fostered from hell 4/5
#4 of fostered
note part 4 is rather short so i popped part 5 in with it
Part four
Tensing up but not pulling away when Anne put her arm around her was a big deal to both Anne and Mikael.
Smiling Anne gave her foster daughters shoulder a squeeze,
"Don't worry hon it will be ok,"
Mikael harrumphed, "Maybe," As she sat down in the back seat of the couples coupe. For the long drive to her new home.
Dozing off in the car Mikael was awakened by her foster father who was wise enough not to shake her awake.
"Mikael wake up we're here." He said keeping his distance.
Snapping awake Mikael eyes darted around her, hand paw clenching her knife tighter.
Putting his hands up Carl stepped back eager not to appear threatening to the young girl.
Lifting her jowl in a small snarl which she swiftly covered she exited the car hesitant to go anywhere with this man.
"Don't worry Mikael I won't go in until your inside if it will make you feel better, that's what a father should do dear, make you feel better feel safe. You go on in Anne is waiting for you, take the stairs and your in the room on the left. Ok?" Carl said in a calming manner
Muttering to herself and walking backwards as best she could to keep her eyes on her new foster father, Mikael entered the house once out of eyesight she turned and went upstairs in the family's nice two story house. As her legs were digigrade, (dog-like) she wasn't wearing any shoes and her claws swiftly tore through her only socks.
"Hi sweetie"Anne called as Mikael entered her assigned domicile.
Mikael's ears lowered as she saw the lilac room she had been assigned it was just so 'girly'. Frills and stuffed animals decorated the sparse room Mikael's stomach turned at all the juvenile looking items.
"I'm sorry Mikael but this is what we were told to do, you seem to be having problems accepting your new nature, but this is your room and like it or not you are a girl.
Now I know you don't have much but I'll be taking you shopping for appropriate cloths and maybe a few nice things for your room here, Mikael.... I've also been told by your social worker that the judge would like you to change your name but we will discuss that later. You have your own bathroom and if your hungry I'll' make you something.
Don't forget this is your home now. If it's in the kitchen you can have it unless of course its someone's wallet but your not a thief or a liar as far as I know, so I'll trust you until you break my trust."
Anne said as she sat on the pale purple vanity stool.
Nodding dumbly Mikael sat down on the edge of the bed letting out a yelp as she sat on her tail. Snarling and cursing at the thing Mikael corrected her pose and sat down, looking dejected....
"What do you mean change my name??? What's wrong with Mikael?" She asked in a quiet voice, "
Taking the opportunity Anne spoke, "sweetie can I come sit next to you for a few minutes you look sad,"
Nodding slightly Mikael granted her permission.
Sitting next to the dejected young girl Anne was careful not to make sudden moves or do more then she was given permission for even though seeing a child like this broke her heart.
"Sweetie," Anne began now avoiding the use of the girls old name so as to make it easier to have it changed, "he wants you to have a more fitting name he even has a little list of names he wants you to consider, and while you get to pick it has to be a girls name, I'm sorry but we have been given some rules for you living here and if you feel up to it I will go through them."
Another sad nod from the poor hyena girl as sobs broke through her facade she may be a monster but she still felt bad, day by day she lost her identity and if Mr. Jubatus hadn't help she would have lost her family's land as well.
She couldn't help herself for a moment without realizing it she put her head on Anne's warm shoulder and cried until she noticed what she had done and jerked away into the corner of the bed fearful both of what and why she had done it.
Her hyena instincts told her to run fearful of intruding, her own experiences showed closeness brought pain so she catered to both of them by removing herself to the far side of the bed away from Anne.
Looking at the girls spooked expression Anne realized just how long the road for the girl's rehabilitation was. Choosing to ignore the startled response when Mikael had leant on her shoulder, Anne continued as though nothing had happened
"Now dear, I was given your final medical report and I'm afraid that you're about 90-95% Hyena. "Holding up a hand to forestall any outbursts Anne continued.
Don't worry they say it hasn't affected your voice or your mind, your still 'you' so to speak.
"But," she began with a smile "I'm afraid it has affected what you're able to eat... I know how much kids your age like spinach, but I'm afraid that's right out."
Mikael ears perked up at this she detested the foul green leaf and was relived to find she couldn't eat it, she almost smiled at that news.
With a positive reaction Anne continued to list the vegetables and other things that Mikael could no longer eat being as she had the digestion of a carnivore.
Getting Mikael on a positive note Anne mentioned again about the names quietly and calmly working it into the conversation.
"I am sorry but I have been told you will need to have bone meal and additional non grain fiber, with your meals to help you get the right mix,
Nodding Mikael spoke, "yea they were always giving me boned meats and telling me to do what felt natural with the bones. It felt right and it felt wrong at the same time.
Well if you'd prefer in the house you can have whole bones in your dinner or I can get bone meal from the specialists supply...
"I don't know," was the girl's response...
Noting the definite droop in her tone Anne quickly picked up the pace again..
"Well don't worry we can try different things, now lets have a quick chat about names and then we will get you ready for bed."
"I don't think your going to like most of these but you do have to pick one so, let's start with" ..... she paused intentionally drawing out the moment while her foster daughter fiddled with her knife idly picking at her claws..
"Betty?" Anne continued brightly how does that sound? Betty Thornwood."
Deliberately picking the worst of the names Anne gambled that anything chosen after that would seem a relief while all of the names were very feminine Betty Rebecca and Dolly, were among the worst.
After a few minutes of naming the most female names she had with Mikael looking like she'd like to vomit Anne took pity on her and began on the more sensible names.
A while later near the end of the list Mikael snarled out, "that one then if I must change my name that one will do Reya least its not too bad,"
taking the hint Anne stood up and walked over to the dresser, well then stand up Reya take off those jeans and don't worry were all girls and put this on so I can wash your cloths cause tomorrow were going shopping my dear daughter".
Shrugging against the inevitable Reya held out her paw for the nightgown snarling without too much malice, "give it to me I don't need help."
sorry hon no can do medical orders state that you may still be a risk to yourself during bathing and dressing I or your father must watch to make sure you aren't going to hurt yourself, but knowing how you feel I won't help and will even turn my back while you get undressed, and your father, you can call us that if you'd like mom and dad I mean. He wont be helping you we are sensitive to your needs. And DON'T worry we had a brief introduction on hyena physiology so we know about your new body
muttering under her breath Reya took off her trousers and tee shirt before pulling the nightgown over her body.
"No need to mutter so Reya." Anne interjected sternly now using the child's new name as often as was possible without making it seem obvious.
Sniffling sadly Reya crawled into the overly girly bed her sensitive nose recognizing a scent impregnated into the sheets.. A clean crisp scent, oddly soothing
Walking over Anne asked permission to give the girl a quick hug.
"Don't see why not, you've already seen me naked, taken my name, my life, and... and you're not my father." Reya consented resignedly.
A brief hug and wish for a good night later Reya was on her own. Her first night in a new home a new name and start on an effectively a new life...
End part four
Part Five
It's never a pleasant feeling when you have to sleep in a strange bed.
Reya's mind roiled and kept her awake into the small hours of the morning.
After a night of broken sleep during which Reya had many strange dreams she was awakened by a nearby voice.
Reya's ear swiveled to locate the source of the disturbance before her eyes snapped open and a snarl rose unwilling to her lips
"No! No snarling Reya, I told you id wake you up in the morning now I washed your cloths from last night so take a relatively quick shower and we shall go shopping and talk about those rules."
completing the snarl that had begun in her throat Reya sat up in bed her frilly nightgown falling down to her knees, standing up Reya let out a high pitched yip at a cramped muscle. She bent down on all fours her hand paws shifting slightly as she moved into a quad stance and stretched in a semi catlike manner before catching herself and yelling
"What the hell am I doing I'm not an animal!'
Wisely staying away from the morphic hyena as she raged, Anne nonetheless snapped out
"REYA enough I've told you. You are an 'animal' and you will have tendencies so and as long as they harm no one the general rule is go with them besides your one of the fortunate ones who are as capable bipedal as quadrupedal. Now take off the nightie shower and put these on." she scolded holding out the well worn cloths.
"Get dressed come down stairs I'll have some breakfast for you if your hungry."
Muttering against the unfairness of this Reya capitulated as her foster mother left her to some privacy donning the crudely modified cloths and strangely looking forward to getting some better fitting cloths. Downstairs Anne heated up some raw meat and added in some bone meal and pepper flakes to it before placing it on the table and calling up to Reya
Trotting down the stairs smelling of damp dog in her oddly fitting cloths Reya made for a sorry sight.
"Morning Reya dear made you meat porridge should be suitable for your dietary needs. Eat up and we can head out."
After breakfast which while very very raw also was just that Reya needed. Anne and her
headed out to the mall for some shopping.
During the 15 minute drive Anne talked about the rules.
How she had to be informed where Reya would be at and the required curfew of 7 pm
"Also I'll be having regular meetings with your teachers and principal to make sure your behavior at school is acceptable, if your grades fall below a C average well you will be in trouble, you do get to hold onto the knife and all required people have been informed. But if you threaten or use it for anything other then picking your claws, yes I've seen you, or cutting your meat you will not only lose the privilege but will be severely punished possibly you may have to go to jail. But probably worse for you is the observation for now you can't bathe alone I'll watch and you will have little choice in your cloths.
So curfew, we have to know where you are, grades and meetings, and no using the knife or fighting, observation and cloths ,you get a yearly review which is a combination of everyone who deals with you teachers counselor us and if we find you lacking well that's up to the judge understand Reya dear?"
nodding again to the ever increasing number of strictures placed upon her Reya was pleased to see the shopping mall looming up on them.
After dealing with some very strange looks, some sympathetic and others overtly hostile
Anne and Reya finally settled on a shop called Canid Cloths.
"Hello my names Michelle how can I be of assistance to you today?" A friendly human store assistance asked before taking in the state of Reya's cloths now little more then rags.....Oh dear you poor thing, scab over recently did you, not to worry we have cloths for every configuration..
Now are your primarily bi or quad?" The girl asked conversationally while walking them to the female section.
"Umm." Reya began before Anne interrupted ..
"She will likely be spending equal time in both, but what she really needs is skirts, dresses and cloths that she can get out of quickly if needs be no trousers or jeans...
Reya shot Anne a venomous look compounded by the open lipped scowl as she was shown the latest in scab fashions.
Never having the chance to shop as she choose, even though the styling and patterns were too prissy and girlish, was an enjoyable experience Anne fortunately gave in and allowed a few pairs of morphic trousers and nice blouses. "Only when your good she muttered into the hyenas ear as she put them in the cart."
"Anne mind if we look in a few other shops?" Reya asked her voice tentative at making such a request. Previous experience earning her more then a cuff round the ear for her insolence...
Anne's ears peaked Hmm, "You want to look around some more? Why?"
"I wasn't permitted to go to malls very often."
"I see." Anne replied ",ok we do have other things to do today so we will compromise Anne replied rummaging into the bags pulling out a mid length skirt with matching top.
Pop in there pointing to the changing room and put these on and we can look for ninety minutes may as well get used to dressing in them as there what you will be wearing."
Snarling viciously Reya snatched the cloths and stalked inside to change.
"And don't snarl" Anne called out as the door was slammed in her face.
A short while later Reya's initial disgust at wearing a skirt was replaced by a bit of joy at doing what any normal child her age enjoys on a regular basis.
"Right Reya times up we have to go we have other things to deal with today in fact you have a meeting later." raising her arm to guide her foster daughter out of the mall
Reya ducked harshly ears and tail going flat as she braced for the blow that never fell...
Snapping her arm back Anne realized her error and tried to correct it. "Come on Reya time to go."
Following behind her foster mother her ears still flat against her head as she mentally expected a reprisal.
As they entered the car Reya pointedly sat in the back of the coupe. As the mismatched pair drove off towards there next meeting a cool silence filled the car. Anne finally broke it as she heard a tell tale clinking as Reya toyed with her blade a sure sign of her unease
"Reya I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you, I will not hurt you, nor will your father you may not believe that but its true, so I'm sorry. If you feel up to it the court has allocated you an agent here who will help determine which if any belongings your are permitted to have from your former home.
At this unexpected apology Reya's ears rose, a sensation she still found disorientating.
"Wh what do you mean. What I can have. It's my stuff isn't it?'
"Well some of it is yes, most of it will have to remain at the house some will be liquidated such as cloths and basic furnishings perishables will be disposed of and the like. But the agent will tell you what you can keep
During the meeting with the agent, a nice human balding pudgy and funny
Anne had to continually scowl at Reya to keep her in check, the hyena girls fingers were continually drumming against her sheathed blade her lip in a snarl, Reya nearly lost control when the agent mentioned her precious smithy
"as for the metal working tools I feel it would be best if Mikael,"
"Reya" Anne corrected interrupting.
"Reya." The agent conceded.
That Reya were to not have any access to them perhaps that may help her make a clean break from her old life.
"No one said she was to make a clean break sir, in fact what you would do if you did that is ruin what chance she has to make a good start.
So that's a no Reya is a blade smith she will remain a blade smith and you will make sure her tools are delivered. Anything you wish to add Reya?"
"My safe.... I want my safe"...Reya said her teeth grinding in her anger.
After securing the agreement of the agent Anne smiled at her foster daughter pleased that she hadn't attacked the man nor drawn her knife.
The remainder of the day passed relatively uneventfully registering for school, finding her an acceptable doctor, and dentist, the usual bookkeeping tasks of moving.
"Reya your starting school on Monday but you have one last meeting today, this time I think you will be a little happier about it. Anne said as she drove Reya to a older part of town heading for a place she could hardly imagine taking her as an adult much less a young child.
She was looking for a small bar near the west end shelter, all on the assurances of a counselor she had only spoken to through the phone but instinctively trusted.
"Ok Reya I don't like the idea of leaving you here but I trust this councilor of yours a Mr. Geuez. Says you will be ok and that this is a scabs friendly place."
I'll be back in an hour she said before pulling a small device from her pocket and handing it to the hyena girl.
If there's any situation call me I'll be back in a instant." Anne said hesitantly.
Nodding Reya took the phone and said goodbye but not without drawing her blade just in case. Walking into the seedy looking bar Reya's nose went crazy, so many scents, and so many scabs.
The ratio of normal to scab was totally off balance here even the barkeep was a Minotaur.
A smaller flamboyantly dressed wolf like scab came up to her.
"One doest believe you have wandered into the wrong inn my dear, the family side is on the other door," he said his odd accent baffling her.
Snarling the hyena girl was not about to put up with his foppery
"Back off wolf boy or I'll save you a trip to the vet." she snarled pointing her blade to his belly.
Stepping back from this unusually aggressive creature the wolf man spoke again dropping the accent this time.
'Ok ok no need to get hostile; its just minors aren't usually aloud on this side of the Pig.
The wolf replied well aware of his danger.
"Stop it wanderer she's here with me," Jube said looking up from a table he shared with a well dressed human.
Making her way over to the cheetah morph Reya greeted him
"Hello Jubatus was it you who called me here?"
Nodding Jube replied that yes indeed he was the one who had requested the meeting but it was Phil who had made the call, pointing at the rabbit who was sitting happily at the bar enjoying the company of old friends.
As Jube and Reya got reacquainted his guest a thin looking but exceptionally well dressed man looked fascinated at the blade at her side
"Mikael this is Mr. Rolnam a collector of sorts." Jube said.
"Reya... Mr. Jubatus my new name is Reya, Anne, my foster mother made me change it."
As she spoke she noticed Rolnam's interest in her blade. With a growl she swiftly sheathed it and moved it out of his sight.
"Mr. Rolnam is here because of our little contract specifically clause two."
"What our mutual friend is saying Mrs. Reya. Is that he sent pictures of your rose blade to me and I requested a viewing of it, he informed me that the viewing would also include a meeting with its maker, so I jumped. And I'm glad I did." Rolnam said his eyes bright with avarice
With a questioning look at Reya Jube brought out a silver edged box and opened it before turning it to face Rolnam.
A short while later Rolnam left the pig carrying the box leaving jube and Reya behind.
Told you Reya I keep my word he said peeling off a few hundred dollar bills from the wad of cash he had with him, 3000 dollars for you if its ok with you ill just cash the cheque into my account and pay you your share now.
"Come by anytime and I'll keep in touch. Best call your mom and let her know where the money came from don't want you getting in trouble."
Nodding Reya made her call finished her coke and waited by the window for her foster mother to pick her up.
End of part 5