An Eventful Trip

But it was already too late as they spoke the fatal words the hoard of undead closed in around them.the sky seemed to grow darker as the ground near what they thought to be their last few moments in the this or any other world.

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Of the Collective, Prologue

They bring me news of the other worlds of the federation and beyond, i give them solutions to problems, mostly arrived at by simple brute force calculation. and requests for the federal guard to lift the quarantine.

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Shrines of Creation - Thursday Prompt Story [#21, 22/6/23]

While not particularly dangerous to dreamwalkers by themselves, they are highly volatile and temporary portals to other worlds, and there's no way to tell if a thread will make one... which means a curious soul could walk inside one of these threads and possibly

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The Quest for the Lost King: Chapter 3

Heavens, you must be from some other world!" "i _am_ from some other world," i laugh, "i'm unique." "yeah, yeah. shut it, wolf." as a preface to our dangerous afternoon mission, elizabeth and midas kiss before heading down the hill.

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Valkyrie Travel Guide - Part 1 - Terra

Terra has a very unique ecology compared to other worlds and unusually inconsistent weather ranging from hurricanes to clear and sunny days.

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Mercy 5: Let's Go

Clouds of some other world that could tear and bend flesh if not properly protected. then the creatures that naturally dwelt within could do even worse, creatures beyond the boneweavers. then mercy's laughter broke his spiraling thoughts.

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InterRealm - Chapter 4

All i can say is that anythin' that might be comin' from some other world has limitless potential as to what it could be. could be somethin' right powerful, but then again, it could be a worthless trinket."

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Tears of an Unquiet Sleeper

And dreams of other worlds can be so beautiful they break your heart. not all tears are bad. for a moment it seemed as though swiftsure would defy one of the two princesses of equestria.

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Introduction to Invasion

A backwater world, fairly primitive creatures who have never made contact with other worlds before. the invasion began two solar-cycles ago, forward invasion drones only." quemer explained. "but the locals are... hardy.

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Chapter 1

Therefore, we in this world made a society to try to keep the other world as secret as possible and to stop any more creatures from escaping and causing a war. this way, humans continue to live and we get to keep a good reputation.

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Chapter 3: A Grand Re-union

"what's it like to see other worlds?" asked cynder. "well, to be honest with you it can be exhilarating and it can be upsetting." galinoth replied. spyro could tell something else was on his mind. but he decided not to ask him about it yet.

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Ragnarok - XXI

And 'though i am the proof that death may be merely the gateway to some other world, how many worlds are there? i have glimpsed but a fraction of a fraction!

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