Chocolate Factory/Care A Lot

christians have their "heaven"; buddhists have their "nirvana". well, i have my "chocolate factory/care a lot", and it would be my ideal heaven.

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Evensong for Flock and Pack

[redacted] disputed, argued it warranted further investigation, citing that does not contain any reference to any specifically christian doctrines or images. dr. [redacted] countered to this, quote, "yeah, like esoteric evangelicalism." dr.

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Life has givin me the chance to see some beloved family(even if christian and think im satan for being gay.. ohwell) but some one asked me when i was gone what are my fav bands?!?!


My coming out trouble (sorry for bad spelling)

Im not sayign this is bad becouse i am a proud christian, but this made it harder than it could have been, you see since i was 13 i had been out to my freind ashley becouse i knew i could trust her and she is like my best freind ever.

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Birthday: friends at solstice

He always did his best to get along with tj's christian comrades, and for the most part they were either polite in turn or scared shitless of the muscular wrestler with a black shirt.

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"oh my god, what are you and what have you done with my christian bf!?" sydney said, trying to hold back laughter.

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Archie and Lu

No, christians, it's not heaven and hell. nothing so melo- dramatic as ultimate good versus ultimate evil. archie and lu still talk to each other, debate human nature.

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Momma and Randall

"ah, well, agnostic, atheist, christian, muslim, we are all loved by the same god, are we not?" "yes, momma."

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homophobia and u

I am the person who is afraid of telling his loving christian parents he loves another male. re-post this if you believe homophobia is wrong. please do your part to end it._ please comment

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Sun Goddess of Lemuria

Likewise, portuguese catholicism found it much easier to syncretise her with the virgin mary and the woman cloaked in the sun in revelation; lemurian christian beliefs even say that the world was dark before the birth of virgin mary, and that the garden of

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Suicide is the key to life!

In christianity, suicide is a sin, why? because it negates the purpose of life, which is to live and experience.

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An Ode to Snakes! (A slightly Surreal Poem)

christians don't like us because of their book we all know to tell 'em "take a good look!" "it isn't our fault, the devil is sneaky he doesn't speak for us, he's totally creepy!"

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