G.R.R. Chapter 3
Clyde pulls me back up to my feet and headbutts me with his monster-sized head. my back hits the canvas instantly. my head is hurt and it's ringing. i reach to hold my head so it will stop hurting but then i look at my paws and see blood.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 12
After a strong blow, he managed to recover fast enough to headbutt belial with his horns, then grabbed the demon prince's hand and delivered a knee kick towards belial, knocking his wind out.
6- Scorching Ignition (Finale)
Rift retaliated with his own tail, grabbing a hold of silvus' neck and pulling him forward, connecting a headbutt. he grunted and dropped down, flipping his cousin over and slamming his head into the silver drake's stomach.
Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 7 Halloween Special.
Rall commands lenia to use headbutt against the zubat. lenia is still confused and misjudged the distance and slams into the ground. the zubat takes this chance and hits the eevee with it's wings, causing lenia to teeter.
Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 7 - Stalwart Simians
He was grabbing fists that held swords, pulling them hard towards him to either headbutt or gutpunch the crew at his whim. even the larger muscular kremlings, such as k.
The Sincerest Form
He'd started taking down loggers left and right with kicks, punches, headbutts and takedowns, finally letting all the resentment that he'd built up from having been bullied over the course of his life rise up to the surface to unleash it on the world with
Phoenix's Story - Chapter Four
Now i could turn around and return the favor, slam right into him in a headbutt attack... i heard sara call out from the side. "good job phoenix!
Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.8 - The Rage of Youth
Sa-rhee lunged with a flying kick as kiryu countered with a headbutt to the gut, grabbing the stego's leg to try and flip him judo-style.
Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Book 2, Chapter 31
After moving back and forth, tallow avoiding an angry sheep that tried to headbutt him away from a particular part of the field that it was grazing in, they finally made it unscathed to the other side of the field.
{Pokémon/Diapers} A Diapered Dungeon Adventure
In another fit of irrational rage, gabite leans forward and rushes at them with a headbutt, but the duo simply step to the side and watch him go head first into the rocky wall, causing him to immediately lose consciousness.
Spyro's Old Flame: Chapter 4 - Spyro's Whole New Flame
Still, flame had gotten a few good headbutts in, and actually surprised spyro by knocking him on his rump more than once. and after an hour or so of playing, the two dragons were more equally matched.
TNA One Night Only: Monster's Ball
I go for a big headbutt, but jack just kept punching away, it was like he didn't even feel it. i pushed his fists away to try for another but he got his arm around me in a big headlock.