The Minotaur's Master
Terrance looked out at the city, he had returned to his home state after a going away to Greece to get his degree in Greek History. The man had been interested in the Greek's past since he was a child; the ideas of the civilization's mythology had...
Kairi in a Mad World
Black boots clicked on the pavement, the girl paused for a moment and let out a heavy sigh. "Where are you?" Kairi continued to wonder worlds, trying to find Sora. Everyone else told the dark amber headed girl that it wasn't safe to wonder different...
A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 5
They can't understand what it's like to be linked as we are, and they see us as a threat to their individuality, like somehow if we got loose and on our own again, we'd subsume them and brainwash them into our society.
Zoo 52 Issue 2: Of Troy
"huh, you know let me think about tha- you brainwashed me. that is what did it." she huffs, staring back at the hyena. "no, sorry, common mistake. brainwashing is when you tinker with someone's head once, and whatever's done then is done.
The Zoo Poké
A school bus pulling up to a new zoo didn't appear that odd, but when the park had a Pokéball on its front sign it became quickly apparent that this was anything but an ordinary zoo. To the kids though that poured off of the bus it was their everyday...
Ra's Begining
Anubis brushed sand off of his shoulder as he stepped through a sandy vail, "You know for being great magical beings we would've thought of different ways of teleportation..." The Jackal stood at a very tall height as he admired the view in front of...
Rising Tides Part 2
The weapons were really in case any of the brainwashed humans tried to attack them.
Gnoll Brigand: The Adventure (Prologue I)
(specify)** foreign relations the other races chide your people, calling them things like slothful, mangy, abomination, daemon-touched, brainwashed, and a whole bunch of other thing you don't quite understand, but being a gnoll is hard work.
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Thirty One
The slayers didn't have time to stop, and they charged straight into the army of brainwashed mythics. the repurposed didn't need to be told what to do, they immediately began hacking and slashing at every black-coated warrior in sight.
His Only Happy Ending
"those fruity religious centers that try and brainwash people?" "yep, so you wanna get out of the house for a while?" "what did you have in mind?"
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Thirty Two
The mythics couldn't defeat that thing on their own, and the slayers had their hands full with the brainwashed mythics.
Chapter 2
It'd be very difficult to brainwash you though serena, since... you're you.