Nightfall came early in Passchendaele, the sky was overcast and light fled much earlier as a result. Scott sat on the steps of an unoccupied parapet, feeling an intense sensation of sorrow go through him. He looked over at the stripes pinned to his...
The Display
I couldn't take it anymore. i know where i am going, i welcome it as i don't deserve anything else." "you are wrong you know." said a deep, soft and commanding voice from behind the cubs, making all of them jump and yelp in fright.
Run like hell
You turn and dash toward the far side of the island and reach the shore. You see a scaly body out in the ocean break the surface and then slink back down below the water again. Then you see and feel a claw wrap around you and are lifted up to look the...
Taking Over: Chapter One - Lexi and Atrum
Chapter one of the series taking over by bloodxfilledxtears aka lexi skye.
Desperate To Pass {Desperation, WS}
It wasn't so bad she couldn't focus, but bad enough to take her attention from the test. she had to bring her focus back to the test, however. time was once again called, just as she answered the last question.
Breath taking...
Breath taking...
Taking Andy
#1 of first short story just seeing if i am an enjoyable writer the light changes from green to red; he doesn't take notice in it because he is staring at his phone texting unimportant words.
Take it Slow...
But in the end, i say, my friend, breathe in deeply and ascend, take it slow, take it slow, take it slow...
Taking A Leap
He then looked down, taking colton's hands and rubbing them gently.
Taking For Himself
Everything that was yours, that now sits there for me to take at my leisure." at the realization that dragonien intended to take more, sini's eyes went wide. he began to move forward in an attempt to stop the red dragon somehow.
Take a Dip
take a dip "alex, you're feeding the river otters today." mr. williams said, looking me directly in the eyes. i groaned. not again. "really? you know i don't like feeding them.
Taking Flight
As his vision came back he was amazed at the level of detail he could now see, everything brought into sharp focus and a level of detail he had trouble taking in at first.