Halcyon approached the gray iron bars slowly, his armor jangling ominously. this was his first battle, so he was issued a large and protective set. the rules where simple, the first person to perform hara-kiri lost.
zokerus day-01 kicking heads at a soccer game
A few seconds later the lights came on but being emergency lights( and the fact i like the cliche) the light were in an ominously red shade. suddenly a ear-piercing scream was heard from the top of the bleachers.
Rooftops: Tempest
Six straight zeroes stare ominously at the scene. the storm hits.
Chapter 2 - Death
However the most interesting part of the sphere was in the centre, as contained within the centre was a teenaged girl who was bound to it by chains which kept her silent prison, she wore a mask, an ominous looking mask that had no eye holes or nose
The Way the Wind Blows
Attended by a lion minister in decatur, georgia promising that "god would grant victory to the americans", a sentiment which echoed well with the patriotic groups in the church but in his heart, thompson, dressed in desert fatigues knew that there was something ominous
The Legend of Spyro: Return of the Dragon ch.4
But a dark, ominous storm cloud was starting to brew over head. at the base of this mountain was a cave. the cave went back deep into the center of the mountain where it emptied out into a vast room.
the war part four the jewel
Then a few days later an earthquake began over the whole entire continent of north america opening fissures all around the continent but with the earthquake a lot of temples began to rise up from the ground and one had an ominous glow with a twin raising with
That time he could hear more ominous smacking noises, after the normal-sounding conversation. did yuuichi join a club he didn't know about?
Digimon: Data Release
Something dark and ominous rose from with in him. he felt hot, and hungry. his veins were fire and his heart pounded in his ears. staring at the boy who was starting to come closer looking rather pleased with himself.
389 Many Years Earlier
"they's gonna be doing something a whole lot worse than just droppin' her," mutters the skeezy dude ominously. "i totally heard 'em say it when i crashed inna them. that hot lioness-lookin' girl, she really in for it."
Girls' Zone 1
The air was ominous now and chika felt at unease just as the hood was about to be flipped off to reveal the face of the mysterious girl. just who was she? the end.
There was always an ominous cloud of smoke around the tip of the mountain. though it hadn't erupted recently the occasional shower of ash reminded them of the threat it posed on a regular basis.