The Legend of Spyro: Return of the Dragon ch.4
Evil returns...
The Legend of Spyro: Return of the Dragon
Legalities: All characters in this story with the exception of Nova and two others that won't be named for spoiler purposes belong to Sierra Entertainment.
Authors note: sorry this took so long but school has been hectic and I've had no inspiration. I alos just finished up my term finals so more time for me?. But here is the next chapter. Oh and before I forget, I just wanted to give this little update. I f you haven't noticed, this story is rated M. Now up to now there has been no need for that title. It will get violent and gory in future chapters. (as well as smexy;) So if you're reading the story for that, just hang tight.
Chapter 4: He Just Can't Let it Go
Somewhere far beyond the boarders of Avalar, far beyond the influence of dragons, moles, or cheetah, stood a lone mountain. Its peak stood thousands of feet in the air, over the cloud line and out of site. The land around the mountain was all dead, as if someone had set off a nuclear warhead. Nothing grew or lived in the wasteland around the mountain. But a dark, ominous storm cloud was starting to brew over head.
At the base of this mountain was a cave. The cave went back deep into the center of the mountain where it emptied out into a vast room. In this room there was a nest with two dragon eggs. One was red with yellow and orange stripes running around it. The other blue, with white speckles randomly scattered around its surface. On either side of the eggs stood two huge dark crystals, both of which emanated a dark, evil glow. A third dark crystal stood about 20 feet away from the nest. This one was a tad bigger though, and had a big smooth surface facing in the direction of the nest.
With the exception of the dark crystals, all seemed peaceful. Then out of nowhere, one of the eggs cracked. And then the other did as well. Slowly but surely, the crack got bigger, and more cracks started to stem off of those. And then finally, out of the blue egg popped out a little paw. And then another. Then a head came out. Then the little hatchling burst out of the shell with some vigor and took a look around at the world for the first time. The first thing that it saw was a big red egg sitting it was sitting next to. It attempted to stand but wasn't strong enough yet and fell back to the ground with a plop. It did however crawl over to the egg and proceeded to sniff it. It recognized the scent. It couldn't place it but it knew that it was familiar in some way. As is began to touch in with its little outstretched paw the egg burst open and out came another little hatchling.
Both hatchlings were about the same size, no bigger than a small dog. They were brother and sister. The blue one had sky blue scales with a white under belly. Her wings were also white. White like snow. She had big blue eyes and had two horns that where slightly curved and looked like ice sickles.
Her brother had fire red scales with an orange under belly. Around his feet and ankle where yellow streaks that combined with his other scales looked like flames. His wings where yellow like his feet. He had quite peculiar eyes for each one was a different color. One was brown, but the other red. His horns where shorter than his sisters but where thicker and more jagged than smooth.
The blue hatchling looked around at the room that she was in, looking for her mom. When she didn't see anything she began to whimper and cry. Her brother, although only a few minutes old noticed this and crawled over to comfort her. He nuzzled her head with his. This calmed her down and comforted her. They both promptly fell asleep together due to the exhaustion of hatching.
Soon after the two hatchlings fell asleep, the dark crystals started to glow, and emit shadow and dark lighting. The two hatchlings awoke to the sounds and started to whimper in fear as the dark clouds of shadow started to engulf the both of them. They soon began to cry, but to no avail as no one was there to answer their calls. After the shadow engulfed the two there was a loud crack and the lighting started to shoot into the cloud of shadow. The cries of fear soon turned to cries of pain and suffering as the cloud grew in size. It got bigger and bigger until it filled about half of the cavern up.
As all of this was happening, the third crystal started to glow. And an evil laugh started to come from it. The laugh belonged to none other than Malefor, the dark master. His grimacing cackle that could make even the mightiest of warriors cower, echoed throughout the cavern. The sight before him only made him smile as his vengeance was at hand.
The cries of anguish slowly changed from the high pitched squeaky voice of a hatchling to much deeper voices. Soon the cloud began to dissipate and outline of two dragons could be seen. Malefor began to chuckle at his handy work as two fully grown dragon stepped out of the remaining mist.
No longer cute innocent hatchlings, the two dragons walked up to the crystal and both bowed. Upon standing, one could immediately notice the changes beside that of size.
The male now had a black and red pattern all over his hide. His wings were still yellow but his claws along with the majority of his body had turned black.
The female now had a body much like Cynder's when she was evil except that she had streaks of blues running across her body. She too had the majority of her hide turned black.
It was at this time that Malefor spoke up
"Ah finally, my revenge can be put into motion. You, female" called malefor
"yes master?" she replied
"You shall be known as Nex"
"thank you master" said Nex
"And you male"
"yes master?" he said
"You shall be Morsus"
"Thank you master"
"You two shall be the tools of my vengeance! Spyro may have defeated me but he cannot possibly hope to defeat two of my own offspring!"
Well there is chapter 4. Hope you enjoyed it. Please comment so that I may improve my writing. And I know that there WILL be grammar and spelling errors so if you find any it would be appreciated. I will try not to take six months to update next time. lol c u ltr