the start of a new book

Of darkness breaks and out rises this anthro fox with 3 tails and one wing, he gives it a hand out of the dark shell that it was once in beforehand and helps it towards the light.

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New Beginning Chapter 4: Role Reversal

Hmm; wartortle shells are pretty hard, aren't they? i took the shell in my vines, bought it back and... slam! crackkkkk! i repeatedly slammed wartortle into the tube, forcing the glass to crack slightly.

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D.E1 Chapter 55: The Third Offense Part V

Hordes of machine assassins and breaching ships made it through canis major's shell; a shell of unprecedented proportions that surrounded the entire massive colony.

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Chaos Chapter 6: Holgan

Sickle rode up, surfing on blaster's back, and tapped his shell three times with his foot before jumping off, the blastoise's shell tumbling as his limbs emerged.

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SHIFT 005: Knowledge is Power

But interesting enough in their original incarnation they had armadillo shells. most modern adaptations of carbuncles don't really include those shells anymore and i was a little conflicted.

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Tainted Glory (Chapter 3)

"she is lucky i was coming out to train anyway, caught me off guard and impressed me with those shells.

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streetwolf cronicals chapter 2 {full chapterwith some fixes}

Grabbing a cart in the isle he loaded up on shotgun shells an riffle rounds.

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Red's Adventure (1) - Pallet Town

It jumped around the room, performing tricks and maneuvers, retracting itself into its shell and spinning enthusiastically. there was a peculiar star-shaped mark on its shell. it was called a squirtle, red read from a tag next to its ball.

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Getting Down to Earth

She stood and waited, letting the mud dry into a thin shell around her, before reaching up to the sky and flexing her musculature all at once.

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Dragons War: Chapter 2

He stood shocked as artillery began to befall, raining down hot shells of mortal making. one after another, the shells hit the ground, creating large rumbles that threw jacque from his feet and onto the ground.

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 7- Silver Reality

Built my coon shell, as you would say. i decided, that if even points of authority who are meant to be able to be trusted can't, then absolutely no one can." "and would you say that was worth it? building your coon shell that is?"

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A Curious Fleet: Shard/Freeta

"we shall get the stone fat and one day, i promise, we'll stew him in his own shell." freeta entwined her tail with his. "of course we shall."

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