Me and my masters part 1

Story by Nicholas Hanson on SoFurry

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Once upon a time in a nice and clean town there was a guy named nick who had a nice and wonderful life. but it got boring from time to time though but he didn't mind it one bit.

Nick:well let's see i had a good time with a few guys and they enjoyed having a fun time with me too. even the yiffy part too. that part was a blast every single time too. but i wonder sometimes. if there is somewhere else i can go to have even more fun cause it does intend to get boring here from time to time.

Then nick went to the park and sat down on a bench and wondered to himself.

Nick:there's got to be a better spot to have some fun and to find someone who i can really make happy and really love them lots too.

Just then this guy came from the bushes and sat down on the bench near nick and smiled.

Guy:i over heard you in the bushes and i think i know where you can have a great time and find this great guy who you can make really happy and make feel lots of love too.

Nick:oh really? where is that?

Guy:it'll cost you a little before i can tell you. i need to get back up on my feet cause i'm in a little slump.

Nick:sure. how much do you want.

Guy:well you look like a nice guy so i'll say 50 dollars. i would of asked for 100 dollars but your cute so i'll give you a half off discount.

Nick:hee hee ok sir.

Then nick pulled 50 dollars out of his pocket and he gave it to the guy and then he told nick to scoot closer to him so nick did and then the guy whispered in nicks ear.

Guy:there's a cave very very deep inside of the woods. and it is a big cave too. and there's this guy living inside of it too. he is nice sweet and caring too. and well when i was in the woods i overheard him say that he is looking for someone to love and take care of.

Nick:oh really? well then i better go to the woods and find this cave and guy so i can tell him that i'm his man to be loved and to take care of me too. and i will take care of him and make him feel loved too. thank you for this information sir. i will never forget it.

Then nick got off the bench and ran towards the woods and smiled along the way.

Guy:i forgot to tell him that this guy was a huge giant and had three heads. oh well he'll find out really soon and he'll might run back to his house and hide just like i did when i saw that three headed giant. i feel ashamed that i did too because they were really nice and i really wanted to be his pet too. oh well i'm sure that guy well be a great pet to them.

After a few minutes nick got to the outside of the woods and smiled.

Nick:well here's the woods. time to find this guy who lives in the huge cave deep deep inside of it and anounce that i'm here to make him feel love and joy. i'm just he's a nice guy too. i wonder why that guy at the park saw him and ran. he must of been scared of something or something and it made him run away. it won't happen to me though cause i'm more braver then him.

Then nick went inside the woods and started his journey to find the guy in the woods. he walked around a little and then sat down on a rock and started to think.

Nick:hmmm i know i traveled a little far now. i'll take a shot break to catch my breath and then i'll walk around for a while longer. it may take a day or two to find this guy and his cave but it'll be worth it.

A few minutes passed and nick was all relaxed and ready to continue on his journey. so he got up off of the rock and he continued to walk a little more deeper inside the woods. after a while longer the day turned into night and nick started to yawn and get a little tired.

Nick:oh man i have been walking all day and now it's night time and i'm getting tired. i'll go to sleep here under this tree so i won't get to cold.

He then got under the tree he was near and laid down on his back and closed his eyes and fell asleep. meanwhile deep in the woods the ground shook a little as the giant three headed guy went inside of there cave and they went to the bedroom and tucked themselfs into bed. then they yawned and put there heads on the big pillow and then closed there eyes and feels asleep too.