The World Games Convention - Chapter 1: GPW Issue 1

#1 of the world games convention decided to try my hand at a very different style of writing compared to what i've done in the past, i hope my first attempt at an epistolary works for a furry story. gamer pack weekly: 03.04.2018 wgc to go to london!

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A Letter to Elizabeth

Just a short epistolary story. well, i went and done something stupid tonight. for those familiar with tvtropes, i spent a good deal of time there today.

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E-mails from the hound-master

Dear Dylan Jenkins, First off I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hector Gonzales. I'm glad you've decided to seek help during your "transition" and chose us. I am assigned to be your hound-master. Although the term is quite antiquated (and...

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The World Games Convention - Chapter 2: A letter to Dewi

03.04.2018 Dear Dewi, I think this letter writing is going to be a fun pass time and a new way to hear from you, I look forward to reading your letter when you send it. How's my favourite Welsh tiger anyway? I'm not sure why I insisted on this...

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