Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 8: Reckless
Every attempt tristan made to counter-attack was usually met with him being struck first, and finally it seemed his seemingly impenetrable defenses were giving way to rigel's rampage.
The Great War,Hell Division, Heroes Of The Dovahreich Chapter 3
Then your unit will storm the refineries and take control of the facilities while my forces soldiers will engage with any counter attack that might come our way during the mission. this is the plan, does any one have any questions? dragon x: no, sir!
A New Dawn - Chapter 11 (With Friends Like These...)
He hadn't regained his balance and caught off guard by my sudden counter attack, i saw it in his eyes that he knew he had made a mistake. he raised his arms in an attempt to stop me striking him in the head.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Twilight Brigade Chronicles - Chapter 7
Taking a step back, art watched rosiv's movements and began to figure out a counter attack. "i'll get the piplup!" zaphiel said, dashing to the right, releasing a few sparks from his cheeks. "guess i'll get the eevee. levinity...
Life in the Apocalypse: Chapter 12
But i had just the perfect counter attack planned. after i swung down and only hit smoke, i took my chances and dashed backwards, hitting the pyrokinetic spot-on.
Across the Rift 11
The counter attack was much more devastating. rather than retreating or squaring off, arutha simply brought his sword back around hilt first.
Galactic Conflict: Training Day
Now i was completely open to a counter-attack. oh damn, this is gonna hurt. the female washai grabbed me by my left shoulder as i fell, and spun me around. a fist came straight to my face, pausing a hairs-breadth away.
How should I know? Chapter 8: How can I show you?
"now isn't that rude, i'm no psychic my pokémon just know how to counter attack without me telling them." krystal said while placing her hands on her hips.
Light Bane: Chapter 20
Fortunately, its opponents were agile enough to dodge its attacks and even counter attacked. the red-furred werewolf pulled out her sword and stabbed it into the monster's head, causing it to shriek in pain.
Dimensional Analysis
_i'm ready for you to try and stop me_, tamil thought to himself, spinning one of his scimitars, anticipating a counter-attack. but his opponent didn't make any moves, aside from the ceaseless rocking back and forth.
The House Season 1, Episode 1
Geraldine grabbed a bottle that was on the floor, and counter-attacked with it. leona screamed and let go. the red wolfdog grabbed a picture frame off the wall and leona stood up. they stared at each other. both snarled and were red eyed.
Namir Fantasy Story Preview
We've got creatures of high value here, which means those rebels just might try to counter attack." "believe me, i will," osiris picked up the quiver of arrows, but before he left the room he turned to razzle. "listen to lord argus.