Midnight Lovers: pt1
Hey all you Kats and Cittens, welcome to my first story. I wrote it in the course of 5 hours. Leave feed back, enjoy and as always, be over 18. ~Nyx
Copyrights: Nyx=Me, Ally=Ally, Sean=Sean, and Erebus=Phantom
I jingled my keys as I selected the key for the apartment door. Typically I snuck in, allowing Ally, my mouse roommate, to have her privacy in solitude. Today I wanted her to know I was home early. Ally hadn't showed up for work, I knew something was wrong when I pushed open the door only to have my ears perk at the sounds of sobs and squeaks of pain.
Sitting my keys on the entry table I sighted. This wasn't normal unless someone broke her heart. When I pulled my hand from the table I knocked off a postcard. Quickly, I picked it up and shoved it in my pocket without looking at the thing.
"Ally?" I whispered softly as I laid a paw on the door to her room. No reply. "Ally? Can I come in Ally?" More mouse squeaks and sobs came to my white tipped ears. I went ahead and pushed open the door, cautious for the flying plushies.
Sure enough, a stuffed cat flew at my head and I ducked, landing safely on all fours.
"OH! I'm so sorry Nyx! I thought you were HIM!" The delicate white mouse spat the last word out like it was an overly salted fry. Her round ears were folded over, framing her tear streaked cheeks. Ally's perfectly short white hair was tossed, some streaks of pink staining her bangs.
"It's alright Ally. " I whispered, laying my head on her lap next to her pink stained hands. Her delicate pink tail was covered in scratches and bite marks. 'So that's was where the stains came from.' I thought to myself.
Ally proceeded to tell me her pain in her heart wrenching details. I stroked her tiny paw to console her. After some time she settled enough for me to move. The post card poked me uncomfortably in the side. I pulled it out of the pocket, shifting again.
The front caught my eye. It was one of my own designs, a Coyote and a cute black mouse danced in the center of a thick club atmosphere. It was the promo for the newest night club in LA. I flipped it over and read the inscription, though I already knew what it read. "Nyx, you and ONE guest are welcome to join us on our V.I.P. night, FREE!" Ally nodded as I looked at her.
"I wish my design would have been chosen. Then they would have sent one to me." She sighed and picked at a clump of dried blood under her fingernail.
"Well my design was, now get cleaned up your coming with me." I was rewarded with a squeak of delight and an almost suffocating hug.
~*~ ~*~
I rubbed my black paw against my grey chin, looking thoughtfully at my best-friend and roommate, Sean. "No." I resounded firmly.
"Okay, how often does yours truly get offered V.I.P. passes?" the lynx grinned cheekily. At this I shook my head.
"All the time, and usually you bring whatever trophy you have. You are just inviting me because you don't have anyone else." I stared at him through partly lidded eyes.
"But... but.... Please!" He fell to his knees before me.
I growled. "Alright, alright, but if I get bored, I'm going home." Sean ran off to dress himself as I Sifted through my wardrobe. "Erebus," I said to me, "you're a sucker." I pulled out a black Velvet cape and matching shirt and pants. "This'll do." I shrugged off my 'I'm lazy' clothing and slid on the cool fabric.
Sean entered again in a mesh shirt and hole filled jeans. "Egh, Erebus, no wonder why you never had a date." He glanced over my clothing.
"Speak for yourself Rainbow Dancer."
Sean rolled his eyes, "common."
We arrived in style, Sean's Vet. I had a Taurus, but I never complained. Sean who had made enough directing movies loved selling and buying himself a new car every so often. LA's DMV had his files in an entirely separate cabinet then most others. Well not really, but I joke that they should. I still preferred my Taurus.
The night club was dark, darker then I had anticipated. My Cape show in what was left of the light. Seam immediately took to the dance floor while I picked up a drink, my clumsy paw knocking over another buys Bloody Mary. "Oops." I said as he yelled at me, I didn't care, I just walked away. Then I saw her... the vision of all that is lust, love and darkness.
Her well molded form was busty, just the right hip and waist size, not too big, not too small, below my height, enough to spoon well. Her wolfish features were black, with white accents on her ear tips, and right forepaw, like stars in the night sky caught and placed on her midnight fur. Her nose was a startling contrast of pink. I remember wanting to lick it.
I am one of the lucky few wolves to be struck by the arrow of Isis. I can see color, and it rightfully rules me. She wore red, the color of desire, and my desire. I had to meet her.
~*~ ~*~
"Nyx! This was a great idea!" Ally yelled over the floor music.
Smiling and nodding I left her to dance with the other patrons. Ally maybe small but she knew when to use her strength of mind versus the strength of body, and she was good at it.
Finally, after weaving my way past panting and heated smelling furred bodies I found the restroom and entered. It was cubbish, yet elegant, I liked this place more and more. I looked at my hair in the mirror, the whips of much longer head fur stuck to my neck. I lifted part of it, sticking my emergency sharpie in the bun to hold it. Whips of bangs still fell to below my shoulders. I didn't bother, it was cute.
Exiting the bathroom I ran into the chest of a larger male wolf. My jaw dropped before I could apologize. He was adorable. Long grey wisps of head fur fell below his shoulders; fading in the velvet cloak. A grey goatee graced his chin. He was... the darkness embodied.
He bowed, a graceful sweep of arms, his amber eyes dipping from mine for mere seconds, which felt like an eternity. "I am sorry my lady." He smiled, such a sweet smile, I wanted to taste it under my tongue. He offered his hand. "I was just thinking it was hot in here, would you like to join me outside for some fresh air?"
As I place my paw in his a commotion broke out on the floor. Ally and the Lynx she had been dancing with earlier were not exchanging words.
"I got to..." we both started at the same time. I paused and pulled the marker from my hair spilling it down past my shoulder blades.
"Here," I wrote the number to my apartment on the pad of his right forepaw, knowing full well he was male and what he would be thinking about with that number there. "Call me, cutie." I winked and ran off to retrieve my best-friend before it truly became a game of cat and mouse.
End of part one, please tell me what you think, I'll be listing. for comments to better improve myself. -nyx