With Tooth and Paw, Chapter 2
His whole world was just turned upside down, and he was having a hard time getting his feet to find the ground, metaphorically. "in just a moment, vedrit." the fox said, "if you'll follow us." "but what about the carriage?"
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 22
Tell me that the 'child' you talked about is just some hypothetical tot in a distant future, or a metaphor, or even some fictional character in a crappy novel you're penning together, just anything other than a literal child growing inside your literal body
The End (Kreet 31)
Kreet sighed, metaphorically. she really, _really_ didn't want to. but she looked back at the black jewel. she didn't move, but she returned anyway. she opened her eyes. she hurt in every muscle. her eyelids hurt.
The Art of Caring for Horns
Today, he did not particularly want to listen to his father speak in riddles and metaphors.
The Art of Caring for Horns
Today, he did not particularly want to listen to his father speak in riddles and metaphors.
Paul was wrong, you know. putting away childish things is the wrong metaphor: it means you have them out of mind, you are hiding them. there's nothing wrong with being childish. if it had been me, i would have said to put the childish things aside. leave them
Their First Time
I smile weakly, exhausted from the experience, where she seems to be metaphorically bouncing. after half an hour of idle chat, cuddles and more nuzzling than i'd intended, i finally manage to bring back the will to take my position again.
The Long Haul - Chapter 1
The problem was, the computer was very interested in stretching it's metaphorical legs and had nearly powered up the entire ship before the workers could get it safely under control.
A Wolf in the Dark
I was the metaphorical night to his day, but he lay down beside me and chased away the shadows of despair. if i closed my eyes, i could feel his strong arms around me and his stomach fur merging with the fur on my back.
Bruxa 1/2: Breaking the Fast
With something under her metaphorical belt, it was time to face the day.
SENTIENCE - Chapter One - Orbit
As soon as they died down to almost zero, i stuck my metaphorical head out the window, carefully deploying a few hardened cameras and other measurement tools to take a look around. for a split second, i was confused.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 22
Tell me that the 'child' you talked about is just some hypothetical tot in a distant future, or a metaphor, or even some fictional character in a crappy novel you're penning together, just anything other than a literal child growing inside your literal body