Me and my masters part 2

Story by Nicholas Hanson on SoFurry

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The next mourning came and the three headed giant woke up and got out of bed. then they yawned and stretched and looked at the time on the alarm clock. after they did that they walked to the living room and left the cave and took a walk to find something to eat for breakfast. meanwhile under a tree in the middle of the woods nick opened his eyes and woke up. then he yawned and stretched.

Nick:that was a good sleep. it would of been better with that guy in the huge cave in these woods. oh well as soon as i find him i'm sure i'll have plenty of wonderful sleeps with him. time to continue and find him now.

Then nick started to walk in the woods more and he was thinking on how the guy looked like in his head as he walked. he thought of him nice, big, strong, and handsome with a nice voice and a lovely personality.

Nick:ohhh with the thought of him in my head now i really can't wait to meet him.

The giant was still walking in the woods and they found something for breakfast and they hunted it down and took it back to the cave. after a while they got full and took another walk in the woods to work the weight off of there stomach. Nick walked a little more until he got to a lake and then he saw a waterfall flowing too and smiled.

Nick:oh wow. what a lovely lake this is. and the water looks so nice and clear too. and it also looks drinkable too.

He then bent down and drank some of the water and then got up and swallowed it down his throat.

Nick:it is drinkable. no salt in it either. i wonder why is that too. i can figure that out later right now i got to go and find that nice and wonderful guy so i can make him feel loved and show my love too.

The giant was still walking in the woods still and nick got up and walked more into the woods too. he got to about near halfway of the woods and then nick sat down and looked a little sad.

Nick:oh my i think i'm lost. and i really want to see this guy sometime today too before it gets night time so i can sleep with him and show him how much love i can bring.

Then nick showed tears and began to cry. a few miles away the three headed giant heard nicks cries and ran to find him. after a while they saw nick sitting on the ground and herd him cry. then they looked down at him and got a little down.

giant:hey sir are you ok?

Nick heard the giant and moved his head up and got up off the ground and he stopped cring and wiped the tears fro his eyes.

Nick:yeah i'm ok sir. i guess i was cring cause i feel a little alone right now. and i was on my way to meet someone. i feel a little better now since your here to keep me company.

Giant:yay. so why don't you show me your face so we can see each other now. i would love to see how you look like.

Nick:hee hee ok.

Then nick turned around and saw some purple legs. and then he looked up and saw that the guy was huge and had three heads too.

Giant:why hello there.

Left and right head:hi there.

Nick then smiled and thought to himself. "oh wow what a huge and handsome giant. awww and he has three heads too. that's so cool and they do look cute too" he then smiled more.

Nick:why hello there you three.

The giant then turned around and all three heads looked down and sad.

Nick:awww what's wrong you guys.

Middle head:you'll probably run away now because we're a giant with three heads.

Left head:yeah. and then you'll run back to town and hide somewhere.

Right head:and shake in fear because we scared you so badly that you won't come into the woods anymore.

Nick felt a little down because they said that. then he went in front of the giant and hugged one of there legs and smiled. the giant looked down at nick and all three smiled at him.

Nick:well i was scared. but only for a tad bit until i saw how cute, tall, and handsome you three looked. then i wasn't scared anymore but i was happy and cheerful.

All three heads:awww why thank you.

Then they grabbed nick and picked him up and put him in there other paw which they flattened out.

Middle head:we haven't been introduced yet. my name is arrow. arrow silverwing

Left head:i'm dusk. nice to meet you.

Right head:and i'm shade.

Nick:nice to meet you arrow, dusk, and shade. my name is nicholas hanson. or nick for short.

All three heads:nice to meet you too nick.

then they moved the paw that had nick in it up close and then all three kissed him softly and happily and nick kissed all three of them back and smiled big.

Arrow:awww your such a charmer.

Dusk:and so cute.

Shade:and very very handsome too.

Nick:awww thanks you guys. well i got to go and find this guy who lives in a huge cave in the woods so i can show him my love and he can show his love back.

Arrow:you mean the huge cave we live in?

Nick:so the huge cave is your cave? wow you and this guy who is living with you must really love it huh.

Dusk:there is no one else living in our cave nick.

Shade:yeah. we live there alone.

Nick:awww you poor guys. i know how it feels to live alone cause i live alone at my place too. and i was wanting to someone to live with me or i wanted to live with someone else so i wouldn't feel alone anymore.

Arrow:hey why not live with us cutie.

Dusk:yeah. then we all won't have to be alone anymore.

Shade:well we keep each other company you two.

Arrow:your right shade. but if nick lived with us too we can make him feel less alone.

Nick:you mean it guys. you want me to stay with you?

All three heads:of course sweetie.

Nick:sure thing guys. i would love to live with you.

All three heads:yay

Arrow:oh thanks nick. you made us so happy right now.

Nick:and i'm happy too. but i'll stay the night first to see if i feel comftrable in the cave first.

Dusk:sounds fair to me.

Shade:sounds fair to me too.

Arrow:and me. well lets go to the cave now then.

Then the three started to walk to there cave and nick sat down on there folded out paw and smiled as they all were headed to the three headed giants cave.