Havana or Hell, part one

I turned to the later pages and read a comic strip by phil foglio. i laughed out loud; maybe louder than you normally do from a comic strip and the vendor cast me a suspicious glance.

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Wylde Fyre - Chapter Eleven

phil had a stack of magazines on one side of him, and a couple of ammo cans on the other side.

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MONDAY, a Metamor Keep Story

He reminded himself that others, like phil, had it so much worse. the page held up two cupped hands to clay and the horse morph happily accepted a tiny brown field mouse from the lad's hands. "you see, he wasn't afraid of you.

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The BlackJack pirates 4

Then he threw phil... again... we did try tying him down earlier, but he broke free and started breaking more stuff. he needed to work this all out of his system, but we all wished he could have done it in a less destructive manner.

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fostered from hell 4/5

Nodding jube replied that yes indeed he was the one who had requested the meeting but it was phil who had made the call, pointing at the rabbit who was sitting happily at the bar enjoying the company of old friends.



I pulled out all the stops, including taking him to jo and phil's for lunch, cajoling him with "a more complete report" that he wouldn't have to take responsibility for if he didn't want to, and threatening to use his first name around the office.

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fostered from hell6

Having read her notes from phil and the psychiatrist at the hospital, mr. roth knew what he was dealing with and didn't make any conciliatory actions. "reya i'm sorry about what happened i meant to get there to greet you and get you passed security.

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Good Enough Chapter 16

He asked amy and phil. "yeah. figured we'd be splitting up anyway," amy admitted. "meet up for lunch around one o'clock?"

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Roommates: Chapter 10: Frienemies

phil." eva sighed from yasmin's sheepish expression on her face. "aw c'mon on, you got to admit that you didn't mind talking with lin and clearing all that up, now did you?" yasmin retorted with a small laugh as she rubbed the back of her head.

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Passing the Torch (Act1, Book2, Chapter19)

phil michener and his agents pointed their weapons at the trio. law enforcement officers pointed their handguns towards the tree line. smith grimaced, counting the approximate number of weapons pointed in his direction. "dammit."

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Windows to the Soul - chap. 11-12 - by Skyfox

On her way through the halls she glanced into the chemistry lab to see phil starting another experiment for his research. sarah felt sorry for him, that he had to spend such late nights in his lab instead of being at home with his wife.

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