Zombiology - Bighorn Sheep

The hungry undead were in varying states of decay, some struggling to climb with missing limbs and appendages.

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Jet-A (2019)

Joey nodded and climbed up the red painted, steel ladder that was propped up against the fuselage side. joey climbed up and popped the rain streaked canopy open.

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:10)

You climb a tree, and sit. about 3 minutes later, you hear minions. "again?" you wisper to yourself. you climb higher. everyone passes you. bowser walks by with bowser jr in his arms. one of the koopalings see you. you put your finger on your lips.

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Obamon Meal 9

"this climb didn't look this high from the ground," commented sharkfang after climbing so high people would appear like ants on the ground below him. "why do i have to climb anyway?"

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Mail Order Micros

Then he slammed his hooves into the wall and began to climb directly up them. "... but... but he's a horse! horses can't climb! that doesn't even make sense!" kickaha threw up his arms. "if i make it out of this alive!

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The Ancient Clock of the Mice

For a brief moment he considered climbing up and trying to force a gear to stop with brute force. he took a few steps up the wall... "squeak!" when aurum saw the other mouse climbing up he cried out in protest.

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"The Best Their Is . . ." Page 1

Bret sees his opportunity and climbs to the top rope looking to climb the large white pole to retrieve the canadian flag the bulldog scoops up the patriot and powerslams him to the mat then moves on to vader who is attempting to climb the ring

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climb." arc gave a sheepish smile, but dug her claws into the stone and began to climb slowly, taking her time to find the next safest place to grab. water dripped off her matted fur.

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The Tale of Mortibe from the Song of Hannari

And so mortibe climbed to the top of mount chalada, that high place where the stem of the earth touches the tree of ages, and climbed even the stem of the earth to the bough of the highest places.

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Valencia III

River began to climb upward against the slimy tunnel as rhett inched along behind her, trying his best to keep his inflation sac as large as possible.

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Another Tundra Race

Over at the flagpoles, deedee and kitty have started to climb. rachel is close to getting her flag and becky is halfway up her pole. when barbara & eddy arrive, eddy starts climbing. "you can do this, eddy!" barbara cheers.

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anthem of the flagmen

Now is where we begin ascension in the battles of musket and fire, we were there with a great desire in the battles of sergeants and fighting, we were there, bleeding and dying you've given them credit and forgotten us still, but we'll be there to climb

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