Chapter 2

Story by Kynexn on SoFurry

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#2 of Started with a Rock: Arc 2 - The Reunion

MM, things are getting bit more interesting here. Where will it lead to?

Almost as he spoke, she sat on her haunches, her tail swirling around her, setting her egg against her forepaw as she looked up towards the same area that Kyn had been. She was comfortable here, perhaps it was the fact that she was in a place that was MADE for training her kin, and yet not...artificial, or forced. Her earfins flicked backwards as her curiosity got the better of her and her neck swayed forward for a better look.

"Impressive... you did not disappoint me. Would you please come closer, and let me examine you?" The last statement was clearly directed at Serena, though it could also have been interpreted to mean both of them, since she hadn't seen him in a while, and he had not shown her his Reshiram yet.

Serena carefully--as she was so used to being in a world made too small for her these days--stood and stepped forward, around her egg, her green eyes focused on the woman before her, but she didn't just stop at one or two steps, she had said closer, and so she got to the point where she was looking down at the gym leader, her neck craned and proud. With each step she had taken, her claws clicked against the floor. Specifics; would she have to train this one too? Her tongue flicked out over her lips, tasting the air before sliding back into her mouth. Her tail was still, but Serena didn't break eye contact with Clair.

She spoke, knowing that the girl couldn't understand her, and even though the words held a rumble, perhaps they would put her at ease...or do the exact opposite. "Good Afternoon, Madam Clair."

"Has it really been a good afternoon for you? Mine has been rather droll." She stylistically waved her cape behind her with one arm to make it move. "Anyway, welcome Serena, to my Gym. As you know, I am a Dragon-type specialist, and if I may say so, you are quite a fine one indeed." Paying close attention to all aspects of her body, she did happen to notice that Serena's horns were a different color than the last Salamence she had seen, but she wasn't going to mention it outright.

Kyn was a bit surprised to hear Clair answer so quickly like that, and wasn't exactly sure if she just assumed what she was saying or if she actually knew, but not was not the time to be inquiring into such matters.

She snorted, that caught her off guard, and from a subtle -feel- around with her earfins, it caught many others off guard as well. She recovered quickly, to her credit, with an incline of her head at the mention of being a fine...specimen. She didn't know whither to be offended or proud, she settled for taking it the way she had been acting previously; proud. "Thank you, I do not rest on my laurels." She wondered, idly, how much the girl could understand, and how much she was faking, and knew a way to find out would be to use unusual speech had been a long time since Marlow first taught her, after all.

Closer observation revealed that Clair was clearly trying to decipher it herself, but failing miserably. After about thirty seconds she finally spoke again. "Alright, that one has slipped my mind." She finally admitted. With that, she waited for Kyn to respond and tell her what she had said.

"Hm, well, basically, she thanked you and said that she doesn't rest on her laurels." He answered back. Serena was being examined, and the aspects that Clair was probably going to point out, wouldn't do any harm, and would actually probably cause Serena to maybe even like her more.

Serena was trying to hold still, but she turned her head to look at Kyn, giving him a 'what exactly did you tell her about me?' look, rather than talking. If she could understand some of it, that string would be the most obvious thing in the world. Her tail tip flicked as she realized she took her eyes off of the woman, and twisted back around to look at her again. Her nose twitched, admittedly, at the fact that she was doing this herself. "If you understand me, you can understand them." She gestured with her right forelimb, a very human gesture. How long had she spent with Kyn? She shook the thought away.

She skirted around the question slightly, once again being arrogant. "Not that it really makes that much of a difference in this conversation right now but, all of my Pokémon have been female thus far. I honestly was not expecting you to be female when he first told me about you." She said in a tone that was filled with curiosity. Having another female dragon around just seemed to completely change her personality.

A snort and a chortle caught in her throat. "I imagine THAT gets fun every 25 years." of course, Heji would get the event in question, and Kyn probably would as well, in that regard, at least, if they followed the same mating cycle here, she was vaguely sure that they did, but she really didn't need the reminder that she was two years from her next one.

"Let me put it simply, twenty-five years. You catch the drift." Was all Kyn said.

"Think about this then Serena. My brother has all _male_Pokémon. Thank goodness we're separated by a region! Now, there's another little thing I wanted to bring up. You're not from around here, are you? Either the Johto OR the Hoenn region. It has been ages since I have seen a Salamence, since I do not often travel, but I believe you understand what I mean by that." Once again, she specifically avoided pointing out the direct differences that she observed between Serena and the 'standard' Salamence.

"I'd really rather not." She wasn't adverse to it anymore, in fact, she found that she enjoyed watching, but it wasn't something she'd admit--ever--and it wasn't something she'd think about in public. She sat down more out of instinct than comfort. Her tail coiled around her. "I traveled a long way to get here, yes, upon Heji's insistence." It was the truth, it was the only way she would have come, had Heji not suggested it, she would have stayed right where she was.

"Do you have any idea how much I wish I completely understood you right now? You're already fascinating as it currently stands, and yet, there is still much more than I wish to learn about you." Clair slowly moved even closer to Serena, but still being careful not to make eye contact with her egg.

"Clair... there are times when... it isn't as good as you think. If you want, there are several 'mon that I know can teach you, one of which is standing here." Kyn said, indicating Tensa.

"You might have the chance, later on." She wrinkled her nose, then forced herself to stand up, she was getting waaay too comfortable in this gym, and without having rested at all on the trip was beginning to weigh heavy on her shoulders. "Is your look over done?" She asked, using the most common words possible to say it. "I am restless."

"Yes, I am finished." Clair answered back. "So, what do you think of my Gym?"

"I'm certain that your restlessness will be cured soon, Serena."

" cozy here...If I stay I may just fall asleep before I've built my nest." She turned away from her as she stood up, mimicking the Charizard again as she bent to collect the egg and case in one claw. "We shall have more time to speak later..." She tilted her neck down to Kyn. "Shall I tell him to come in, on my way out?" She murmured, waiting while her tail coiled again, this time running the tip over Heji's cheek. Perhaps indeed it would be cured soon, but she wanted to establish herself here first.

Kyn translated, and then answered Serena. "You might as well. I'm surprised that he didn't come in myself."

Clair herself nodded but remained silent, wondering who this 'he' was, but she was going to find out, it seemed.

She spared one last lick for Heji, with a soft nip at the tip of his ear, then she turned and walked out the doors, looking for the big white fluff in the sky to find the big dragon beside the door. "They're ready for you, White One...and so that she doesn't catch you off guard as she did me...she can understand us--a little." She didn't wait for the answer, instead took the two steps and flew up into the sky, over the ridge that protected the Dragon's Den from the rest of the world, and hovered over the water.

She thought about the best place to roost, where she wouldn't be bothered by people...and eventually chose a spire that rose from the water itself, complete with it's own cave. She sniffed at the entrance, making sure that indeed, no one lived there, before slipping inside of it, half way between the water and the tip. She scraped the walls with her claws, setting the egg and the case down, before heading out to find straw, both for her nest, and a nest for the egg. There was no cloth here, but she didn't feel as though she needed it, and with a little rubbing...the walls would be polished to her satisfaction.

Tenshi quickly made his way over to the Gym entrance, and then used Psychic to open the doors. He was forced to duck his head due to being even taller than Serena, and when he arrived at the door, Kyn was there to greet him.

"Right this way please, and you can be with Clair shortly," Kyn said, in a very professional manner.

Serena took her time looking for nesting materials, she did also go a ways away from the town and caught a few Pidgey to use their feathers for the other bed, knowing it would take time for Tenshi and Kyn to be finished with their...interview. She probably looked a sight to those actually within the Dragon's Den itself when she did return, sliding into her cavern with her forepaws full of dead birds, straw, and grass as she set about making her own sleeping area, then the smaller nest for the egg, which she used the feathers on to line to retain warmth, and set the egg down in it's new home while gnawing on what was left of the Pidgey.

Clair had remained where she stood, at least, for the most part, what could upstage a Salamence? Then she saw for herself, as a white dragon entered through her doors, and her eyes went wide, if only for a split second before she regained most of her composure.

"So, Clair, I have some more introductions to make. This is Tenshiroichi, Tenshi for short, also known as the Vast White Pokémon, hence the name 'White One' if you hear heard Serena call him that."

"I see." She said, she didn't need to get closer to see his form properly. "Yes, I did wonder..." She trailed off again, but let the dragon make the first move, knowing that most dragons could be aggressive if they weren't the first ones to make a move, since Kyn was doing introductions, she figured that he would do hers as well anyway.

"Tenshi, this is Clair. She's a Dragon-type Gym Leader, and this of course, is her first time, as well as many others here, seeing you." Kyn quickly said.

Clair took her time, inclining her head as a greeting, rather than speaking to the dragon before her, she took in the lines of his form, what could one say to a legendary that wouldn't belittle them? She hid her excitement, it just wouldn't do for her to behave like a child, she was a professional after all.

"Perhaps you would like to ask me a few questions? I do not mind answering them at this time," Tenshi stated clearly and simply."

"Though there is one thing that really annoys me most of the time. It is whenever people call Tenshi 'my dragon'..." Kyn said, suddenly remembering something, but the statement may have come across as seemingly random.

"Well of course it would, even dragon types that are caught really aren't ours, they permit us to be in their company because they enjoy it...but of course I'm preaching to someone who already knows this for a fact." She said to Kyn, and now that the great dragon before her spoke, she too could relax. "You are from the Isshu region, are you not?"

"This is correct. I come from an Isshu region several thousand years younger than the way it is currently. Everything is different than the way I remember." He now took this opportunity to 'sit' down.

This struck her interest, and the next question could have been seen coming, if anyone were to look. "What IS the way you remember it? I know that technology has come a long way since then, but we only have myths to tell us about you, and the time in which you lived."

"Not as many buildings, and differently styled buildings. Many were not made out of... this new shiny material that I see everywhere. Kyn has told me it is called, 'steel'. Also, this area, the humans call the Resort Desert wasn't there, and the castle that I saw that they call Relic Castle, was as you would say, brand new. Poké Balls of course, did not exist back then." Tenshi explained. One could tell that he was recalling all of these as he spoke.

She let him reminiscence a bit more before she pulled him from them, speaking again. "It sounds lovely, I can only imagine that the people you kept company with back then were as graced with your presence as we are now." She phrased her words carefully.

"I... only kept company with one. One who had such strong ideals that he tried to shape the development of Isshu in his favor. When next I awoke, Kyn was the one who was replaced the previous."

"Yes, I remember the story of the two brothers, who tore their family guardian into two Pokemon, you and another, and the fight that ensued tore the kingdom apart..." She looked at Kyn, if a bit skeptically. "Then...let us hope, that history does not repeat itself."

"I passed that test, didn't I? Besides, it would take a lot more time and effort to destroy the Isshu region now, as well as, that's not something I'd ever think of doing. Ha! That reminds me Clair, have you been to space yet?"

"Ah, no...I haven't...What brought that up?" She had, if subconsciously, stepped closer to the two of them, it did feel odd to be so far apart when speaking to someone, and this way she could take in some of the finer details that she had missed from further away.

"Well, I was thinking of dragons, as one might expect, being in this Gym. It's just that very few humans have seen Rayquaza. Without getting Hyper Beamed that is. I'd like to be able to properly meet it one of these days."

"Speaking of dragons..." She looked at Heji as she spoke. "Shouldn't you go check and see if your mate is settling in okay? I -know- dragons, and when they say restless, they don't mean that they want to go out hunting." She chuckled to herself. "Well, at least, the girls don't." She put a hand on her hip as she turned her head back to Kyn. "Yes, it's true that few people have seen one...and I think it's everyone's dream to be able to meet a legendary--of course you've led this dream already, how many does this make? Two? Three?" She was joking, of course, but it probably wouldn't be taken as one.

"I think you're asking rhetorically, but I feel like I can answer anyway. Most people would brag their hats off. Anyway, the answer is three, since I'm counting Zekrom too. Oh dammit, now I've been reminded of N again..."

Heji stretched a bit, and then walked out of the Gym without saying anything, following Clair's suggestion to see Serena's adaptation.

"N?" She shook her head. "Never mind, I don't think that I want to know. How long have you been away from a television, Kyn?" It was an honest question, but she was looking at his Tenshi, not waiting for Kyn's response before asking one of the dragon before her. "Do you have a specific berry that you like over all others?"

"It has been at most about maybe three months since I've watched television. Clair, there have been so many times I have been confused for a Dragon-master, but I am so far from it that I feel like it is insulting to you all. But, I still love this style. Maybe I just have a thing for capes." Kyn said.

"I do not have a specific Berry that I prefer, but I do prefer them to be Bitter and Dry.

Clair frowned, though she was turned around it was clearly at Kyn's statement. "You do yourself a disservice; you have an advantage over us to begin with, but to be chosen by a legendary dragon? Well, that's not something that I can claim has happened to me...speaking of this particular dragon, should see what has become of his homeland. Since the Pokemon League extended its reach over there, we've been receiving news bulletins, major events mostly." She nodded her head to show that she heard Tenshi, and wasn't ignoring him. "I'm sure that...if you were in the mood for one, any of the trainers here would be ecstatic if you took a berry from them."

"Tenshi basically forced himself upon me, and he knows it!" Kyn chuckled with a huge grin upon his face. "Though as you say, I don't exactly have a problem with having a Legendary Dragon choose me. Allow me to tell you the comedic version of the story. 'Kyn! Thank you for helping with this Dragonite Skull! N: Kyn you have to become the hero! Kyn, you helped with Team Plasma, here take this stone! N: Kyn that stone IS Reshiram, we shall be friends! Kyn, battle Reshiram! N: Battle me!'"

Tenshi too chuckled at his explanation, considering that it could be looked at from that point of view. "Then perhaps I shall visit them later."

"This N fellow seems pushy, and lonely, if he virtually forced you to become his friend." Clair noted. "Looking at it from that side of the story, I would say that it would be N that forced Reshiram on you, and not the dragon...himself. It was, however, your traits that led him to emerging from his long hibernation--as you've said." She smiled at Tenshi, with a wink. "Honestly, I don't know what he sees in you, Kyn." She chuckled quietly to herself.

"Well, I became the White Hero, but, see, now that I look back on it... it could have been either. It just seems that Tenshi latched more so onto my truths than ideals. I believe that it is the combined convictions of me having both, that allowed us to triumph over N."

Meanwhile, Serena had taken to clinging to the spire below her cavern, watching the young dragons in the pools below, her cave had been scent marked and polished with her scales, and they too shone where the sun refracted off the water, and the sun above her as well, it was only when Heji appeared through the ground entrance that she pushed off from the rock wall and fluttered down beside him. "Mmmph~ there you are. I've been waiting for you."

"This place has a lot of water in it though. I can imagine multiple Dratini swimming here. Do you find this place to your liking, Serena?" Heji asked.

Serena coiled around him, rubbing against him and letting him smell her, the fresh natural oil that came from under her wings over her scales, filled with her scent, and the additional scent of arousal from beneath her tail, which if asked, she would blame on all the scent marking. "The water will provide a challenge to get used to, and yes, there are several Dratini swimming around in there, I believe I even saw a pink one." She mused. "It will work--I'm not picky, so long as it brings me closer to you. Would you like to see my new lair?"

"You know... if you modified this lake a bit, I'd be able to get into the water with you. So, how do you wish to spend our first night together in our cave?"

Serena tilted her head at him. "Modify it how? Not that I'm exactly...well, keen on the idea of having Dratini and the Dragonair trying to 'get to know' me tonight." As for the next part, she uncoiled herself from around him and picked him up in her foreclaws with a soft churr, holding him in a way that he could be assured he wouldn't fall, and landed, as always, back feet first, on the ledge of the cavern, setting him down before amending her position so that she could follow after him. "I think that you should have -some- inkling as to how I'd like to spend the rest of my night...and my apologies for the ride, I've yet to make the entry way big enough to have others enter on my back."

"Well, I do have a bit of an idea, yes." Heji said, following Serena.

Back in the gym, Clair had one hand to her chin, supported at the elbow by the other hand. "Looking at it from that view, it's also possible that the black dragon sensed your ideals and didn't have the heart to go all out against you." Clair countered. "But no...perhaps you should take a look at the television some time...the Isshu region has been covered in snow and ice. It's a terrible place to take most dragons these days, as I'm sure you can imagine, but the people apparently are adjusting well."

"That is a possibility, though it is very unlikely. If you were there you might have seen it differently. Though you also have to consider that after several thousand years hibernation... they're not going to immediately come back to full strength. Ice... in the Isshu region... it isn't everywhere is it? My mother moved to Isshu and lived in Nuvema town. On the other hand, It'd probably be paradise for my Glalie."

She reached, and pulled a map from a pocket in her cape and handed it to him, a version of the map all covered in ice. "It's an estimation, with the storms going on, they can't get a perfect view of how much is covered, they have moved people from the areas that were covered in ice, to areas that were more if the area you speak of IS covered in ice, they likely would have moved her to safety."

"Damn. This probably has something to do with Kyurem. Perhaps... I might be able to do something about it. Though all that ice melting will create a significant amount of water if released all at once, so it'd have to be a slow transition back to normalcy. I... might even have to capture and catch it, if I cannot convince it to relocate elsewhere." Kyn said, thinking about how the situation was going to be handled. "I feel a certain sense of duty to that region now. It is like a second home region."

"I can't say I understand, because I don't...I've never been able to associate myself with another area other than this one, but that's likely because of the Dragon's Den itself, and the dragons within it." She spoke calmly. "Kyurem? That name sounds familiar, but I can't place it." As a gym leader she was used to being on her feet most of the day, but she still shifted, realizing she hadn't asked a question to the big Drake in a while.

"Kyurem is the part that remains of me and my other. We are still connected. All three of us." Tenshi answered for Kyn.

"I... believe that I feel most at home with Grass and Fire types. That is an odd combination though. Now, if there was a Grass-Fire type or a Fire-Grass type, then I'd be set too." Kyn said, almost rambling.

" he'd be the shell of the guardian left over from before..." She blinked at Kyn. "Would have to be some type of volcanic Pokemon, I think...there are some types of...plants that can live near volcanoes..." Now she was thinking out loud, they were starting to run out of topics to talk about, but she was trying to give the two love birds some time alone before they went and interrupted them.

"There will probably come a time when all of us are reunited. I do not know if we will maintain aspects of our personality, but if we do not, I believe that, if it is like you said Clair, and my other was holding back, that we would gravitate more so towards Kyn than Ghetsis or N. I do not mind my current form... even if there is a chance that we are only a part of what we once were."

"You look like a cloud in your current form, you remind me of a Swablu, actually, and it's evolved form, they're both cuddly and soft, many girls in the Hoenn region mistake them for birds and try to keep them as pets, of course, the dragons don't like being referred to as a bird, let alone being called 'polly'. " She chuckled softly, more to herself than the dragon. "Well, I doubt that you would change much, in personality at least, if you were ever rejoined with your other parts."

"That does seem like a very hopeful outlook. Oh, speaking of clouds, I'm certain that you have flown at least a few times with you Pokémon maybe, but would you like to see Blackthorn City from my perspective at least once?" Tenshi offered.

"I would love to," She sounded honest enough, "though I don't know if I can, in good reasoning, leave my gym in the hands of Kynexn, especially since he wouldn't have a dragon type around if I was gallivanting on your back. I suppose that we could bug Serena, to pose as a caught Pokemon, but then, I don't think anyone who challenged the gym would ever get a badge."

"Serves them right then if they think they can just come gallivanting around an Ice-Type thinking... whatever it is they do. Besides, I have no desire EVER to be a Gym Leader." Kyn said, not taking offense at what Clair said.

"Do what you must. Though, it can get quite cold at the heights I plan on going, and forgive me for saying this but, it does not seem as if what you are currently wearing will keep you warm enough." Tenshi advised.

"You would think that, but no, actually if I unroll these here..." She proceeded to unroll the black fabric on her wrists, all the way up to her shoulders, and then from her knees up to her hips, twice over. "I'll stay nice and warm, complete with wrapping my cape around me instead of letting it flap behind me. It's a special type of fabric that was intended to mimic a dragon's scales, to protect from the same things that your type resist. I can even go swimming in this outfit, and where it covers, remain perfectly dry."

"My my. Looks are quite decieving Clair. Well, I'll wait here, while one of you goes to fetch Serena." Tenshi stated, clearly impressed with the fabric technology.

Clair looked at Kyn, then chuckling. "I'll go get her...I'm rather used to...interrupting." As she spoke, she walked out of the gym. "Don't burn it to the ground while I'm gone." Then the doors closed behind her.

She entered the Dragon's den, her eyes adjusting keenly to the darkness, to the paths that she was so used to walking, but not out onto the water. Of course the smell hit her, it would be hard to miss, and she was thankful she was used to such things. "Serena." She called. "I hate to interrupt your...homecoming, but we could use you at the gym, just in case there's some late night traveler that would like to challenge for the badge. Can you hear me?"

A grunt was her first answer, then a rumbling growl. "Get someone else to do it, I'm sure that there's trainers that would be happy to take your place for a bit." Was the second.

"None as qualified for the job as YOU are Serena." She played on the dragon's pride, and got the response she was looking for.

"Fine, but the moment you're back, I'm gone...and you had better PRAY that they're a good challenge...and NO, I'm not going to wash off first, they can deal with it." She slipped from the cave, turned around, and held out her forelimbs to Heji, giving him the chance to refuse coming down with her and stay in the lair.

"Clair is the Eighth Gym Leader, Serena. If they don't stand a chance against her, then they won't stand a chance against you, since you are well into the Champion League level." Heji announced his little bit of trivia with pride, also focusing on Clair's response.

Serena snorted a little at him. "Are you coming down or staying here? She's waiting." She herself found it awkward to balance on the ledge like this, but she could imagine that he might want to stay and scent mark the cave as she had when she first arrived, and if so, she wouldn't begrudge him that.

"I am going with you. Being in this cave alone isn't exactly what I'd call most comfortable. Now... if it were like Chargestone cave..." Heji trialed off, and then went over to Serena.

As he stepped over to her, she settled him in her claws before pushing away from the wall, and then up and over the ridge, giving him a taste of what it was like flying from this position, rather than on her back. She didn't have to report to Clair, after all, to abide by her wish. Soon she was setting down on the ground in front of the gym, and waiting for Clair to show up. When she did, Serena walked in with a snort, clearly she wasn't happy with the situation, but, since it would keep them on good terms, she did it. She actually walked past Kyn and Reshiram to lay on the floor where Clair had stood before, her head on her forelimbs, and her tail flicking.

Clair had followed them in, if only to try to apologize again, but her words were stopped cold as she looked in the dragon's eyes. "Right then, make yourself at home."

Kyn couldn't help but notice Serena's scent as she walked by, but he made no comment about it. "So, Serena, if it does come to a challenger, would you be willing to let me 'command' you? I realise that you are capable on your own."

"Mmmph." Came the reply. "If it comes down to it, I already agreed to the facade with Clair for her to do whatever it was that was soo important." She snorted, and it was clear that the people in the gym weren't keen to go near her. "I suppose I should give you an update on what I got rid of from the official records and what I have now, if you're going to be ordering me around." Her eyes were still on Clair, who by now was retreating back through the doors of the gym, hopefully with Tenshi trailing behind her.

She just wouldn't tell her why she had left, that was all, no one ever needed to know why she interrupted their time least, not in her mind.

"You can if you want to, but I already know. I won't really have to order you much. Oh my gosh, Serena! I can't tell you how much difficulty I have keeping a straight face when a Trainer orders their Pokémon to dodge."

"...Once again we return to my theory of brainwashing." She flicked her tongue out, to her, the scent in the air was pleasant and inviting, to most top predators it would be, however the others might find it intimidating and a sign of danger. "I got rid of Double-edge and Dragon Rush, and picked up Draco Meteor and Thunder fang when they were offered to me." She said simply, trying to imagine what her voice sounded like when she spoke, to the others ears.

"Your theory? We both had the idea. It'd be very difficult to brainwash you though Serena, since... you're you. Plus, now you have an egg to defend, and as you told us a long time ago, an angry Salamence is not something that I would wish upon even my most hated enemies, ... that I don't have. I'm going to do some research into the Devon Corporation then... to find out."

Serena flicked an earfin, and she actually extended her neck to press her head against his chest, nuzzling him softly. "You are my brother, I would not hurt you, not blame you, should anything happen to my child." She chuckled softly. "Though I might take it out on the rest of the world instead."

"Well, thank you. Now, let's say that a Trainer is trying to attack you using a Blizzard, and you are already in the air, how would you counter that?" Kyn asked.

Serena flicked her earfin backwards as she withdrew. "Thunder fang." She answered. "It would increase the vibration of the snow until the friction caused it to melt, and then the electricity would be in slick puddles on the ground, making it more difficult for the other to move around....Of course it's more powerful when I sink my teeth INTO something, but a projected form of teeth in the air works just as well."

"You both know Thunder Fang now. How interesting. Though, that's a pretty interesting way to counter it, which of course would throw the other Trainer off guard, giving you even more of a chance to attack. I like your counter. I am also going to ask, would you also like to hear my idea too?"

"By all means." Was the reply, well, it wasn't sex, but it was a decent alternative, it kept her mind stimulated at the very least. "You do have to be creative in my world, Kyn, else you don't survive."

"Considering that we are in a slightly more controlled environment, I'd say I'd utilize my strategy of using the environment to my advantage. I would try using a Dragon Pulse to raise Lava up in the room, causing the Blizzard to turn into steam, followed immediately by another Dragon Pulse, which would force them to dodge, giving way for you to ambush them with either a Thunder Fang or a Shadow Claw, depending on their type."

"Shadow Claw would indeed be the more unique thing to do, as it would pass through most solid matter unhindered as an energy wave." She tilted her head at the idea of another Dragon pulse to force the opponent to dodge. "Mmmm...well...I do have a few other tricks up my sleeve, should I NEED to use them." She did her best impression of a shrug, and laid her head back down on her forepaws.

"Serena, you're too bloody strong! Hold back dammit, or else no one will get a badge!" Kyn said with a grin and a laugh. "Let us hope that no-one DOES challenge this gym at this time, since they will have the unfortunate of running into one of the strongest dragons of this Gym."

She snorted. "Does the Pokedex mark wilds as actually being wilds?" It was an honest question. "If not, let them scan me and see if they even WANT to challenge the gym at this time...if so...let them try anyway, I'm sure they'll despair when I smash their balls...but they should know better." She rolled over to scratch her back against the floor, ironically swishing her tail from side to side as she did, she looked like a very big puppy with all four limbs in the air. "They'll have to let me out to play once in a while, or I'll get bored here though."

"Oh Serena. I thought I mentioned it to you. Their Pokédexs won't have that scanning ability. The only ones that currently do belong to Cheren, Bianca, myself and Professor Juniper. They'd have no idea other than that you were fully evolved. Also, it doesn't show you as wild, but it's a general rule of thumb that one doesn't start lobbing Poké Balls at Pokémon in Gyms."

"Well then they don't have to worry about it, now do they? And no, as a general thumb I don't ask more than what I need to know about technology at any given time. Until now I had no reason to inquire about any of the things I just asked about." She rolled back over and stretched. "I'm guessing she ran out for a joyride, else she'd be back by now, knowing Tenshi, if there was something that needed to be done he'd get there as fast as possible." She had left her fly goggles back in the lair, she really didn't think that they would be needed here anyway.

"....He's taking her flying. They're going to be seeing the city from several thousand feet up. I do not exactly mind being that high. You yourself have said that you have visited past the mesosphere of Earth."

"So yeah, a joy ride." She sighed and flexed her claws. "I wonder if I could beat a challenger without using ANY moves at all, just my normal dodge and swats." She played with the idea. "It certainly would be interesting to try."

"NORMAL DRAGON, NORMAL DRAGON alert! New type combination!" Kyn said quietly but still making it sound like he was shouting, a sort of whisper shout. Kyn decided to be silly for a few times, just to pass the time.

She swatted at him with a slight smile. "Oh Pfft, first a grass dragon, and now a normal dragon? Why do you keep putting these things in my head?" Her tail flicked back around her hind quarters, the tail tip flicking. "You're such a hatchling sometimes."

"Serena, I've already told you, I've been serious for the past two years. I deserve some time off. Now, YOU'VE got something in MY head. I've now got an idea for rendering what a dragon of each of the types that we don't have, might look like. We have, Electric, Ice, Water, Steel, Flying, Fire, Psychic, Ground, Ghost, even Dark. Though that's just non-pure dragons like you were in your Bagon and Shelgon stage. If I'm going to really technical then... There are only six that are Primarily Dragons with an Element attached. Need to make a Bug Dragon, Poison Dragon, Rock Dragon and a Fighting Dragon."

She flattened out her earfins. "A bug dragon? Chee...that would be a dragonfly sort of thing...should have been that Trapinch evolution...but apparently someone didn't think so." She snorted and put her head back down. "Speaking of hatchlings...we were going to think about names."

"Personally, I would have thought that too. But we classify them by the majority of their moves and... they happen to be ground and Dragon... Human logic sometimes annoys me. Or lack thereof it seems. So, names! Please, whatever you do, don't combine both of your name and take some letters from each and make a new name..."

She snorted at the mere idea of mixing letters. "Like we'd ever...A name is a wish that your parents give to you, or a wish that you can give yourself...." From the way she trailed off, it was clear she was speaking from experience. "Serena was diverged from Serenity, as in peace."

"Well... just saying... I've... known some humans that have done that. Now, as for the way I name MY Pokémon... it's a bit of a different story, but one for another time. I'm a bit tired now, but I've got to help with the Gym, and I won't rest until the last challenger enters... then exits this Gym. Speaking of which, I don't have any Dragon types besides you... you'd be the final obstacle to overcome. So, I'm gonna go around and ask for some help."

"Probably a good idea...and you -can- rest against me if you're tired. If I cover you with my wing it'll probably simulate a tent well enough that you could get some sleep...once you're through asking, that is." She relaxed her earfins as he said that she would be the last resort, but understood what he meant, she was too strong to be the front liner.