Galactic Conflict: Training Day
#4 of Galactic Conflict
The next installment of "Galactic Conquest"
not much plot, but plenty of action to make up for it ^.^
(Author's Note)
=Radio Contact=
-Computer Writing/ On Screen Text-
{Voice Talking}
|| * * * | | | * * * || = End Chapter
* * * = Scene Change
// // = Major Scene/Time Change
Training Day:
"Come on mutt! That's all you got?" Another fist came in, and I ducked under it. Right palm forward, hard as I can. A feathered hand came down, deflecting it away to the side. Now I was completely open to a counter-attack.
Oh damn, this is gonna hurt.
The female Washai grabbed me by my left shoulder as I fell, and spun me around. A fist came straight to my face, pausing a hairs-breadth away. The fist opened, and gave me a couple of light pats on my muzzle. Than she dropped me, and I let out a small "omph" as I landed.
She let out a chuckle, holding a feathered hand to me. I looked up at her, marveling at the golden-brown feathers covering her face, and took the offered hand. The soft, tickling feathers felt wonderful against the pads of my hands. With a laugh, she hefted me up, only bracing her legs a touch as she took my weight.
Looking around, I could see a Tasef standing to the side, watching me. He was smiling, although I don't know why. I just had my ass handed to me by our eagle friend here.
{Oh don't worry about it.} Great, you're back. {You know it.} I could just see her smiling at me. {Now pay attention.}
I came back to the real world, just as the Colonel was walking over to me. "That's your best run yet!" he had a smile on his face, and was giving a light chuckle at my down look. "I can't think of a single person that's bested Karan. Although you came close there a time or two." He held a glass of water to me, and I took it with a thanks. The Colonel nodded, pulling out a data-pad. "Allright, so we have a time of 1 minute and twenty-point-seven, nine seconds."
I looked over at the Washai when I heard her crack her neck. With a hearty laugh, "That's one of the best fights I've had in a while." She was stretching, her loose-fitting dueling cloths pulling against her. With a blush, I quickly became interested in the water glass I was holding.
The Colonel cleared his throat to get my attention. "Now that's done, just two more tests." A small whine escaped me before I could stop it, making him laugh. "Oh shut it," he said jovially, "you'll get a few minutes rest before the shooting test starts."
I sat there, catching my breath a little bit. I watched as Karan walked over to a water basin, splashing some on her golden-brown face. Soon though, the Colonel gave a whistle for me, "Get on over here."
Standing up, I walked over to him. With a small jerk of his deer-like head, he opened a door that said -Gun Range- on it. I stepped in, looking over the multiple firing lanes that were within.
The Colonel walked up to firing range four, and looked over the two weapons that lay at the ready. He turned to me, "Just a simple accuracy and speed test." I nodded, walking up to the gun. I took a breath, readying myself.
"Shooter ready?" I nodded, and the Tasef shouted "GO!"
I grabbed the rifle, tucking the butt into my right shoulder. My hands were a blur as I grabbed the first clip, and slapped the magazine into the rifle. Twisting the rifle, I grabbed the charging handle and pulled it back. It snapped the round into place with a satisfying tch-click! and I flicked the safety off. Once again the rifle's butt was in my shoulder, and I looked down the iron sights, focusing on the first target.
I squeezed twice and twice the rifle roared to life, the strangely comforting feel of a rifle jerking into my shoulder making me smile. The first target fell down, and two more popped up. The rifle jerked to the next target, two shots flying downrange before the next target also fell victim to my assault. My gaze settled on the third and again, two shots rang out as the target fell
The spent rounds fell out of the bottom of the rifle, clinking slightly against the metal of the stand in front of me. Three more targets came into view, and my eyes narrowed. Three shots blared out and two targets fell, the stand-in civilian still standing.
"Clear gun!" the Colonel ordered, and I nodded. Pressing the eject for the clip, I caught it as it fell and set it on the stand. Holding the rifle at an angle to the ground, I pulled the charging handle back again, ejecting the round that was in the chamber. I set the rifle down on the bench next to the clip, and took two steps back.
The Tasef looked at his data-pad as it calculated the values for the run. He nodded, and told me my score. "Total points come to 93 out of 100 total possible," he gave a small whistle, "One of the best static scores I've seen in a while."
The Colonel made a wave of his hand as he walked away, and I fell into step behind him. He stopped in front of another door, this one with -Simulated Live Fire Range,- and pressed a code into the holo-numberpad. The door gave a quiet hiss as it opened and he walked in, me three steps behind him.
There was a bench of weapons right there, with a black jaguar Neko standing there wiping down one of the rifles with a rag. The cat looked up, blinking his dark-green eyes. "Colonel," he said, giving a no. He pointed at me with his rag, "This the guy that's gonna be running the course." The Tasef nodded, and the Neko sighed. "Allright, head on up to the observation area than. I'll give him the rundown."
The Colonel gave a nod, turning to walk up a set of stairs. I saw him standing, looking out the window of the observation area with his hands folded behind his back. The Neko cleared his throat to bring my attention back to him. "Well," he set down the rifle he was wiping down on the table, "the name's Po'ran. People just call me Po, though," he held a hand to me, and I took it. He gave me a nod, "the Colonel up there wants you to run this here course." He pointed to the area behind him.
He gave a deep sneeze, bringing a hand to scratch his nose. "Sorry 'bout that," he gave a small cough, than cleared his throat. "It's a three stage attack test. First," he held up a finger, "is an attack over open ground against a fortified position. You'll be using simulation rounds, as well as being fired upon with them. Your task will be to seize it. Second," he held up a second finger, "A breach-and-clear situation. You'll have to attack a simulated starship bridge and take it. And finally," a third finger joined the other two, "a hostage rescue situation."
Po waved me over to his bench, where several weapons sat. "Take your pick, just don't forget to grab some ammo clips before heading in." The Neko gave a laugh, throwing his head back, "I've done that once or twice, and let me tell you. It is not fun to fo in without any ammo."
"I'll bet," I said, giving a laugh of my own. I than took a look at the weapons laying on the table. There were rifles, submachine-guns, long-range snipers, pistols, and several grenades. I took the vest that Po handed to me, slipping it over my shoulders. I clipped a couple of grenades onto the vest, and slipped a couple of rifle clips into the pockets. Picking up one of the pistols, I slipped the clip out enough to make sure it was loaded before slapping it back in and tugging the slide back to chamber a round. I slipped it into the pistol holder on the vest, snapping it into place.
Than I picked up a rifle similar to the other I'd been using, the only real difference being that this one had a more advanced optic system. I tucked it into my shoulder, moving it up and down a few times before grabbing a clip and slapping it into the holder. Twisting the rifle in my grip so that the side was facing me, I tugged at the charging handle. It snapped forward, chambering a round. Taking the strap, I slipped it over my head and let it hang by my side.
I looked over the desk, wondering what else I should take. {Why not a sniper rifle? Just a small one.} That actually wasn't a bad idea. Take out whomever I could with one clip, than ditch the rifle. {Exactly what I was thinking.} Right, of course you were.
I gave a small shake of my head to clear it. I picked up the sniper, swearing that I saw a smile on the Neko's face. Taking a single clip, it slipped in with a deep click and I pulled the action back. Holding it in my hands, I turned to the Neko. "I'm ready."
"Allrighty than," he opened the door to the waiting area. "Test begins in forty-five seconds."
I gave him a nod, stepping into the room. The door closed behind me, leaving me to wonder at what was going to happen. {Don't worry about it, I'll guide you through it.} Maybe you could stop with the comments? {No can do,} my mind's eye could see her sticking her tongue out at me, {don't worry about me taking control though.}
I gave a sigh. At least I had that.
Suddenly the Colonel's voice came over the speakers. =You ready?= I gave a nod, knowing he could see it. =Allright, good luck than.= The speakers gave a small click as the com was ended, and I took a steadying breath. A light turned red, and I braced the sniper against my shoulder. Three harsh beeps and the light turned yellow. I unconsciously held my breath as I waited.
A single long beep sounded, and my grip tightened. The light turned green, the door opened, and I dashed forward to the first cover I saw. Taking a deep breath, I peeked around the rocks, looking for the entrenched position. I saw them, and quickly ducked back behind the rocks.
So they didn't know where I was either. At least that gave me a slight advantage. {Indeed it does.} Not now please. {What? Just thought I'd offer a little help is all.} I would have sworn I saw a girl giving me an over-pleased smile when she said that.
I simply rolled my eyes, and got on my stomach. Setting the sniper rifle into position, I looked through the scope downrange at the position. I studied the area for several seconds, determining that there were five enemies protecting it. I saw the repeater that they had, and knew I had to take that out first. The crosshairs lined up on the repeater, and I held my breath as I squeezed the trigger. The rifle jumped into my shoulder, and I saw a spark indicating that the repeater was out of action.
The defenders soon took cover, and I gave a curse. I searched the area for a few seconds, looking for any of them. A broad smile came over me when I saw a grey Susuv pop his head up. I fired and the sensor on his helmet sparked, indicating a kill.
I stood up, swinging my arm-length assault rifle around and tucking it into my shoulder while taking a hold of the fore-grip. Looking, I saw another cover area, and I sprinted to the bushy-rock outcropping. Now I was close enough that I could hear the defenders shouting about where I was. I gave a quick glance around the rock, popping my head back once I got a distance.
"About fifty meters." I took a deep breath, than let it out. It was open ground the whole way until about five meters out. {You can make it. Just weave a bit.} I can make my own decisions, thank you. {Just a suggestion.}
Taking another deep breath, I tightened my grip on the rifle in my hands. I stood up in a hunching way, so that the bush still hid me. With a grunt I dashed out into the open, each step cleaving some dirt into the air. I sprinted at full speed, wincing when I felt the markers go by my as I ran.
When I was three meters away from the rock that would be my cover, I went into a slide. I turned myself in mid-slide so that my back landed against the rock. The four who were guarding the position were shouting, trying to get into flanking positions on me.
I saw one while I was leaning against the rock, and leveled my rifle, firing several times. I heard a shout when I fired, and smiled when the sparks flew from the speckled-brown Susuv's chest. Peeking around the cover, I noticed a small path that I could climb up to get the height advantage on the three remaining defenders.
It was going to leave me open for several precious seconds though. I'd have to go as fast as I can if I want to make it. Bracing myself, I briefly wondered what the voice thought. {It's as good a plan as any.} I chuckled, wondering why I was asking the voice her opinion.
With a finial breath I stepped out, firing several times to make the defenders duck their heads. At the base of the cliff, I bunched my legs and bounded up almost two meters. I let go of my rifle, letting the strap hold it to me as I reached out to the rocks. Taking a grip, body slammed against the rocks, and I heaved myself up as fast as I could. Several shots ricocheted off of where I'd been just heart-beats before.
I scaled the seven meters of rock-face in just seconds. Rolling over the top, I panted a touch as I moved my rifle so it was laying on top of me. Rolling over so that I was on my knees, I grabbed a stun-grenade from my vest. Pressing the button on the top, I waited for three breaths before tossing it over. I heard a brief shout before the tchBANG! of the stun-grenade went off.
Popping over the ledge, my rifle leveled against the closest Susuv. I fired twice, and his hit markers sparked. I swung my rifle to a second Susuv, and two shots later he was down as well. I didn't see the last, Neko, defender though. Looking, I lightly jumped over the ledge, landing with bent knees a two meter fall later.
I heard a rustle, and I ducked into the trench just as several shots rang out. Keeping ducked the whole time, I moved through the trench until I was at an entrance to a bunker. This is where the shots had come from.
Taking a breath, I popped my head out-and-than-back as a shot rang out. Growling, I held the rifle out and pulled down on the trigger. When the rifle clicked empty and I cursed as I brought it back, leaning against the side of the entrance. I hit the eject button on the side, letting the clip slide out as my other hand went for another clip. Taking ahold of the other clip, I slapped it into the rifle and snapped the charging handle back.
It was now or never. Tucking the rifle against my left shoulder, holding the fore-grip with my right, I turned the corner. I brought my rifle around, everything seeming to slow down, and watched as the cheetah-Neko brought a pistol to bear on me. I got the fist round off, the marker hitting just left of him. The Neko fired, hitting me in the shoulder, the simulation round making me jerk and my second shot went right.
I corrected though, and the third shot was a perfect head shot, his helmet sparking as the hit registered. A loud beep sounded throughout the area, signaling the end of the test.
I stepped out of the bunker, watching the other participants standing up. Two of the Susuv's shook my hand, congratulating me on beating them. I thanked them, walking on to the building.
=You ready for the next situation?= the Colonel asked over the coms.
"As ready as I'll ever be." I'd rather just get these done with I thought to myself.
=Allright, just step on in,= the doors opened, and I stepped in. Once again the doors closed, and a red light came on. Three sharp beeps later, the light turned yellow. One long beep and it turned green, the doors opening.
I stepped through, picking up the charge and readying it. I pressed it against the door, and took cover to the right of the blast doors.
WHOSHBOOM! The bomb went off, and I dashed through the small hole it made. I fired several shots before the defenders even knew what hit them. The wide open bridge hard to defend from my deadly accurate shots. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the shot counter on my rifle going down, and I let it fall to my side as I grabbed my pistol.
The last three defenders had just started reaching for their weapons when I put them all down. Two, two, and one shot. I glanced around the bridge, smiling when I saw all the defenders taken down.
To my somewhat shock, the finished beep sounded and the others started getting up. I was surprised that it was that easy. The "captain" came up to me, offering his hand. I took it. "It's been a long time since anyone beat us down that fast," the Tasef said. He nodded his shaved horns toward the far door, "Last test is through there."
"Thanks," I smiled, letting go of his hand. As I walked to the door, I ejected the empty clip from my rifle, catching it in my hand. I put it back into the holder on my vest, and pulled a new one out. Casually, I slipped it into place and than gave it a solid slap. Once again I pulled the charging handle back to load a fresh round.
=Damn,= I heard Po say over the coms, =don't think I've seen anyone own that like you just did.= I heard a chuckle from the Colonel and Po came back over the radio, =least not that I've seen.=
The Colonel came back over the radio. =You ready for the last one?=
I pressed the com button on the door so I could answer. "Ready as I'll ever be." I said with a small sigh. The first test was starting to catch up with me, as were the wrestling matches I'd had with Karen.
Rolling my shoulders, I felt them give a small pop. Just then the door opened and I stepped in. Once again the doors behind me closed and the red light came on. The radio came to life, and the Colonel spoke through. =Just so we're clear, this is the hostage rescue situation. The targets are hostile, and will eliminate the hostage if you get to close.=
I nodded, saying "Got it. Anything else?" The light turned yellow, and my grip on the rifle tightened.
=Nothing.= The last beep sounded, and the door opened as the light went green.
The door opened, and my rifle jumped up to my shoulder. Standing at the end of a corridor stood three figures. Another cheetah-Neko, holding a grey Susuv with a pistol to her head, and a brown Susuv with a shotgun in his hands.
The Susuv with the shotgun held it up when he saw me, shouting "Come closer and we waster her!"
I growled to myself, letting my rifle fall to my side and hang by its strap. {It seems that they are intent on keeping her} It would seem that way. What do you think? Pistol the Neko and double-tap the Susuv?
The voice was quiet for several moments, seeming to think. {You weren't told to take them alive.} A ghost of a shadow grazed my muzzle, {Shot the wolf in the shoulder and knee though, just to be on the safe side.} The nod I gave seemed to distract the two.
When the glanced at each other, my hand ripped the pistol out of its holder. The first shot hit the Neko in the head, the hit reading sparking madly as he fell and his grip loosening on the grey Susuv he was holding. Before he'd even started falling, two more shots rang from my pistol, catching the Susuv and spinning him around.
I dashed forward, jumping on his back and pushing him into the ground. Holding his arms, I pressed down and said "And you're captured." I held him until he stopped struggling. When my grip didn't break, he started laughing and the finished buzz sounded.
I stood up, letting him roll over. He held his hand to me, and I took it, bracing to pull him up. When he was on his feet, he clapped me on my shoulder. "You are the first to try and take me alive," he laughed again, "nice to see not all DG members are bloodthirsty killers." He gave a whistle and the Neko, still holding his head as he stood up, walked through a door, followed closely by the Susuv.
=Damn nice work there.= I heard over the speakers. =Now just head on out.=
I nodded, flicking the safety on my rifle. Walking the six meters down the hallway, the door hissed open.
Standing on the other side were Po and the Colonel both with broad smiles on their faces. The Neko was the first to congratulate me, slapping me on the back. "Damn nice work there mutt," he gave a laugh, "I wonder what Scales will think now that his score's been beaten."
The Colonel laughed, "You know him, he'll take it in stride." He looked to me, laughing. "But anyways, it seems that everything is working perfectly. You have any headaches or pains your recent exertions can't account for?"
I shook my head, the sores in my legs starting to make themselves painfully known. The Colonel saw this, and made a shooing motion with his hands. "Go, get cleaned up and get some sleep." He rubbed the back of his head, sighing deeply. "We might be getting called up earlier than I thought."
I nodded, a shower sounded really great right about now. {Good thing, you're starting to smell now.} Oh shut up, it's not like you can smell me. {I can do more than you think.}
I was walking down the corridors towards the men's quarters, hugging the walls as I passed people.
Well if you're going to be reading my mind, I can't keep calling you 'the voice.' {Welll, you could,} I could see her laughing, {but that'd be kinda rude.} Exactly.
I slipped into the men's quarter's, giving a nod of acknowledgment to Eclipse as I walked in. "Hey man," the Tilki said with a grin. "Feeling a little sore?" At my nod, he gave a laugh. "Don't worry, a nice hot shower will take care of that."
"That was my thinking exactly," I said with a laugh. I continued into the bathroom, noting that it was empty. I grabbed a towel, and set it on the rack outside of the shower as I stepped in.
Shredding my cloths, I put the shower on until I could barely stand the heat.
{Bet that feels good,} the voice said with mirth. You still didn't tell me what to call you. {hehehe,} she giggled, {you can call me......} I unconsciously held my breath as I waited. {Luna.}
I smiled, whispering "Luna." A pleasure to meet you Luna. {Indeed it is. Now,} I could almost see her hold her nose, {please finish your shower.}
I laughed, and took my time as I showered the pain of the day away.
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legal: this story is mine, and mine alone. Please send me a PM before using it ^.^