The Mystic Woods Ch. 1

Lustful beasts... who were they to bring such vanity and hubris into her halls and rub it under her nose? "excu-!" worrin shouted, now up on all four of his feet to loudly protest their disrespect to his queen.

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Outcast - Chapter 2

"and i must say their sense of vanity is most fascinating. instead of such a barbaric procedure," said the cheetah, "i suggested that the damaged portions of your muscles be replaced with cybernetic implants." dr.

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Bound Into Fact : The Last Dragon

I have transcended the need for vanity. how do you think i've eluded you for so long. when you humans see things you desire, truly desire, you cease to wonder whether it should even exist.

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Hunter's High Tea

A white dresser stood beside the open closet filled to the brim with dresses and nightgowns with a matching vanity nearby.

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The teen covered himself in an effort to maintain some level of vanity. almost immediately he bent down to bring back up the slacks around his waist. "haha...very funny. let's go get changed."

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Dance of the Blood Moon: Chapter 2

I faced myself leaning against my vanity and felt like a common pervert standing before a woman's home in the night, watching her through her window in the front yard, and walking away before she knew that i am there.

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The Great Flood part2

She was thankful for her modest vanity. it proved to be a blessing and in her predicament, she needed every blessing she could get.

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Cash Cow

It wasn't vanity if she really did look good, or so she told herself. the interior of the parlor past the little foyer was a wide antechamber with a high arched roof.

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Dance of the Blood Moon: Chapter 3

I carefully handed the scroll back to her, where she turned around and set it on a nearby vanity. "how do you know all this?" i asked, resuming towards the stairwell. clarice followed beside myself, in synchronized pace.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VI Chapter 10

I admire your efforts, it must have taken lots of motivation to learn the things you know" "or lots of vanity" coriza commented with a melodic laugh "my pursue to nurture beauty is to be blamed.

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Nobody's Servant, Part 21 - Redundancy

"his vanity has had to have been for something." he turns to me, sitting opposite in that chair with its too-tall backrest, elbows on the desk, fingers laced, following nearly beat-for-beat the body language i expected to see. well, minus a cat.

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Not being much for vanity, the hylian changed right in front of the shopkeep. handing over his green tunic for the red one. after all, it was a rental and he'd be getting it back. beedle waved as the teen made his departure.

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