A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 1)

He had almost the exact build as the tobias and was about the same height. tobias was dumbstruck. "hi!" tobias chuckled, partly at his friend's enthusiasm, and partly of his lack of words. "i am tobias, or toby, as some know me by.

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A Lead Crown Contribution Exchange: Home?

tobias' ears flicked to the side curiously at the shaman's nebulous notion. "shaman aesha?" the shaman smiled beamed at tobias proudly in an almost motherly fashion. it was an beautiful smile, tobias realized.

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This exciting chapter in tobias' backstory was written by ellard as part of a trade. enjoy! tobias quite enjoyed his time studying in the tribal lands.

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"myles," tobias said, sitting down. "tobias," myles muttered, before his ears perked, and he took the coffee from the hare's paws, muttering a soft 'thank you' "so..."

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The Art of Caring for Horns

"both put together make a very pretty face," tobias finished rolling his eyes slightly at the silly rhyme. "i guess what i'm trying to say is - i'm proud of you tobias." tobias had not been expecting that.

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The Art of Caring for Horns

"both put together make a very pretty face," tobias finished rolling his eyes slightly at the silly rhyme. "i guess what i'm trying to say is - i'm proud of you tobias." tobias had not been expecting that.

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Just Stories

tobias himself is actually a part of comidacomida's audience influenced epic "the lead crown." https://www.sofurry.com/view/686727 tobias sat at his mother's knee with wide eyes as she told him tales about ages long past, days when spirits both good and

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A Bronze Rising: The Gate

tobias isn't as threatening without a dragon at his back tobias approached the front gate following the wall to his left. he felt foolish tramping through the forest undergrowth in his father's war regalia.

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Courageous Efforts and Just Rewards

Her nature was so kind that she wouldn't allow the moment to be awkward, as a form of reward for tobias and his mock courage. "i-i'm tobias," he replied, unable to keep from tripping over his own words.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 9.5b, Shock and Awe

"this is tobias... rolf's younger brother." there was more said but tobias blanked it out; with an introduction like that it almost sounded as if arlowe had known rolf.

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After the taste waned, tobias sighed to himself as he looked to the test-tube in his other paw.

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(CYOA) Walking

The water was so warm and fresh tobias feel clean emediatly. the two look at each other while the water falls on them.| tobin puts an hand on tobias back and push him against him. he look into tobias' big green eyes.

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