestures, she hadn't been sober for quite a while.

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A boy and a dragon a tail of two friends complete part one chapters 1-10

Pointed ears though it seemed one was missing, then what i assumed was shoulder-length hair was particularly mattered with congealed blood and dirt there and it was covered in cuts and gashes, some worse than others one on its shoulder appeared to be leaking puss

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