Dust: Why Was I Reincarnated as a Dire Weasel? Rebirth I

'well at least i'm looking good by dire weasel standards.' she thought to herself a bit smugly.

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Dust Shorts: First Hunt

The dire weasel grumbled, rolling onto her belly trying to ignore the voice. "don't ignore me, you wanted me to teach you how to hunt. that means getting up early. don't make me kick you awake." " **_grrrmmmm..._** _fine i'm up.

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Dust: Road to Astuvila

#3 of dust: why was i reincarnated as a dire weasel? woooo finally got this completed. the holidays and work really got in the way, and delayed this. but it's finally done!

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Level Down!

But they'd have to defeat the dire weasel to open it! he had the key and- orion had a sudden realization. each time he had gotten a key in the past he had pushed it into the chest and the lid swung open.

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