Venturing: Last Legs

Rushing over to the silver dragon, kyro spread his wings and rapidly flapped to keep yang cool while zander looked around their surroundings.

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Venturing: Losters

We shielded ourselves, but our eyes remained opened as we were surprise by the moves of the red and silver dragons.

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Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 1

The silver dragon turned around, took a glance towards the two hellhounds, then walked off without any more word. zardes quickly recognized the small dragon.

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Bound Ch.11: A Network of Connections

Standing in front of the two was a silver dragoness over seven feet tall at this point. she still missed the tip of her tail, her left horn, and her wings were now a dark mesh material meant to imitate a wing membrane.

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Power Fur Rangers Episode 10

His green outfit had a golden vest that had silver dragons edged into the golden material. it appeared as weak and flinsy as the spandex but was in fact stronger than carbon steel. the green power fur ranger bowed before his masters.

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A Tale of Two Lives || Chapter 6: Of Family

The silver dragon dropped his kills last second and flapped his wings aggressively to stop, which he did with his body only a foot or less above the ground.

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Siblings of Corruption - Prologue 3-3

The ape then leaned down and picked up the silver dragoness over his shoulder. "oh no you don't!"

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Silver Nights - Chapter 1

"you... my dear son, are a descendant of no other than a silver dragon, who, i know not. over 800 years, the heritage has passed on your family... ever so strong as it was back then. i'm going to let that heritage show it's full potential.

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U.C.O.D. Return of Justice: Chapter 1

A steel silver dragoness stepped into the dining room, stretched, and then made her way up to the two males. "morning boys."

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Chapter 2: The Mortal Warrior

"'s elder yort, honored silver dragon. he's dead." the news struck both of them like lightning.

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Dragon's Pride 3

"he's only known as a silver dragon with red stripes on his back, making some lines of horizontal stripes over his scales. he had ferocious bony wings and those mystic blue eyes..."

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Chapter 7

There, they found one last surprise from alcyrion: a book, bound in silver dragon scales, titled "the compendium".

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