A Stellar Beginning

Which is sleeping within me, awaken my true soul, awaken spirit (you'll know what to say when the time comes, my boy, in the meantime, i'll keep you guessing.

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The Lagos Magician

"then you'll be a magical creature too, and invisible to anyone who hasn't awakened." "um... how do i do that?" cris looked at the wand then to lapin. "ah, finally, a good question."

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Prima Nackt

You cleanse the water, call the wind, and awakening the beasts. granting all who live in the night, their mystic sight. for as you sweep above, never to be touched, you smile knowing that love will always follow.

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Silver Nights - Chapter 1

I will awaken your true self. gelorah. my discipline!"

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world of the elements part 3

Usually after an awakening the elemental would go to sleep for an entire day for their strength to return but no one had ever done such a high level technique for their first spell.

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Secrets Ch. 23

Are you telling me that during your awakening another entity was created and you two have never merged?"

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Introduction to a story I haven't thought about much...

"winter, your heart of ice has been awakened by spring. you will be granted eternal life, the both of you." winter. the time where all is frosted over and frozen by winter's heart.

S1 Ep5 The girl

In that very moment artemis moonstone finally awakened to his powers with a faint glow of dark green magic along from his mouth and took down each one of the delinquents in a sloppy but coordinated attack.

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Helios Awaken, A Band's Journey: Chapter 2 - Memorial, The First Gig

That night, as having happened many times before, was filled with dreams of the future of helios awaken, as well as a certain gator...

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Short Story Exercise 2: Godzilla’s Day Off

The sun was rising in the eastern sky, humanity was awakening to go about their business and... wait? godzilla was on a beach in massachusetts north of boston?

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The Furre Archive Project - Part 1: Introductions

Even if you figure out what causes some of us to awaken, there's more then enough of us already out there. ..right, right, back to the subject. my "job" is to listen to other people's transcriptions.

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How should I know? Chapter 9: Max?

The next morning that i awaken only to feel a sharp pain in my neck, i rubbed my eyes in preparation of a meeting with the sun. the sun beamed down wonderfully, as i began to set up.

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