Learning To Fall Part 7

He then began to move in place before crossing his front legs and falling on his side with a loud groan.

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DoC-Ep8-The Fall out-

However with the three defenders of Crystal fighting something negative happens out of their control. Because of Magic Monsters showing up in the small town and the visible damage happening overnight people began complaining that something or someone...

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The Fall A Story of Young pup

#1 of the fall a story of a young pup i'm coming back to it and this one is going to get re edited a man stands on the stage at one of main market villages in front of hundreds of people.

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Every time I fall

And every time i fall, the ground tells me i'm in love. and every single time, i keep coming back.


Don't Let me Fall

Are you with me through out it all will you catch me if i fall? why can't i feel your presence near me? why can't you see that you're all i need to set me free?


The falling temple (part 1)

(s) king louie looked at his palace falling apart, he didn't know what to do. his obsession over mans red fire ceased briefly as he ran toward a collapsing pillar and used his arms to keep the building from crumbling.

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The Rise and Fall of Rebekah Huotari

I'm not going to have to fall back on daddy's money to buy me a trashy nightclub." serge's gaze hardened. she saw his claws starting to unsheathe. his voice was a growl as he spoke. "you better hope so. what's your fall-back plan?

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Falling at a Coffee Shop Part II

Shivering at the corner and with his eyes fixed on the ground, wes could hear someone pad up next to him, and the cold sting of falling rain drops abruptly stopped. looking up, wes saw that an umbrella was now shielding him from the rain.

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Fenris' Inferno Chapter 4.5: Falling

So, without further procrastination, i present the completely original, copyrighted, all characters belonging to their creator (fenris lupin), chapter 4.5 of inferno: **falling** light yet heavy, calm yet worried, swift yet slow. falling.

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Darkness 4: Things Fall Apart

Mulvaney sidesteps, and i fall crashing to the wet ground, my sword sliding away from me, out of reach. mulvaney points his sword, like he did that night, at my head and speaks. 'again.' training was not going well.

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Pre-Last Stand: Fall of Heroes

If you'd like to add a character, pm me the stats by using this link's guide: [http://www.sofurry.com/page/260829](http://www.sofurry.com/page/260829) pre-last stand: fall of heroes 20 years ago....
