Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 07
"dad entered the competition regardless of his chances, just for her... mom was really terrified, she thinking that dad would get hurt or worse yet, killed in the trials.
Out of Place - Chapter 2
Winning the competition today is important for the participants; their families want their children to take the best winning time. the basic concept of the competition is to prove when you are a capable young adult.
Zootopian Finish (Finale Pt 2)
I am sooooo not sorry to say this but you're cut from the competition." donna can feel her blood boil and her fists clench up. like tammy and claudia, she can feel a freakout coming.
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 16-A Dream Come True
But again,slower speed means your competition has the extra time it took you to get off the line over you.
TBW:IQ - Chapter One: The Start
"it is also very irritating how she does rock-climbing, hill walking, swimming, competition running, competition dancing and archery as well as riding her horse too. oh, and that she does mountain biking as well." sighed simon.
Jeremy; List Of Species
The two are an interesting comparison against the competition of the cats of africa.
Lonely Oak Chapter 78 - Flight Of The Spelling Bee (Part 2)
"i'm glad you're all so competitive, but let's be nice and have good sportsmanship. let's keep going." "my name is barney," the sun bear almost interrupted mr. wiggin. "and my favorite word is 'gallop'." "thank you, barney--" "oh!
Day 01- Head of Household
"hope you all are having fun, because it's time for the first head of household competition of the trial." everyone whooped and cheered when they heard the news.
A beautiful world, prologue part 2/2
It was a competition some saw as a little barbaric, but those liking and understanding it more honed it as an art, where one were to test their strength in a friendly fashion of competition.
A forgotten foe (Chapter 4 of my YuGiOh series)
Hopefully, they'd know where to find him before he got too far into the competition. soon, he found himself at the registration gate and looked at the time. 9:56 a.m. just barely on time.
The Wolf's Pursuit
"you're sure you want to be so friendly with the competition?" "no offence nate, but you're not much for competition." faith countered with a sigh. "you are definitely not what adala had me expecting. you're loud and clumsy and all over that place."
He loved the competitive atmosphere of the game and hoped to compete in the esports competition later in the year. the family was one of golden retrieves, all of which had their own distinct variation of brown, tan, blonde, and white fur.