Journey to another world ch49

A little later a small girl approaches her mother. "mommy. i'm back from the cafeteria." the mother quickly wipes at her eyes with a handkerchief that she quickly pulls out of her purse. "thanks baby."

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Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part I Chapter I

Upon entering the main room, he was greeted by his mother, stijrs. "i'm glad to see someone's up from their nap. efuvno's finger painting in the kitchen why don't you go join her". he hugged his mother "okay mommy".

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A Life Anew

My mother has beautiful decorations of plates, vases and other priceless items. my mother gave a long sigh and sat down by the couch. she sat and gave a smile before looking down at me. "welcome home son."

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Isolation-Excerpt 11-X-Day

"mom!", i cried feeling the tears coming, "mom please! mom please wake up!" she didn't move. "mom no!", i cried, "please! please wake up!"

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8th Crescent Past Memories

Why is mommy crying...?"_** **_"daddy...?"_** **_"mommy...?"

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The Wolf

mom smiles at me, wiping the tears from her eyes. "let's look on the bright side of things today?" "i would like that." i reply. mom never fails to make me feel better when i'm sad. "want dinner?" mom asks me. "i made steak tonight."

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Neighborhood Relationships

While we were walking upstairs to my room i was wondering curiously what my mom wanted to talk to laina about. as we left my mom started talking to laina.

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Act Your Age at the Mall

mommy said. "but mommy!" fast as a gunslinger, mommy whipped out the pacifier and got it into hunter's mouth.

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Crossing of a Legend

As kynna stared blankly at her mother, she sat down to think. all of what her mother said made strange sense, except for the fact that they forgot him. "how is it he made you forget him?

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A Tale of Fall

What if his mom said no? besides, they had their mom with them. maybe they were walking too. the possum and his mom were now inside a store. this obviously got the child excited.

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Be Careful What You Wish For: Chapter II

He calls out again, but waddles over to his mother's room. he enters the room, and sees his mother is asleep. " she must have came home while i was asleep... " thought the cub.

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Canine Society: Chapter 1: Awaken

My legs buckled from underneath me, and i fell to the floor towards my mother. i looked at my mother's face and something caught my eye; it was her necklace. i reached out and took the necklace off of my mother.

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