Of squeaks, chitters, yips, and ... what-have-you. "surprise!" field, himself, squeaked and went wide-eyed, whiskers twitching animatedly. he had to put his camera and stuff aside. adelaide, weaving through the crowd, gave him a wink.
Friendly's New Friend - Chapter Four
He squeaked, trying again to open the door but failing. "friendly! the door won't open" just then the raccoon saw a paper note on the side of the door-frame, fluttering slightly in the breeze.
The Big Heist
Nervous, the mouse cleared its throat in a tiny, high-pitched squeak, "i... well, i'm bruxton. please...
Mama Wolf
Zeelo let out a happy squeak and crawled over to the wolf. he managed to balance on his hind legs for just a few seconds to give her a lick on the cheek.
Balance of Power Part 2: Gentleness and Curiosity
The fox squeaked sleepily, nuzzling closer to the warmth he was cuddled into.
With Open Arms
squeaks, chitters, mews, and a moo. hyacinth brought up the target-site on the main viewer, magnifying it. and amelie took a breath, trying not to think about what she was doing.
The Darkest Night of the Year
The squirrel giggle-squeaked. letting out a breath. letting herself be hugged. and rhine let her go, scanning around.
Chapter 13: Difficult Conversations
Cynthia squeaked cheerfully. flora shook her head, "no, but i almost did ask him." "next time you should!" flora smiled softly, "i might."
Seeking Justice: An Ashley and Rachel Poetic Short story
#5 of untouchable seeking justice: an rachel and ashley poetic story combing through the satin tresses of her hairs which in public could illicit hateful stares i kiss the shapely curve of her cheek the sleeper shifts the bed with a squeak  
Memories (OLD STORY): New Beginning
The cheetah squeaked as he ran around her. cynder sighed, but suddenly saw a structure of a dragon nearby. she walked over to it, the kitten behind her. the statue had a male dragon on it that was standing on a rock.
Midnight Lovers: pt1
Ally hadn't showed up for work, i knew something was wrong when i pushed open the door only to have my ears perk at the sounds of sobs and squeaks of pain. sitting my keys on the entry table i sighted.
Moon Is Mean #1
The feline squeaked in horror. "what does it look like?"