Chapter 1 - A visit in the night
"the prince has his guards, you don't have to be there to keep him safe," the cheetah said carefully, sensing the meaning of the duke's words. he of all people knew how loyal and devoted to the prince's safety his master was.
The Raurim Saga
The prince said. he looked away. "i'm the second eldest.
Angel with black wings
That right i said him , he was prince airus, the prince of the angel and heir to throne of the spirit kingdom.
Fairyland Magic
And then out came her love for the prince (that's still bertram), and how _she_ - or was it _he?
S4 Ep13- Akira vs Kage
#14 of the heroes of gaia (season 4) it's the two lovers the prince of light vs the prince of darkness the next battle was against the two boyfriends akira and kage, the prince of light vs the the prince of shadows.
Geography part 1
Plots and rumors countless plot exist around the prince and the diet, many noble resent how the prince is regaining power lost to them during the reign of his brother kana.
S4 Ep11- Magma vs Bodhi
#12 of the heroes of gaia (season 4) the prince of flames vs the prince of ice in the first match the prince of flames had gone up against the prince of ice, magma vs bodhi.
Clown Mare 4-3
prince blue dream and rane walked to the diner room. they both sat next to each other. had their fill and rane went to do her work around the house. while the prince walked with her and helped her.
S4 Ep12- Victor vs Colton
#13 of the heroes of gaia (season 4) the prince of strength vs the prince of steel the next match was the prince of steel vs the prince of strength which was colton and victor going up against each other.
the Fox of Cendalath chapter two
"my prince it is what the past generation of princes had to." he sighed. "please can it with the formalities at the end of the day i'm one of you." "as you wish felix."
The Crown: Chapter Five
He carried a terrible burden, and yang-wo was only beginning to fathom the depths of the prince's shame.
Bowser Jr.'s punching bag
The young prince does not have enough time to train, do his princely duties, and at the same time scout for potential volunteers, so he pulls rank and orders the elderly assistant kamek to look for them for him. bowser jr.'