This is Madness!
"so then i says, 'look bub, if i don't get my wax job done right and real soon, somebody's gonna get hurt.'" he took another drag of exhaust, twirling the cancer stick between his fingers. "heh, and he got it done, right?"
Werewolf Tale II - Chapter 24 - A Cautious Halloween
Monday, october 31st, 2011 moon phase - waxing crescent how shane, or his father, had gotten their hands on his phone number remained on alex's thoughts into sunday morning.
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 3
So icarus built his wings of wax and feathers and dared to do what no other man could do. reach out and touch the gods to only crash back upon the earth in folly. we have ships of metal and wings of rocket fuel.
Still Searching: Burnout
A thin, elegant wisp of smoke rose up from the wax. the red glow of the wick faded away, and the flame burnt out. then it was dark. **the end**
Clarity - Chapter 10: Melting Down
Getting closer, a plate covered in wax paper makes itself apparent. the smell is getting stronger too, so i suppose we have a prime suspect here. "i, um, figured this might be nice to try for the occasion.
Laser Tag
When you scraped through the wax it most likely lodged in your fur. had it not done so then one was planted on you by one of the employees. either way the doors must detect two of these, one must be a disqualified player.
Twisted Night: Chapter 22
Atop it was a lit wax candle, flickering innocently away. the air stilled as she watched its strange dance. compelled to take a few tentative steps. fractured whispers seemed to flow from its movements, enticing her to come closer.
Polytheism Within My Writing
From that time forward her light and beauty would wax and wane throughout the year. at the time a secret, but now open knowledge, she is in a relationship with serenia. **pillanous** - the eagle god of the sky and weather.
Devoted Tails, Chapter 2: Enter Scry...
A small wax seal with a royal-looking letter "r" covered the flap. "thanks, sir!" he said, eager to leave the strange ruins. "i'll be on my way and get back to you when..."
A Bond Unbroken ~ Chapter 10
#11 of bond unbroken wherein we leave conner and nisha and see what conner's brother airn is up to the young stallion strode down the halls with purpose, a scroll sealed by wax in one paw.
Dedicated to the one I love
When he came to the last one, archer picked up the steel tray, now pooled in wax as the candle struggled with only an inch or two of wick remaining.
lone dragon pt3
Pen, ink, and parchment was called for and a hour later each had put their signatures and wax marks on the newly formed agreement. as soon as it was finished a loud screech of a dragon was heard. " call your men to to arms.