Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 3

Eventually i'd be forced to leave the city if not the state completely, likely being forced to change out what mask i use and get a new cloak.

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The Magician's Test

Rolling to a stop next to one of the nearby bookshelves, the ghost picks himself up and dusts off his cloak before heading over to retrieve his monocle.

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Just Breathe - Chapter 1

I watch his eyes dart around the camp as i do my best to keep the cloak held shut around my middle.

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Science for the Sci-fi Writer: Dark Matter

We can't see it, so maybe you could stretch that fact to use it as a source of cloaking technology... but as a sci-fi fan, i'm not buying that.

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Sons of winter chapter 5: Sharphorn

Once she settled onto her haunches with her head canted, aleks unstrapped the knapsack from his back, splayed his cloak along the ground, and upended his knapsack over the dried leather surface on the back of his cloak.

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A King's Sorrow - Chapter I: Exile of The North.

Neath that cloak was a great ax strapped to the man's back. its handle was a rich and dark ebony was as long as he was tall and sheened with a finish to make it weatherproof.

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CinderWereFox (Chapter 1)

Sliding down a bracketed drain, he landed silently in a narrow alley, the cloaked figure searching around for a few minutes in a disorganized pile of plants, and finally finding several pale lilacs which were yet fresh, he tucked them into his cloak and was

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Rainbow Dash Vs Eight Star

He stood before the entrance in a black cloak and hood as multiple military stallions encircled him. they had all sorts of interesting weaponry, the kind which used... bullets and mechanics, and whatever else.

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Master of Realms

The cloaked figure batted it away and he opened a portal and went through.


Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 12

She wore a long green travelling cloak, with the hood pulled up over her head.

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A More Exotic Locale

"you would be amazed at how much you can fit into the pockets of a good cloak." kickaha spun around showing off his green cloak.

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Over the Mountain Intro

On top of a small hill, crouching alone with an old brown cloak drawn around him, was a young lizard. the lizard was dressed in a plain green tunic along with his cloak, and his green and blue scales shone with a slight tinge of red from the sunset.

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