The Adventurers

The kobold's minotaur stepped into the glade, massive muscles sliding over each other on his massive biceps. when he looked closer, the duke could see that the musculature was actually sliding over even more muscles beneath it.

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[Commission] Chapter 6: Camping by the fire with assembled storied rogues

With another push, the minotaur manages to completely lift rik off the ground, her legs now completely motionless, only dangling back and forth by pure inertia.

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A New Life (Part 2)

The minotaur vanished with a flash of blinding light, causing the mysterious rock to fall to the floor.

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This is a real recurring dream I have. Please analyse 'til your face turns blue :)

But always the thought and the feeling is with me: the fire and the minotaur. i don't know what i have done to deserve a comfort like this, but i'll not be found ungrateful for it.

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Preperation for tommorow

**A WoW fanfiction, second part so far, dont worry it will pick up, please vote and reveiw, even if you think this is rubbish, then I know not to jam uf yiffstar with rubbish, thx** The plan was settled upon, these pesky centaurs had been raiding...

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The Camp

**Ok so my 1st story didnt go down to well, for no apparent reason, the reveiws were alright, but i decided not to carry on the series. Now onto this, its a WoW fanfiction, written while my internet was down and i had withdrawal sympoms :D, i have...

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Cul-de-Sac (By Avoozl)

He'd bought some bronzer, got out his tight brown corduroy pants, and had found a minotaur headpiece at the marshal's across town. the jaw worked when he wore it, though he was having some buyer's remorse.

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The Gryphon's Goal: Chapter 5, Part 3

Jordan stuck his tongue out at the large minotaur. "i like vanilla." "so i noticed." "and since i had to prepare dinner, i say you eat vanilla ice cream for dessert or go without."

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World Building: Nations of Sethera

Lumara: races: human (65%), gryphon (20%), minotaur (10%), other (5%) colors: brown/gold symbol: rampant gryphon most worshiped diety: heldema- the god of protection known drink: elven frost wine: sloshy blue drink. stays cool even on hot day.

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RH's Hircine

Minos, god of minotaurs, the first minotaur who was the product of a ritual pairing between island kingdom's sacred bull and their queen who performed an annual ritual celebrating the annual harvest, much less to say that he was conceived then born the first

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The Morning After

"you are aware we had a funeral for the dead minotaurs last night, which had a great deal of drinking involved." he shrugs his shoulders, "so? people drink all the time what does that matter in reference to today?"

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Transforming Tommy

One was offering a flask of wine and a plate of colorful fruit to the minotaur. another looked to be polishing the minotaur's large gray hooves.

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