Dedicated to the one I love
A Private Moment
By Icelos Fox.
Copyright 2004, do not distribute without author's permission.
Warning: As with much of the content of, this story is intended for a mature, willing audience. If you're under legal age to view such material, or find the thought of erotica (Especially between two males) offensive, Please look elsewhere. But I can't stop you from continuing, so proceed at your own risk.
This story was dedicated to someone. But that moment seems to have passed. When I have finished something else, this story will be removed. Sorry to all involved.
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The knock at the door filled Archer's heart with with music. It seemed he had been waiting forever, and he practically leapt off the couch at the first percussive rap, glancing around the room to make sure everything was set up perfectly. The candles were lit, flickering and casting a warm orange glow that seemed to set his rust coloured fur alight with amber highlights. The bottle of wine lay cocked aside in a bed of ice and two crystal glasses were sitting on the table. A small brick of impossibly expensive cheese sat beside it, giving off a pungent odor he was sure his mate would appreciate. As he stood, he smoothed his finely creased clothes and steadied his bushy tail, not wanting to betray how anxiously he had awaited the bear's arrival.
He padded over swiftly and unlatched the deadbolt with a nervous click, swinging it open to look up slightly, betraying his anxiousness with his wide, glinting eyes. Corva's white muzzle broadened into a smile and he stepped forward, sweeping up the smaller fox into his powerful arms, lifting him off his feet and against his ivory fur as he held Archer, letting loose a rumbling growl of affection. A feline whom Archer couldn't immediately identify paused on their way past, but Archer merely smiled over the ursine's shoulder, flicking his tail against the door to close it with a satisfying thud as the cat grinned sheepishly.
Corva released him, and Archer stood back, taking in his mate's slightly rumpled garments. As usual, he looked completely out of place, not only because of his species but also because he normally shunned the confines of clothing. He was one of the many whom Archer found somewhat funny... Irrepressably shy and self conscious, yet with an almost phobic dislike for the feeling of clothes against his fur.
Archer managed to get an arm around the bear's neck, pulling him down so that their muzzles met, the bear's tongue exploring his mouth tenderly. Archer leaned back slightly, feeling a paw reach up to his face, but was caught off guard when the bear's heavy paw slapped him across the cheek. Not hard enough to hurt, but forcing him to blink and let out a small yip of suprise.
"You were smoking again. Weren't you?"
Archer rubbed his jaw incredulously, then frowned slightly, nodding his head as his ears subconsciously flicked back showing his shame. His mate wagged a clawed finger just inches from his nose warningly. "You know how I feel about that. I thought you promised to quit?"
The fox hung his head, then looked up with resolve, staring straight into his love's eyes. "Sorry. The wait was making me anxious. I had to do something or I'd go crazy." He padded over to the sofa, now self conscious of the clinging aroma of clove tobacco on his clothes and fur. With some amusement, he also noticed another scent coming off him, and he knew his partner could as well. But that would be adressed later, he hoped.
After dinner, the wine almost gone and the candles burning low in their ornate holders, they retired to the overstuffed couch to watch a movie together. Corva had long since abandoned his shirt (Which Archer had insisted upon finding a hanger for... "No sense sending you out of here looking like a bum" he had protested) and Archer absentimindedly ran his black paw through the white fur, gazing amusedly at the dark skin underneath it all.
One of the bear's broad hands found its way onto his shoulder, and began to squeeze rythmically, the movements eliciting an appreciative moan from the fox, who lay across his lap, leaning in heavily against Corva's massage. He had spent the day obsessing about everything, making sure it was perfect, and the bear's expert motions melted away the tension easily. Corva chuckled as the fox murred, his body vibrating like a small motor, his tail twitching in a supressed wag.
One clawed finger dipped into the collar of Archer's shirt, coming up with a small silver chain which he fished out, looking for the small medallion hanging down against his neck. He knew what he'd find, for he had given it to the fox on the announcement of their love. In the warm glow of the candlelight, it seemed to shine from within with some unnatural energy. Its face bore the figures of an ursine and a vulpine holding paws. It was warm, from hanging against he fox's fur. He was about to let it slip back under the fox's clothes when he felt something against the rough surface of his palm pads.
He turned it over, and to his suprise saw an engraving there. Something that wasn't there when he gave it as a token of his love. It took him a moment to see it in the dim light, but when he saw the sideways figure eight, he knew immediately what it was. "Infinity. Eternity. Now and forever." Archer's words cut the silence like a knife, and he craned his head all the way back to stare into Corva's eyes. "I thought it was a fitting tribute of my love for you."
Corva couldn't help but smile, letting the bauble fall back to his mate's fur as he brushed his cheek with the back of one paw, smoothing the ruffled fur. Archer closed his eyes and leaned back, resting his head against the bear's chest. They lay lost in each other before the rising score of the movie let it be known that it was over, the credits slowly scrolling over the screen. Archer rose and switched off the devices while Corva sat up and stretched, yawning widely. The fox had to supress a chuckle, noticing that Corva had dribbled some of his wine, leaving several small pinkish-purple stains down his muzzle and neck... Reminding him of Corva's fur when they met...
"Shit. Look at the time. If I don't get home at a reasonable hour I'll be a mess tomorrow" He sounded pained as he pulled his massive frame up to his full height and grabbed his shirt, hanging off the back of a chair in the dining room.
Archer snuck up behind him, wrapping his arms around the bear's waist and ruffling his fur. "I've a better idea. Why not call in sick instead?" When Corva turned, he instantly recognized the mischevous grin, the fox's tail swishing slowly behind him. The first few buttons of his black shirt were undone and the silver chain flashed light.
Corva's lips pulled back into a broad smile... "If you have what I think in mind, I'd have to. I'd be too tired to do anything."
"What? I'd certainly hope not. Otherwise you'll have to make do with the couch." Archer's eyes glinted as he took a step back, then made his way around the room, kneeling down to blow out the candles one by one, maintaining eye contact the whole time. The ursine sighed, ducking into the bedroom as the number of small flames dwindled steadily.
When he came to the last one, Archer picked up the steel tray, now pooled in wax as the candle struggled with only an inch or two of wick remaining. He paused for a moment, then set it on the table and removed his own clothes, letting them fall to the floor in a heap. Then, he slowly made his way through the doorway, his head and chest engulfed in the golden glow of the solitary light. He paused in the doorway, letting the flame illuminate his sleek body before he lifted the candle just in front of his muzzle and pursed his lips.
As the flame winked out, the image was frozen in Corva's mind. The fox grinning seductively, his fur seeming to glow far brighter than the light. It remained for several seconds until his eyes adjusted to the darkness and he had other things to occupy his thoughts...
As much as I might like to continue this (and undoubtedly Corva and Archer would, as well...) I feel what happens after this is best left to the imagination... Not all dreams are meant to be realized and unfortunately this was one. *Fin*