Still Searching: Burnout

Story by Riks on SoFurry

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#7 of Still Searching

Storms: the most frustrating aspect of life in the tropics that Rik could come up with. They snuck up on you unexpectedly around here, unlike say in Europe where the weather is a lot more subtle in its changes.

The Tiger Moth had been returned to the airfield, and the two foxes made a mad dash down the beach walkway back to the town. They barely made it into a cheap pizzeria before the clouds opened and the downpour arrived.

It was while they sat watching the storm as they shared a king sized pizza that they realised that they would have to run through said downpour in order to get back to Kierra's house. Not that it mattered; they were together, and that was all that counted, despite how cheesy it sounded to Rik.

At about halfway through their meal, the storm knocked out the power. Luckily, the overly-happy waiter, a ginger tom-cat of a moderately wide build, supplied candles for each table. The only problem was that when he delivered the candle for Rik and Kierra, he proudly announced 'One candlelit feast for the lovebirds!'

The two foxes chuckled and tried to hide their respective blushes. It was much easier for Rik given his red fur, and he managed to catch sight of Kierra's, despite the poor lighting.

They finished their pizza with the power still out, and decided that it would probably be best just to head on back to Kierra's place through the storm, which showed no signs of letting up any time soon. Satisfied with their meal, the foxes paid their dues, thanked the staff, and took a step outside. The pizzeria had an overhang on the second floor, which allowed them to step about a metre outside the door without getting wet. Kierra's home was further than one metre away, however. No matter how they wanted to cut it, they would still get wet.

Rik eventually had enough of waiting, and suggested that they just make a mad dash. Kierra heartily agreed, and took Rik's hand.

For the pilot, time seemed to temporarily stop. Holding hands wasn't abnormal at all. It's just that the silky fur and the warmth of Kierra's hand in his, combined with the fact that this was the first time that Kierra had made such a move, was nearly surreal. His minor daydream was ruined when the determined arctic vixen loosed something along the lines of a battle-cry, and dragged him out into the storm.

The two charged through the town, still locked hand-in-hand as they weaved their way through alleyways and back-streets. Rik was forced to hang slightly behind Kierra, as she was the one familiar with the streets. This allowed for him to make the sudden turns that Kierra made without crashing into her or carrying on in the wrong direction before he processed her turn.

Kierra's knowledge of the streets and their shortcuts, no matter how quick they were, didn't serve to cut down on the amount of time they were directly out in the downpour. She swerved to shelter under balconies and awnings where she could, but most of the streets she made them travel down were open and devoid of cover of any sort. Where there was no cover, the rain relentlessly lashed against the foxes, cutting through their fur and seeping into their clothes. If that wasn't already enough, the wind that barrelled down the narrow streets the foxes took battered against their soaking clothes, which cooled them down bewilderingly fast, and left them both with chattering teeth and bones that felt as though they had been flash-frozen.

The wind, the cold and the rain would have deterred Rik about halfway, at which point he would have entered the nearest restaurant or cafe and get something else to eat while he waited to dry out or let the storm let up. Kierra, however, was extraordinarily headstrong. Consequently, she made no stops, and dragged Rik along with her as she continued her charge through the streets.

Eventually they came to a set of flats, which were arranged side-by-side instead of on top of one another. The terraced bungalows took up the entirety of one side of a street, while the other was occupied by stores, detached houses or scraps of unused land where vegetation was allowed to fester uninterrupted by buildings.

Rik followed Kierra down the flats as she counted how many doors they had passed. She eventually pointed to one of them, indicating it to be hers. Rik squeezed her hand to let her know that he understood, and sped towards the target.

Upon reaching her flat, Kierra hurriedly jammed the key in the door and threw it open, and the two foxes leapt inside without pause for thought.

The house greeted them with a burst of warmth, and the two sighed out of relief to be out of the storm outside. That said however, they weren't able to get away unscathed. They were both soaked, and stood awkwardly as they watched remarkable amounts of water running off their clothes. It was much worse than the time at Rik's house.

Kierra, rather than being frustrated, smirked a little bit. Rik grinned too, catching on to what a right pair they probably looked like.

"This isn't gonna dry fast." Kierra commented.


"Yeah... hand me your clothes, I'll put 'em out to dry."

Rik's eyes went wide, "What?"

"You heard me. Clothes, off, now."

"Well... I, er,"

"You're gonna chicken out aren't you?" Kierra said flatly. Rik nodded. "Really? I did it at your house. C'mon! Fair's fair."

Rik had no immediate comeback. Even if he did though, he was sure that Kierra would be able to counter it. He sighed and resigned himself, kicking off his boots as his hands worked at his jacket. Kierra smiled smugly, happy to have won the argument, and did the same herself.

Subconsciously in sync, they removed their jackets at the same time. They lifted the hem of their shirts up over their heads and dumped them in a mutually recognised drop zone between them. Kierra began to unbutton her jeans, a task which Rik did not get around to himself as he stared at the arctic fox. Again, like the time at his own house, his thought process was derailed when he beheld the vixen. Her sleek body captured his full attention again. His eyes wondered to her chest, despite his best efforts to keep them away.

Unbeknownst to Rik, Kierra knew that he was watching her out of her periphery, but didn't say anything. Given everything he did just to apologise, she figured that she should let him have a little fun.

Rik continued eagerly watching her as she slid her jeans down her legs, and eventually stepped out of them and kicked them on the pile. It was at this point that the scantily clad vixen, not going far enough to remove her bra and panties, looked at the pilot with a face full of innocence. The pilot meanwhile simply returned a blank stare.

"Well?" Kierra said expectantly as she gestured to his trousers, obviously egging him to take them off.

The fox looked down at his beloved trousers questionably, then looked back up and wordlessly shook his head. Taking his shirt off was already out of his comfort zone in front of girls like Kierra, and she expected him to strip down to his pants? No.

"Aw, come on!" Kierra pleaded. "I've been like this twice now."

Again, Rik shook his head. No way was this happening. Kierra loosed an exasperated sigh, and moved her hands behind her back to rest at the hook of her bra.

"Go further, and so will I." She said with a sultry expression. Rik stumbled over his stubbornness. It was a tempting offer. Then again, if he accepted he would end up looking like a perv. He couldn't win in this situation. On the other hand, it's not exactly like he had much to lose. He and Kierra had just made up; he doubted that a dash of horniness was enough to tip the scales again.

He sighed, and promptly undid his belt. Kierra smiled contently, and innocently fluttered her eyelids at him every time he looked up at her. Once the belt and button were undone, Rik let his trouser slip down to his ankles, whereupon he simply kicked them off his feet and onto the pile, leaving him standing uncomfortably in a pair of blue boxer shorts.

Contrary to what she said, Kierra removed her hands from her bra and stooped down to scoop the pile of wet clothes into a bundle in her arms, and promptly marched away with it. Rik looked at her in some form of surprised shock.

"Hey!" He barked.

"Yes, hon?" Kierra replied in a sarcastic tone as she dumped the clothes on top of the washing machine in the back room before she returned.

"You said you'd... you know." He spluttered pathetically. The vixen simply grinned.

"You say that as if you believed me." She replied with an innocent flutter of her eyelids. Rik let out a frustrated sigh and balled his fist, to which Kierra laughed.

"I probably should have known." Rik admitted. Kierra turned on her heels with a sly grin.

"Yeah, you should have." She cooed. A teasing flick of the tail was added as she walked off towards the bedroom. Eyes fixated, Rik followed her. It wasn't a large flat, and the hall in which they entered was linked into just about every important room in the flat, including the bedroom, kitchen, living room and dining room. The dining room didn't seem to have seen much use. Given that this was Kierra's flat, Rik wasn't entirely surprised, and assumed that her dinners were usually consumed in the living room or at a restaurant. He found her in the bedroom. An en-suite sink was in the corner of the room, and she was bent over as she rummaged through the cupboard underneath it, which inadvertently gave Rik a generous view of her swaying rear. She rose a few moments later, carrying a box of matches and a few candles.

"Power-outs are kinda regular. You need these more than you think." She explained as she placed and lit the candles around the room, namely on nightstands and window-sills that surrounded the inviting double bed that the room seemed to revolve around. It seemed that Kierra had pulled the quilt back on the bed, leaving a majority of the underlying sheet and mattress exposed to the cool air.

With the candles lit, Kierra dropped the boxes by the sink for the future and turned back to the pilot. The threat of awkward silence loomed in the subsequent pause. The awkwardness of the silence would likely be made even worse given that they were standing next to each other clad only in their in their undergarments. To save the situation, Rik spoke up.

"So, uh... now what?"

"Slick." Kierra commented flatly.

"I don't see you doing anything to help."

"But it's so cute when you don't know what to do! Why would I pass on moments like those?"

"Fine." Rik replied as he held his arms skywards in a defeated pose. "Miss Rose, what do you want to do?"

"...Sleep, I guess."

"Really?" The pilot said with an accusational tone. "Again?"


"You strip down to your bra and pants, flirt, then just go to sleep?"


"You're such a tease." Rik replied with a wide grin, advancing forward one step as he planted a quick kiss on Kierra's forehead. It wasn't anything special other than a mere peck on the head. To Rik, though, it was a tiny pleasure that he managed to elicit out of the situation. "Hey, can I borrow a pillow and blanket?"

"What, you want the couch again?"


"Then no."

"No? Why no? _You're_not having the sofa, if that's what you're thinking." Rik began to protest. Kierra hushed him as he opened his mouth to continue by placing a finger delicately over his lips.

"I thought that maybe you and me could share tonight." She suggested with a sultry grin. Rik froze for a moment, after his eyes widened in surprise as the gravity of her suggestion hit him. Kierra leant forward. "No need to be shy now."

Rik was still frozen. Kierra took the opportunity to remove her finger from Rik's lips and flutter her eyelids again.

God damn, she's good Rik thought. They spent a good few moments simply stood staring at the other. While Rik tried to keep a straight face, it was hard for him given the growing nervousness that welled up inside him as he processed that Kierra's face was mere inches from his.

Rik opened his mouth to say something, but was once again silenced by Kierra, though this time not with her finger. When Rik made to speak, Kierra closed the distance between them and softly planted her lips against his. Her eyelids gracefully fluttered shut, and her arms moved to wrap around Rik's torso and gently pull him closer to her as she kissed him.

Rik, meanwhile, stood rigid as he processed what was happening. Torrents of information and emotion rampaged through his mind, which gave him little thinking power to coordinate his body. As a consequence, he just stood still while Kierra made out with him. His body kept as stiff as a board, where it would otherwise be trembling. His legs felt like they would buckle at any moment, though they stood as still as statues. His mind worked furiously as he processed the moment. First and foremost, it was his first kiss. Secondly, it was a kiss with the woman that he had idolised as a goddess for the whole time he had known her. Thirdly, Kierra started it, not him. She shared his feelings after all!

The only movements that Rik made were the occasional blink of his eyes when they began to dry out due to the fact that they had been held wide for so long, and he opened his lips when he felt Kierra's tongue softly graze against them and prompt him to do so.

She didn't act on this, however, and instead pulled away from him with a resounding 'Mwah'. She giggled a little as she observed the still dumbfounded expression on Rik's face, and turned towards the bed. It was barely three paces to the bed, but in that space the arctic vixen worked in as many hip swishes as she could. When she finally reached the bed, she slowly peered over her shoulder at the frozen pilot, and winked at him.

The 'come hither' look that she flashed was enough to prompt Rik out of his daze and bring him in closer. Deciding to act as he should, or try to mimic what he had seen in romance films and the occasional pornography, he drew up behind the arctic vixen and hugged her about her waist. His head rested on her shoulder next to hers, and his chest was pressed softly against her upper back. Their eyes met at the edge of their peripheries, and they both smiled. Rik planted a quick kiss at the base of her neck, to which Kierra responded by teasingly grinding her rear back against his groin.

She is way too good at this Rik mused as his hands moved to slowly trace up and down Kierra's thighs. He did his best not to get worked up by the luscious posterior that ground against his crotch, but that required willpower comparable to that of a saint; a willpower that Rik did not have.

Kierra felt it, and permitted a wry grin to spread across her face. Rik knew she felt it, and consequently trembled nervously. This, of course, only fuelled Kierra's desires to continue teasing poor Rik until he snapped. That goal wasn't too far away, what with Rik looking down to watch Kierra's finely shaped rear mashing against his crotch. It did him no good realising that his crotch was separated from her only by two sets of fabric in the form of Rik's boxers and Kierra's lingerie.

The pilot let slip a quiet whimper. His lack of experience in this field and Kierra's apparent expertise in the art served to go about breaking Rik's will so much more efficiently than it would for someone who had a little more knowledge than he.

Kierra continued; her elegantly sculpted body gracefully swaying and grinding against Rik's, which stood by pathetically and attempted, and failed, to follow her movements. The pilot at this point was getting far too worked up because of her, and very soon began faintly panting out of collective need and frustration from her tease job.

Kierra soon took pity on the poor pilot, and halted her teasing for the moment. She swivelled on her heels, and turned about to face Rik directly. The proximity they had before meant that there was little space now. Kierra's breasts were pressed flush against Rik's chest, and they had to crane their necks backwards in order to avoid bumping their heads against each other. Still, the space between their muzzles left very little room for manoeuvre.

A moment's staring ensued, leaving the foxes simply gazing at each other with nothing apparent to say. Like before, Rik opened his mouth to salvage the situation, and, again, Kierra took the opportunity to close the distance and lock her lips with Rik's.

Once more, Rik had been taken by surprise, but this time it didn't have much of an impact on him, like it did before. He found himself closing his eyes and melting into this one, and placed his hands on Kierra's hips when he felt her arms wrap around his body to pull him closer.

The kiss itself was hot, frantic, even so far as downright sexy: exactly what Rik wanted. Pretty early on into the kiss, Rik felt Kierra's tongue graze against his lips in a bid to be let in. The pilot obliged and parted his lips a little, whereupon Kierra's tongue eagerly darted in like a trigger happy sniper on his first day at the range. Her tongue was warm, wet and energetic, and it quickly set about wrestling Rik's own in order to establish dominance. Rik smiled some, and returned the favour; moving his tongue to entwine around Kierra's and chase it around his mouth.

When she noticed that Rik was too distracted in the kiss to really be paying much attention to anything else, she used the hold she had on Rik to pull him with her as she gradually leant backwards. The arctic vixen bent her knees a little and controlled her fall backwards, allowing her to sit on the bed behind her, and later allow her to lay down. Having no other choice, being trapped in her grasp, Rik was forced to follow her down onto the mattress.

A hand lifted itself from Kierra's hip and placed itself on the bed, and Rik used it to steady himself. However, thanks to Kierra's grasp, most of his weight was sustained by her body as he was forced to lie down on top of her.

The kiss endured. The foxes' lips remained locked together throughout the fall, and continued to remain so afterwards. With tongues still entwined and her hold still in place, Kierra used the grasp she had on Rik and sharply shifted them both to the right. The two vulpine tumbled sideways momentarily, until Kierra stopped them. They had rolled to the right, and now Kierra was the one on top.

Rik knew this, and accepted it. He offered no resistance at first, despite the overwhelming temptation to do so, as he knew that attempting to recover his position would risk having to part from Kierra's mouth; an act which he didn't want to do any time soon.

However, after a few more moments of their intense make-out session, Rik wanted his position back, or equal terms at the very least.

He grabbed Kierra about the torso, and threw his weight in the opposite direction that she did previously, and brought him with her when they went rolling to the left. With Rik now on top, Kierra wasted no time in reverting his roll. The pilot countered her, and thus began the fight to achieve the top position. Their lips remained locked in the kiss throughout the struggle.

It was at some point in the campaign for the top position that Kierra's hold on Rik was disrupted. Rik used this to throw Kierra off of him, and inadvertently break the kiss, on his next roll so that he could get on top of her, but a well-placed hand by Kierra from where she had landed next to him prevented him from getting up. So was it that the two of them lay there, laid side-by-side and panting as they recovered from their bout of kissing and fighting for the dominant position. With their breath soon slowing back down to normal pace, the two foxes eyelids slowly parted opened.

Their bright eyes met. They took a moment just to stare back at the other, watching as the other's eyes twinkled in the candlelight, prominently expressing affection, adoration, and anticipation as their bodies subconsciously edged closer together. Both smiling and blushing, both muzzles met in another fond smooch, and their hands once more rose to explore the counterpart's body. The only sound was the smack of lips against lips which rang out through the room, in conjunction with the heavy, needy panting that had begun to arise between them.

Again, Rik's tongue was forced to wrestle Kierra's between their mouths as their jaws locked together once again. Their eyes fluttered shut, letting them focus on the kiss, and the kiss alone. Their hands subconsciously roamed free and explored the other's body still, but the kiss took overall priority. Rik could almost feel days of his life being stricken away with each heavy, rhythmic thump of his heart as it threatened to beat its way out of his chest. The butterflies that welled up in his stomach were swarming into frenzy as the arctic vixen across from him continued to make out with him. Tongues clashed, hands felt, breath quickened; they were lost in a bliss, and they didn't seem to care for stopping any time soon.

Eventually, the two foxes slowly pulled away from the kiss, briefly connected by a thin strand of saliva before it dipped and dissipated between them. Rik's eyes slowly opened up to find Kierra's own bearing back into them. Her deep blue eyes, while playful and jubilant, expressed a certain aspect of lust and naughtiness in her gaze. Rik liked it.

With identical wry smiles spreading across their faces, Kierra winked at Rik one last time and reached an arm down the bed. Her hand found the covers that she had pulled back earlier, and she hastily pulled it back up over their heads, cascading the pair into the privacy of darkness.

* * *

It had been some time since the two foxes had surrendered themselves to sleep. They lay on their sides, facing each other. Soft smiles were etched onto their faces, and their naked bodies were pressed gently yet firmly together as they shared an embrace. Their tails had subconsciously entwined with each other, and every soft twitch of one tail as its owner dreamed served to make the second lovingly tighten its grip around the first. The only other signs of movement were the occasional twitches of ears and noses, along with the soft rise and fall of chests as the foxes breathed. Aside from them, the room was as motionless as it was silent.

A majority of the candles around the room, having been unattended to for some time, had gone out in the time it took the pair to go to sleep. Only one remained, faithfully burning away on the nightstand like a lone sentinel watching over them. Dawn would take over soon, and the storm had passed. The candle's job was complete. The flame had burned its way down into the core of the wax, and the wick was nearing its end.

The dancing flame slowly began to decrease in size as the wick it clung to grew smaller still. Eventually it was so small it could be regarded as an ember more than a flame. A thin, elegant wisp of smoke rose up from the wax. The red glow of the wick faded away, and the flame burnt out.

Then it was dark.

The End