Off Leash Chapter 8
I winced at that imagery. "i was sort of invited?" "what you bloody mean by that?" "i was there when archibald died. he was hit by a car." "he was not killed by an automobile!"
The Unique Snivy And His Big Adventure: Charter 4 Mystery Pokemon
Fire sounds strong if i'm going to stay in a pokemon like form, oh yeah i didn't have a memory just a name of when i was a human, but unfortunately i have no memories of being a human accept from a few flashes of imagery, so i don't know why i was out unconscious
The Victor's Cup - Chapter 1: The Tithing
Kip tried his best to focus on his dinner, but it was hard to do so when the victor's cup refused to sit in the back of his mind, instead coming to him in vivid imagery with each mention of the cup.
PMD The Warrior's of Light
Fire sounds strong if i'm going to stay in a pokemon like form then i'm not that worried, oh yeah i don't have a memory just a name of when i was a human, but unfortunately i have no memories of being a human accept from a few flashes of imagery and a dream
Fates of the Ferals: The Long Jaunt
All of the imagery around him faded, and the way forward showed up like a bright line in front of him, going up rocky slopes and weaving around various obstructions.
The Felicity of Dusk
You've got a nice sense of imagery too, at least in what i've seen here. there's some pacing issues at the beginning, i think you jump into the supernatural a bit quickly, but that can be spaced out pretty easily with some dialogue.
Lonely Oak Chapter 112 - Dark Side Of The Moon
Another murmur from the imagery of the analogy. "okay, okay." she waved her hand, and opened the folder. "when i call your name, come up and get your packet.
The Bet
Each door had a fake archway above it, wood that had been bent and carved with the imagery of vines and words written in latin. steph wouldn't have been surprised if they spelled out 'abandon all hope, ye who enter'.
The mouse, eyes half-open, could feel a dreamy imagery to this. crossroads ... the road less traveled. taken. i-31. i-32. which to take? which to do? the capitol was there ... down the way. the zoo. the botanical gardens. the imax.
Out of the Shadows, AnthroLover's Version - Nila's Story: Love Blossoms
As he talked, the smoke from the stone swirled and changed, showing now another imagery, from another event. * * * nila was now standing in front of a group of dinosaurs, all with serious looks in their faces.
The seldom-opened text would read: and then sometime in the twentieth-century, republicans took over and made it their duty to emulate all the worst characteristics of roman culture by celebrating sport and fine imagery while dashing down intellectualism and
Tea and Empathy
It didn't matter, of course, since the imagery was the same and, let's face it, obvious.