Chasing the Sun - Chapter 38: Gentle Knocks
"'s just... money's been tight lately. i'm planning to get another job, but for now i'm struggling to pay for food and rent. i'm already late this month; i don't wanna pay it late next month too." he awkwardly looked away from the husky, ears going down.
College love
"we are almost late for our first day come on!" ben and sam rushed to get their clothes on and ran to class just in time. "sorry we're late mr.wright" said sam looking at ben giving him the you-owe-me look. "it's ok just don't do it again."
The beginning of the end
But so fashionably...yes fashionably late the only lateness where it's amazing to be.
Preview - A Bump In The Night Chapter 16 - Preview
#3 of bitn scraps my eurofurence fund has taken several leaps ahead lately; go here to find out what that...
Warming the lizard
"mmm, anon it's late," she whispered while squeezing your torso gently, and pressing her cheek against yours. "will you join me?" when you glance at the clock on your computer, you realize how late it was indeed.
Here With You: Chapter 1
Hurry up, you don't want to be late for school now do you?" i called to him as i headed back to my room to change.
A Fox Romance (Chapters 1 and 2)
You're late again..." it was professor owyn and he was looking at me trough his thick glasses. he had that "not again -look" on his face, just like every time i was late. "i'm sorry, professor...
"yes i am, running late late late." "well, things happen for a reason...." the man said while walking away, jay turning back around as he questioned what he said last, but the man disappeared within the crowd as it shuffled along the street.
Lonely Oak Chapter 123 - Principal Versus Principle
He was late. way late. _horribly_ late. he was also a mess. he hadn't taken a shower last night because he was so out-of-it. he hadn't even changed into pajamas. he should shower. but he didn't have time. maybe he could hurry? he could hurry.
The Night Shift1.txt
He already knew about it if he up this late. bernard raises his arm and unhooks the cloak from the button. he lowers his arms and relaxes his shoulders, letting the cloak slide off his body.
The Fox, The Rat and The Metal Beast
But it was too late.
all for one -chapter 4
Though it was only late september, the late night air was cold and the wind stung. it was probably going to rain tomorrow. winter would be hard; he could feel it. then something crossed his mind. it was nameless but he knew what it was.