Dust Shorts: First Hunt

Mask your scent, have lots of patience, lie in wait._" dust said, "_be on the lookout for game trails, that sort of thing._" "some then. better than nothing." rex said he stopped by some trees, "this looks like a good spot. can you see the game trail?"

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A Pokemon's Reward Ch. 1 (Part 1)

The group ran down the dirt trail and into the northern forest towards the nearby mountains. "the trail should least is through..."

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Daemon - Chapter 14 (The Dark Forest)

I would need to find a trail of some sort that we could use to find them, but after this long any trail left by them would be cold. even callen, the guardian deity who taught me how to track would struggle to follow a trail after this length of time.

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The Marked Ones - Arc 0: Chapter 1 - Before the Storm

The walk was about 5 minutes from my apartment and it was on a beautiful trail. i always took a walk to enigma lake everyday in the spring and summer since thats when the trail is truly beautiful.

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Chapter 1 - Flashbacks

A small trail led up a hill, too steep to see whats ahead. sarnaci and his men dismounted their horses and headed up the trail, carefully looking around for anything suspicious.

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Macro Tyler March #2 - Footprints

Though jason's unexpected skill at tracking lets them follow his trail the closer they get the more unusual the trail becomes... i will be releasing these stories one at a time every few day. each story ranges from 2,000 to 6,000 words.

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Mutants (Chapter 2)

He smiled softly as he closed his eyes, suddenly feeling more kisses trailing down from his neck to his chest. then the canines tongue slipped out, making an actual trail down desmond's chest as the jackalope let out a soft moan.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Twenty Seven

Kulgan tried to fix his eyes on the ground and follow adlis and za's trail, but it felt as if someone had tied a string to his nose and was tugging it.

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Invane: At nuater

A trail of silence invoke upon the face of harkell as his eyes slowly widened and his ears pulled back so suddenly, "fire!" "where!?"

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Venturing: Halls and Tress

"a trail of defluff toys. all leading to a single hatchling murder. they had brought the head of the small dragon over to me. the trail of blood upon their wake." "'a hatchling murder?' who would do such a thing?"

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 38

He set off, following the blatant, perhaps even deliberately clear trail of blood to the north, pushing his way through the cold and snow.

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The Beginnings, Ch. 1

He was making incredible time, despite the delays of the game trail.

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