Power Fur Rangers Episode 10
#11 of Power Fur Rangers
Episode 10
"Powered By Dragon Pt.1"
Furry Sith Lord
Movin in like lightning,
You never know what they're gonna throw at you,
Don't give up!
Just Stand Your Ground.
The Fight is Tough,
But We're Behind you...
Go, Go, Go, Go,
Power Fur Rangers,
Go, Go, Go, Go!!!
Slash and Ghoul sat at a table in Billy's Juice Bar as they both groggily sipped the shakes they bought. In the background, the television was describing summer events now that school had closed down for the summer. It provided activities for cubs and young adults to keep them active and healthy.
Slash and Ghoul could care less they were just enjoying the freedom of no longer having to attend classes. Billy was organizing sport teams with various youngsters and the main group of Lion, Lisa, Terri, Brian, and Skyler were designing posters to hang around the Juice Bar to get others interested to join.
"So I dunno but I was thinking of coaching a soccer team." Skyler said as he painted a soccer ball on his poster.
"That's a great idea," Brian replied. "What if I did something sciencey for our non athletic students?"
"I dunno, that sounds too much like school to me. It's summer! Time to have fun and relax." Skyler replied and Brian looked at his feet in dismay.
"LIKE, I think it's a good idea. Not everyone likes sports." Lisa whispered to him.
"How about one of those mystery adventures? Like they get to be detectives trying to solve a fake crime for prizes." Terri asked as she tried to brighten the mood.
"I love those! I might want to join in on that." Lion replied.
"Brian, you can play the world's greatest detective Sherlock Tomes!" Terri said.
"Really?!" Brian asked shyly.
"Of course! And I'll be your sidekick Doctor Watts." Lion said as he put his arm around Brian shoulder and Brian began to smile.
"Come Watts, there is danger abound!" Brian said as he got into character and the group chuckled.
On the Dark Lair on the moon. The eerie home of The Evil Emperor shone brightly as the sun reflected off of the silver body and the golden tiger stripes. The Evil Emperor sat on his throne with his wife on the throne next to him.
He stared at the planet using his special dragon eye ability and was watching The Power Fur Rangers as they designed posters in the Juice Bar.
"So The Power Fur Rangers want to play detective do they? I'll give them a puzzle to try and figure out. Can they learn the identity of the Green Power Fur Ranger I've created?!" The Evil Emperor mocked, then he turned his gaze and observed an orange ginger colored house cat laying on a beach blanket enjoying the sun's rays against his fur.
He wore only a dark blue pair of swim trunks and an umbrella was set up to help block some of the sun's rays to prevent him from getting a sunburn.
"S-S-S Finally! You've been dragging your claws on him when we should have turned him weeks ago." The Evil Empress complained.
"Now my dear, the best card players never show their entire claw all at once. Best to keep your opponent guessing." The Evil Emperor replied.
"How do we know that he is worthy to receive your power, my lord?" The Winged Ape asked.
"Let's test him and find out!" The Evil Emperor said and his wife nodded in agreement as she removed her multicolored staff and created 12 of her snake warriors. They lined up in front of them and bowed slightly to show respect.
"Go attack this ginger house cat and show me what he is worth!" The Evil Emperor yelled and the snake warriors turned into glowing spheres as they traveled towards the Gold City Beach.
"S-S-S We'll see if he's as good as you think he is." The evil Empress remarked.
"I think we'll find he's better than expectations." The Evil Emperor jeered. His laugh echoed throughout the chamber.
Tom had a big smile on his maw as he enjoyed the heat from the sun shining on him. He felt as if he could just lie here all day and listen to the relaxing noise of the waves while the sun rays gave him a warm hug.
Tom suddenly jumped as he heard the slithering sound and he looked and saw he was surrounded by snake warriors. He scrambled to his feet and took up a defensive stance with his paws curled into fists in front of him as he braced himself for any attacks from them.
The snake warriors circled him as they studied him and waited to see if he would make the first move. One of them grabbed the umbrella and tossed it aside to get it out of the way. Tom was busy watching to make sure there were no civilians around that could get hurt if things got violent.
"Never get in the way of a cat and a sunbeam! I suggest you slither away while you still can!" Tom yelled but the warriors ignored him and began to jeer as they continued to encircle him. Finally one of the snake warriors got tired of waiting and he tried to rush behind Tom to attack.
The snake warrior attempted to kick Tom from behind but he was ready and he quickly grabbed the leg of the snake warrior as it tried to kick him and then twisted it so that the attack was fruitless and the snake warrior went tumbling to the ground. He had no time to celebrate because the rest of the snake warriors charged towards him trying to punch and kick him.
His martial arts training helped him deflect the blows and return a few of his own. His counter attack caused the snake warriors to back away as they tried thinking of a new tactic. One of the snake warriors charged at him from the front and Tom jumped up and swept his leg making it into a jump kick and the blow struck the snake warrior in the face. It tumbled to the ground and broke apart into small snakes that slithered away and vanished.
"Guess I don't have to hold back." Tom said as he charged and punched the remaining snake warriors while avoiding their attacks until each one fell to the ground and broke into smaller snakes and slithered away, vanishing.
"So much for a lazy day out in the sun." Tom grumbled then a white light surrounded him and it was so bright he could not see a thing just had a feeling of floating weightlessly. The light suddenly dimmed and he was standing in a darkened smokey chamber.
Two large thrones were set up on a dais and a dragon sat next to a snake. A winged ape wearing golden armor stood nearby watching him closely. He acted as if he were a bodyguard to the dragon and snake.
"I told you he was good." The dragon remarked.
"Uh... S-S-S you're giving me a migraine." The snake remarked and for the first time Tom was able to hear that she was a female snake.
"What's going on? Why am I here?" Tom shouted and he again took up a defensive stance as the Winged Ape approached him.
"I have chosen you, my little kitty cat. You will be my Dragon powered Power Fur Ranger." The Evil Emperor said as The Winged Ape gave a green colored ring to Tom. He held out his paw as the ring sat in his palm.
The Evil Empress held up her multicolored staff and an energy beam, that looked like a glowing green snake, flew out from it and hit Tom on his chest. The blast began to slither around him like a snake and Tom's eyes began to glow A bright emerald green color.
"What do you have to say, boy?" The Evil Emperor said. Tom walked over and placed the green ring on one of his fingers.
"To the Annihilation of The Power Fur Rangers!" He said with an evil smile.
"Then become The Green Power Fur Ranger!" The Evil Emperor ordered.
"Powered By A Dragon!!!" Tom shouted as he crossed his paws in front of him making 'X' shapes then closed his eyes. He quickly opened his eyes as he extended his index and middle fingers as if he were unsheathing claws. He then clasped his paws together as if holding a ball of energy and motioned to pull his paws behind their back.
"Power of The Green Power Fur Ranger." Tom Shouted. He then motioned as if he were throwing the energy like a fireball forward. The ring he wore transformed into a gray colored goo that quickly completely enveloped his body. The goo hardened and became his Power Fur Ranger outfit that looked as thin as spandex but stronger than the toughest steel. The helmet he wore had made blacked slots where the eyes were so they could see out of it. His body seemed androgynous and the armor made it appear as if he had more muscle mass than he actually had.
His green outfit had a golden vest that had silver dragons edged into the golden material. It appeared as weak and flinsy as the spandex but was in fact stronger than carbon steel. The Green Power Fur Ranger bowed before his masters.
"Where is that pile of junk that Gollip created?" The Evil Emperor roared and Gollip held the hand of a monster cyborg creation. The cyborg was created from different parts of the monster pieces he had collected.
"N.F.S.Q.R. here as ordered master." The monster said its voice sounded as if all five monsters used in creating it were talking in unison at once. The monster had been created from pieces of Nega Longhorn, Flood Buddy, Smarla, Quaker, and Rose Root. It had the special abilities and powers of all five monsters combined in its cyborg body. Gollip held the hand of the cyborg as if the creature was precious to him.
"Gollip send that... that thing at fight The Power Fur Rangers while our ranger enters their lair and carries out my plan." The Evil Emperor explained.
"Yes master," Gollip replied. "Pitiful, pitiful, pitiful."
"What was that?!" The Evil Emperor roared and Gollip fell to the floor prostrating itself to please its master.
"Gollip is pitiful, pitiful, pitiful." Gollip said as if begging for his life. The Evil Emperor glared at him then dismissed the remark. Gollip rose and pointed to the planet then N.F.S.Q.R. began to twist and contort its body until it became a cyborg shere and traveled towards the planet.
It slowed as it neared the surface and hovered as its body began to turn into its original shape. The Evil Emperor glared at his monster from his throne. He growled then turned his special gaze towards his monster and yellow laser beams shot out of his eyes.
"You my monster will reach the Sky, as I watch you with my Dragon's Eye." He shouted then twin yellow laser beams shot down from the sky and when they hit the monster then he began to mutate and grow as large as a skyscraper.
"The Power Fur Rangers," Was the voice of Zolton which only they could hear because of the power of their rings. "The Evil Emperor has sent a new monster to the planet. It has grown and is nearing the downtown portion of the city. Morph and call your Zords before he can do any harm." He ordered. They were quickly transported nearby to where the monster was.
"Shabot Ve Sum, Baby" They shouted as they crossed their paws in front of them making 'X' shapes then closed their eyes. They quickly opened their eyes as they extended their index and middle fingers as if they were unsheathing claws. They then clasped their paws together as if holding a ball of energy and motioned to pull their paws behind their backs.
"Power of The Black Power Fur Ranger." Zyler Shouted.
"Power of The Pink Power Fur Ranger." Lisa Shouted.
"Power of The Blue Power Fur Ranger." Brian shouted.
"Power of The Yellow Power Fur Ranger." Terri Shouted.
"Power of The Red Power Fur Ranger." Lion shouted. They then motioned as if they were throwing the energy like a fireball forward. The rings they wore transformed into a gray colored goo that quickly completely enveloped their bodies. The goo hardened and became their Power Fur Ranger outfits that looked as thin as spandex but stronger than the toughest steel. The helmets they wore had made blacked slots where the eyes were so they could see out of it. Their bodies seemed androgynous and the armor made it appear as if they made more muscle mass than they actually had.
"Zords Arise!" The Red Power Fur Ranger ordered and in the distance a loud crash was heard as 5 different colored robots began to crawl out of the ground. These robots were as big as a skyscraper and they looked like humanoid knights in armor. They began to run at top speed towards the Power Fur Rangers and stopped once they reached them and the Power Fur Rangers entered them.
"We need the MegaZord!" The Red Power Fur Ranger said.
"Right!" The others agreed and the Zords jumped up into the sky and began to transform and combine ingo the MegaZord. The Red Knight Zord became the body and the Black Knight Zord became the Arms. The Pink and Yellow Zords each became a leg and lastly the Blue Knight Zord became armament for the MegaZord and began to generate an energy field to protect it.
The MegaZord summoned a double sided katana called The Tanto Katana. The main weapon it used when battling the monsters The Evil Emperor made grow to unbelievable heights.
"No, No, No, No, what is that thing? It's part robot but the rest is mix matched pieces of monsters." Clang said as he analyzed the monster on the view screen.
"I fear Gollip may have combined what was left from the monsters we destroyed into that creature. I must warn The Power Fur Rangers..." Zolton said from the safety of his time halting enclosure. His mole rat body was busy looking at a personalized monitor within his sphere as he sat on a chair.
Clank was observing his own monitor that neither one had seen a Green Power Fur Ranger enter the lair unnoticed and he crept up behind Clang. The Green Power Fur Ranger pulled an exposed wire on the robot's back and it immediately turned off Clank as he fell to the floor like a lifeless doll.
"What is the meaning of this!!!" Zolton shouted as the large holographic projection of his face floated above the sphere he sat in. The hologram looked down angrily at The Green Power Fur Ranger.
"Relax you old fur and this won't hurt... much." The Green Power Fur Ranger mocked.
"So, The Evil Emperor has created his own Power Fur Ranger. He probably captured you and placed you under a spell. I can help you break free just listen to my words and fight against the magic that binds you." Zolton said. The Green Power Fur Ranger laughed and jeered as he stepped over to the time sphere and removed it from its resting place.
The hologram instantly vanished and the monitor inside the sphere became dark. Zolton began to breath heavily as he started to panic a little.
"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you. My master wants you brought to him alive. You'll be safe until then." The Green Power Fur Ranger replied as he tucked the sphere under his arm and removed a DVD disk from his pocket and placed it where the sphere had once sat. He then left the lair as he took a broad step to step over the lifeless body of Clank.
"We have some serious problems guys," The Blue Power Fur Ranger said as The Megazord tried to stand after being knocked down by the last blast from the monster.
"No kidding Brainiac," The Black Power Fur Ranger replied. There was a sudden burst of sparks from inside the Megazord cockpit.
"Focus!" The Blue Power Fur Ranger replied. "I'm not talking about the battle. I was in contact with Clank but we lost the connection a few minutes ago. I got a feeling something is wrong."
"LIKE we need to stay focused on the battle right now. In case you haven't noticed, this creature is kicking our butts." The Pink Power Fur Ranger replied.
"Still, we shouldn't be too quick to dismiss it. We've never lost communication with them before. Brian, keep working on trying to reestablish communications while the rest of us come up with a plan to beat this creep." The Red Power Fur Ranger ordered.
"If this thing is made up of the last five monsters we destroyed, you can bet it has all their powers combined. However, if that is true it must also have its weaknesses." The Yellow Power Fur Ranger said as the others listened.
"LIKE What are you getting at?" The Pink Power Fur Ranger asked.
"It has lightning and water as powers from two of the monsters. Only it can't use them both at the same time unless it wants to short itself out. What else can stop lightning and water?" The Yellow Power Fur Ranger continued.
"Earth or dirt." The Red Power Fur Ranger replied.
"Dirt ruins toys like that monster used on us." The Black Power Fur Ranger added.
"Then it seems we can use that to try and buy us some time." The Yellow Power Fur Ranger concluded.
"It's worth a shot," The Black Power Fur Ranger remarked. The monster began to laugh hysterically as he stood there looking at the Megazord as it tried to rise to its feet.
"See you later, Rangers." The monster shouted then it vanished as The Power Fur Rangers looked around frantically.
"LIKE it's winning and it suddenly runs away." The Pink Power Fur Ranger remarked.
"I agree, something isn't right about all this." The Red Power Fur Ranger said.
"We should check on Zolton and Clank. Find out why we lost communications with them." The Blue Power Fur Ranger said and the rest agreed with him. They quickly activated the power of their rings and teleported to their secret lair.
They removed their helmets as they looked around at how dark and empty the place looked. Skyler tripped over Clank's body and he called out to the others.
"What's wrong with him Brian?" Lion asked as the picked up the robot and tried to make him stand on his feet.
"Looks... like his battery was ripped out. How could this happen? No one can enter our lair unless they are a Power Fur Ranger."
"Guys! Someone stole Zolton and left this DVD in his place." Terri said as she handed the DVD to Lion.
"Brian can you play this here?" Lion asked as he transferred the DVD to him.
"Sure no problem," Brian said and he set up the DVD in one of the lair's computer towers. The DVD began to play on the screen.
"Hello Power Fur Rangers," The image of The Green Power Fur Ranger appeared on the screen.
"Who's that guy?" Skyler asked but he was shushed by the others.
"Seems there's a new ranger in town and you could do nothing to stop me from capturing your precious leader. If you want n o harm to come to the mole rat then you will surrender and join The Evil Emperor. Tick Tock Rangers you better hurry before my master gets bored and he ends Zolton." The Green Power Fur Ranger mocked then he began to laugh. The DVD immediately ended.
"LIKE The Evil Emperor made his own Power Fur Ranger and while we were fighting that monster he sn uck in and captured Zolton and destroyed Clank?!" Lisa asked incredulously.
"And now they want us to surrender and join their side or we'll never see Zolton again. Terri added.
"What are we gonna do?" Skyler asked as he looked around to the others. Each one seemed to look at their feet unsure of what to do or say. Lion was the only one that was looking where Zolton's sphere his maw was expressionless as he thought things over.
"I dunno," Lion replied after a long pause.
In the Dark Lair on the moon The Green Power Fur Ranger stood waiting as he held The sphere Zolton sat in next to his stomach. The Evil Emperor and Empress slowly entered the chamber and sat upon their thrones. The Evil Emperor glared at Zolton while he tried to appear unfrightened by the huge dragon staring at him.
"Welcome to my parlor,'' said the spider to the fly." The Evil Emperor jeered.
"What you are going to do; do quickly but know that no matter what you do to me, The Power Fur Rangers will not be stopped!" Zolton said his voice showing not a hint of fear.
"You can relax now Zolton. I could crush your sphere like an egg and watch you rapidly age until you are no more... however I want the last thing you see to b e your precious Power Fur Rangers kneeling in obedience to me." The Evil Emperor said.
"That will never happen. A lesson you are about to learn the hard way." Zolton replied.
"We will see then, won't we!" The Evil Emperor replied then his laughter echoed in his chamber.
Go, Go, Go, Go,
Go, Go, Go, Go,
Power Fur Rangers,
Go, Go, Go, Go!