The Last Game of the Master Domino Player
Goes after the elderly and is viscous in their plan of attack the master domino player though, he's stubborn and for his age quite strong this game, it's guaranteed to be painfully long the wise old domino master, he watches the opponent make the
Me and my masters part 2
The next mourning came and the three headed giant woke up and got out of bed. then they yawned and stretched and looked at the time on the alarm clock. after they did that they walked to the living room and left the cave and took a walk to find...
Me and my masters part 1
Once upon a time in a nice and clean town there was a guy named nick who had a nice and wonderful life. but it got boring from time to time though but he didn't mind it one bit. Nick:well let's see i had a good time with a few guys and they enjoyed...
E-mails from the hound-master
Your former hound-master, -hector gonzales end
Aaru - Chapter 10 (New Masters)
master aceh had always told me that i would know when i was ready to know. it felt like cheating by getting master jun'lao to tell me, but i felt it was time for me to know. "how do you know it!?"
Chapter 6: Part 1: The Thief King's Order
Seirkaru actually flinches and whimpers "yes master." before seeming to vanish. "now, hunter, i know what brings you here. do you?"
Love In The Castle: Part 3
Beginning to wake up from feinting earlier during the king's pleasuring, she starts to open her eyes only to find she can't see through the all consuming darkness. Now more than a little frightened she immediately wakes up seeing that she is lying in...
A Special Gift
"master" over the last couple of years." the vulpine started, seeming to have to struggle to speak out the word master.
When bark turns to bite- The Collar
He looked to drake, "master, how about just a plain black collar?" he asked. "unless you wanted something fancier of course, master." he said bowing his head slightly. drake shrugged. "its up to you my pet.
LoS Into The Shadows Ch7
"well... we didn't which one master wanted." it gave an understanding nod before asking, "and why are they damaged?"
A New Life Ch.7
On the way through the town kyo looked at his master. "master who's all coming on this trip." icewaver leaned back and rested his paws behind his head. "well let's see.
Arrc and Dante (WIP)
He loved making his master happy and he knew hide-n-seek was one of master's favorite games. dante started out in the living room, but quickly made his way to the hall way when he heard the brooms and mops clang together.