Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 37
What kind of a wife couldn't make her ailing husband a soothing cup of tea? a bad one, of course.
The Harmony in Discord: Victoria
Each day passing, as victoria hoped that she had made her husband proud of the life she now lead.
Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 3: Chapter 1: Wounded Tiger
Beast summoner, an adventurer, and i found my reborn husband.
Potato Soup
Sorry ... " "no reason to be sorry ... uh ... " she turned the front, left burner to the lowest heat setting, and then padded toward her husband. "uh, cut them in little chunks. not slices.
Blank Verse Essay On The Futility of So-Called "A.I." Art
The comment about some of my husband's art was real.
Day 8 - Toy
It had all started with a simple remark from my husband as we had dinner, a single mention of a niece's birthday that was approaching, followed by a frown that darkened his tusked face.
Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 38
Anger was not something a proper lady should allow herself to feel, especially not at her husband.
Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 38
Anger was not something a proper lady should allow herself to feel, especially not at her husband.
Hummingbird and Ostrich Egg and Vice-Versa and No Fun to It
"we're right here with you," said her husband. barb was glad to have such a great support group.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 104
"oh yes, this is my husband, richard!" isabelle shout toward chris, her husband turning and raising his hand in greeting.
Happy Birthday Sam!
William sat down in the couch and kissed his husband in the cheek. "what have me away?" "cigarettes." "damn, just that?" he kissed sam's cheek, then bit his nape slightly, making him moan.
No Light to be Seen: Chapter 8
Meanwhile the husband was too busy to reconcile his wife.