PMD The Warrior's of Light
#5 of PMD The Warrior's of Light
Chapter Five: The Surprising Ally
With evening nearly finished starting to get dark and the game still on, what will the all the Pokemon do with their time left?
"Vulpix get up, tell me are you ok? Are you hurt" said Jason raising his tail wag it side to side worried about the Vulpix.
" You are really risky and a brave guy Jason, just after me telling you all that stuff and you act like you don't even care, you don't even know if this Pokémon is trouble or not" said Teddy surprised about Jason's reaction.
" Um where am I? Urghh I feel slight dizzy but strange" said the confused Vulpix looking around.
" You're in the forest with other Pokemon, please tell me how did you end up there unconscious? do you remember?" Jason's said having a slight Da Ja Vu."Ahh Daisy said that to me when I was unconscious Vivivii" Jason mentioned as he then laughed remembering the exact moment, Levine, Daisy and Aipom have spotted the two after running through the same bush.
"Found you both Jason and Teddy" said everyone but Pikachu as he was still hiding.
"Huh why am I understanding you, wait your..... your a Pokemon, h-how did I get here? And why do you speak human language?" said the Vulpix scared but staring straight in concern.
" Whoa what's going on? Actually that strikes my mind as well, can humans understand us? Like English" Jason said very surprised and anxious knowing the feeling Vulpix seems to be showing.
"Well we can speak both Pokémon talk which they definately don't understand and English as well, if we do ever encounter full humans anyway" Leavine stated.
"Thanks for the answer, you there" Jason pointing at the Vulpix, the Vulpix saw Jason pointing and gets his attention ." I beg you follow me this instance, I need to have a huge private conversation with you, this is urgent please do come"
" This is the second Pokemon I've met recently that has no idea what's going, Jason is this like bothering you?" Daisy said in a concerned manner.
" Yes definitely, everyone please excuse me er I'm going to the lake to talk to Vulpix here if that's alright" Jason said quickly.
"Ok" everyone but Daisy said looking at Daisy as she pulls a really concerned face at Jason for a few seconds tapping her finger on her lips.
" Meet me at my house soon and be careful then, ok" Daisy said confirming it with Jason.
" Sure I promise I'll be back before dark, hopefully Daisy, and come with me pacing towards the lake" Jason said feeling nervous.
" Oi what do mean by hopefully" Complained Daisy.
"I errr ..... What's going on I'm not feeling right" Vulpix said wobbling side to side stuttering.
" Kinda scared that Pokemon might jump me again, but don't worry if I don't come back then you may know why, like knocked out or still chatting with this Pokemon ok" Jason said looking at Daisy.
"Fine me and Levine will come to check on you after a certain time ok, right Levine?" Daisy said nudging Leavines side.
"Yeah I will do baby sis" Leavine agreed, so just like that Jason felt personally attached to this Pokemon like he might of had something to do with his previous life as a human and how it behaved having some sort of connection, Jason didn't want to risk the awkwardness being spread among the others dragging out the conversation to the lake where he can discuss the chat quietly in peace.
"Leavine I beg you to not call my name like that again, it's sooo embarrassing Leavine" Daisy let out, Mikami and Jason both make their way as the strange Vulpix looks around scared and shy about new things happening also getting use to walking along the trip, many minutes past walking through the quiet woods as the sun starts to set, Jason finally escorts Vulpix to Lake Aqua, the sky is reddish with clouds everywhere and the Lake seems to be calm.
"Sorry but I'm not used to all this so can you explain a few things? You seem like you have some knowledge right?" Vulpix arrives at the lake seeing that the strange Pokemon turned around, having this weird da ju vu feeling inside.
" Ok I'll quickly introduce myself" Jason said clearing his throat."Hi I'm a Pokemon called Snivy and I'm a grass type Pokemon if I'm right, also my real name is Jason so please call me by my name, I'm a male meaning I'm a boy because I'm quite young and I am having many questions and problems I can't quite solve, but please tell me everything about yourself"
"Ok here goes, my name is Mikami and I'm a boy that is human ......" paused Mikami being rudely interrupted.
" HUMAN! sorry but you need to listen to this I'm a human, in a Snivy or something wierd, your experiencing what I went through so far, here take a look in the water it will show your reflection if you don't believe me, you're just a regular Vulpix if I'm right and you are having the same event as me, a human turning into a Pokemon transformation thingy majig" Jason said in shock getting this sensation thinking he might have know him before when he was a human or something."Why do I feel like this?" mumbled Jason, Mikami Walks towards the water in the lake to see reflections anxious to know if he has turned to a Vulpix, he gazes at his own reflection to find out the truth.
"You're right.... Why are we both Pokemon if we're both naturally human?" Mikami asked sniffing about.
" I really don't know but we should stick together to find the answers, it'll be better to find out in a pair than to separate, also er about Pokemon info I know so far there are many dangerous Pokemon and guessing there are many different types a Pokemon can be, apparently you're naturally a fire type Pokemon, mines a grass type, that's what's Snivy's are so you quite dangerous to me as fire beats grass in natural power, it's kinda like a complicated rock paper scissor game but with our nature and moves" explained Jason walking by Mikami.
" Oh sweet! fire sounds strong if I'm going to stay in a Pokemon like form then I'm not that worried, oh yeah I don't have a memory just a name of when I was a human, but unfortunately I have no memories of being a human accept from a few flashes of imagery and a dream before that telling me that i have a........ I forgot, so I don't know why I was out unconscious in the woods and why I'm suddenly a Vulpix" claimed Mikami circling Jason walking around smelling him as his instincts took over.
"Ok you have literally answered all my remaining things I was gonna ask you" stated Jason."You've just basically re-said everything I did when I first found out I was a human turning into a Pokemon, so you're not lying, ok so please live with us while trying not to talk about this human conversation we are currently discussing, because other Pokemon think we're like lunatics and thinks we stupid and need treatment, but that's not the case so let's try to avoid that kind of attentions ok, plus it's extremely dark oh my Arceus, what is an Arceus? My mind tells me to say that very time round, er so come with me and make a home nearby and we will try to work out this thing together........ Deal?" Jason said hoping Mikami wasn't lying.
" Yeah sure I'm putting all my faith in you ok so don't break my trust and I'm not joking please don't lie to me as I believe you being like me transformation stuff and all" Mikami said.
" I won't ok, let's go I'll lead the way just follow me, to tell you the truth it's so dark and for some reason a bit misty, it's hard to tell where I should go but I'll attempt to try" Jason said walking in front leading the way as Mikami tags behind him, two hours have passed since the conversation between Jason and Mikami the Vulpix had having a very serious discussion, meanwhile Levine and Daisy have started their search for the two Pokémon Jason and Mikami, the air thickens with vengeance and becomes very negative in the atmosphere, Jason is still trying to attempt his way back to Daisy's house escorting Vulpix on his way hearing a rustle in the bush next to him as Jason senses a certain danger close by.
"Stand back Mikami!" Jason yelled out dodging a log coming from the same bush jumping back close to Mikami.
"Well well lucky us" Patrat said coughing after.
"Oh wow a second chance" Timber said.
"What's going on?" said Mikami hiding behind Jason, Jason's heart races really fast as he knows they're back for trouble.
"I know their voices they're, Timber! And Patrat!" Jason said as they show themselves coming out of the bushes.
"Oh we're going to get you hard this time, you've done it now!" Timber said sounding mad swinging again quickly at Jason with his block of wood as he dodges just edging the wood side stepping, Jason clenches his fist in anger.
"Whoa! leave me alone or else, Mikami these are bad Pokemon, do not listen to anything they say, I've been attacked by them and sadly lost the fight with them, it was them two attack me only they didn't give me a chance from the start" said Jason preparing to protect Mikami standing in front of him.
"Stop babbling with those pathetic lies of yours now" Said the Patrat sarcastically stretching his neck readying a stance."TAKE THIS! SUPER FANG" Patrat quickly runs at Jason with powerful fangs illumination from his jaws out as Jason takes this extremely serious remembering that if he's going to make a good impression to be Daisy's girlfriend or even a chance, Jason should become brave at least, also Mikami is in danger to.
"Forget this, I'll take you on, VINE WHIP!" Jason said quickly shutting Patrats mouth and whipping him with the other vine out of the two."Take that!"
"OWW!" cried Patrat taking hits from Jason's whips trying to shield himself with his arms to block some hits as Timber becomes more mad by the second.
"The nerve arh, you'll not get away with that, FOCUS BLAST!" Timber said aiming the orange ball of energy at Mikami firing the move then running towards Jason after he fired fired move.
"You wanna play dirty, fine I will as well" Jason said grabbing Patrat moving the two vines from vine whip wrapping one on each arm on Patrat, putting all of his force into hurling the Pokemon into the focus blast, forcing the Pokemon to KO with a small explosion letting out a grey dust cloud.
"Wow Jason you..... Protected me, I never knew that your so strong for a beginner? I feel useless but you look tired out of energy and I've just got used to walking" Mikami pulled a very determined face as he didn't want Jason to be taken down.
"Your FINISHED, DYNAMIC PUNCH!" Timber said knowing that Jason couldn't dodge this exciting him hoping to hurt him as Jason had a huge recoil from putting so much of his force from hurling Patrat trying to get his breathe, Mikami panicked doing what his mind told him going with his instincts.
"Jason! No you don't" Mikami runs at a fast pace increasing his speed tackle Timber.
"NOW TAKE THIS AHAHA" Timber fully charged up swinging his fist at Jason as he stared hopelessly.
"SSNNIIIIIIVYYYYYYY!" cried out Jason preparing for a knockout putting both arms in front for defence shaking with fear closing his eyes heavily knowing he can't escape the move.
"No!" Mikami yelled tackling the Pokemon Timber hard by the side forcing him over tumbling on the floor" Thank goodness but we are not outa this fight yet, Jason get up" realising that Jason had been scraped by that move and is in agony over the floor. "Damn he still clipped you, I'm so sorry Jason I couldn't make it"
"Sssniivy! You will not defeat us I swear it" Jason weakly said holding his stomach with my eyes half shut in pain panting, Levine and Daisy lurk nearby as they slowly make their way to the screams of Jason's pain desperately trying to make it in time as the fog and darkness doesn't help them, it felt like a race between time for the searchers as they knew something bad has happened and getting to the other two was something they desperately wanted, knowing that they're either fighting or something bad to cause them to yell in an agonising way.
"That's what you get you bad Pokemon" Grinned Mikami, Timber smirks back to him.
"Still hit him didn't I, now your next, BRICK BREAK!" Timber runs fast at Vulpix hitting him with a lot of Power doing some damage to Mikami forcing him back .
"Ow I'm barely standing from that one attack, I need to do something about this fight It's being handed over to them at this rate, we are both very hurt, damn what to do?" Mikami said looking around skidding on the muddy surface hurt.
"Now with no more interruptions, you're going down first hehehehe, what you gonna do now weakling" Timber said talking to Jason in disgust.
"Sniivyy, heh, heh, funny your mates down for the count and we are weak" Jason doubtfully said knowing by himself he had no chance left.
"ERRRR! I'll teach you to make fun of Patrat! This time no-ones gonna save you this time, lights out for you CROSS CHOP!" Timber rages just about to hit Jason.
"NOOOOO! Huh?" Mikami said nervously as multiple shot of fireballs come out launching aiming at Timber just missing Jason accept two to five that hit him,
Jason's body glow bright lime green.
"THIS ENDS NOW SSNNIIVVY!, VINE WHIP!" seeing that Mikami is still shooting these balls of fire, forcing his two whips to restrain Timbers movements as the the balls of fire burn Timber and the whips every so often causing burn marks and smoke enveloping around the burns making Jason scream each time in pain because the the burning and stinging sensation.
"OW, OW" Timber panted in pain fealing the burns all over him as smoke coming of his from the fire that kept on his body for a while.
"Mikami quickly tackle him while he's down" Jason's quickly ordered seeing Mikami agree nodding his head.
"Ok" Mikami runs using his remaining last energy left into his move towards Timbers forcing his body to the very end, Levine and Daisy spot that the fog is clearing but have located Jason and Vulpix about 30 metres away moving fast noticing the Pokemon trying to get revenge witnessing for themselves again but noticing that Patrat is knocked out and Jason and Vulpix have barely got any energy left.
Timber feels extremely dizzy from the burns and attempts to dodge."Heh think you can hit me, joker!" Timber said trying to bluff his way out of it nearly enabled to move.
"NOW MIKAMI!" Jason shouted rapping Timbers legs together with the remaining energy his whips are using up, Timber doesn't back down firing a powerful focus blast at Jason.
"Vulllpppixxx!" cried Mikami watching the move skim him moving towards Jason knowing hes not dodging it, Mikami jumps at the last second with fast speed tackling the Pokemon in the throat.
"AHH" Timber was sent flying of his feet hitting the tree hard fainting on the floor from the impact as an explosion was created from behind.
"SNNIIII!" Jason cried in pain getting up shaking extremely badly."Th-tha.....nks..... Mikami, Snnivyyyyyyyyy" Jason said fainting on the floor as he retracted the whips with both arm facing towards Mikami laying flat on his belly, Mikami moan in pain more worried about Jason.
"Uh Jason! No" Mikami weeped moving very slowly and stiffened towards Jason shaking from exhaustion touching Jason's hand with his paws collapsing fainting by Jason's side, Daisy was shocked and upset for many reasons.
"JASON! NO!" Daisy cried out quickly picking up Jason with her arms squeezing him with a hug."Your going to be alright, Jason please wake up, wake up please"
"Looks they're the same two that bullied Jason from before" Leavine said pointing them out."This time he beat them with the work of that random friendly Pokémon even though its basically a tight draw, quick I'll carry Vulpix back to the house, you carry Jason back" Leavine ordered picking up Vulpix.
"Right, leave the other two here, they deserve it" Daisy harshly put it carrying Jason hearing him mutter extremely quiet just loud enough for her to hear as they both ran to their house.
"Daisy noooooo, I can't lose you, I am nothing just a pathetic Snivy, Daisy must think I'm useless and strange, I uh wish that Daisy's family doesn't get attacked especially Daisy, it would break my little Snii h.........She's soo beautiful, she's just too much it breaks me, vy" Jason muttered sleep talking not noticing that he'd said all of this as he was unconscious.
"Did you hear all of that Levine? Jason, hello, Jason" Daisy said quietly not waking him up giving him a gentle nudge."Huh he must not be awake, what does he mean by those words? Wait I think he has a crush on me, I really do, all the things he's said just now adds up to the fact he's either in love or chatting nonsense, I think he's in love with me or he cares about me to that extent, I'll ask him when I get alone time with him" Daisy said extremely quiet talking to herself, Levine and Dasiy scurried back home and all together as the family helped Jason once again but this time with Mikami, the wounds on Mikami weren't that bad, but Jason had multiple burn marks on his back and on his collar which gradually healed quite fast, after the family helped the two as much as they could they put Mikami in the spare room and Jason on the hammock to rest up from their battle against the two aggressive Pokemon, Jason has a strange dream in which he could make out what the Pokemon was saying but it was a little clearer this time, both Mikami and Jason wake up next day to be greeted by Daisy one after another Mikami follows Daisy into her room to check on Jason.
"Morning! Both of you" Daisy said cheerfully stretching.
"Morning, hi" said the two yawning fully recovered.
"Hi Daisy er about yester..." Jason said cut of by Daisy seeing that she changed her look to being serious.
"Brother come here they're awake" Daisy called out tapping her feet on the floor.
"Huh whats wrong" Jason said rubbing his head.
"I'm here, morning you both, Jason can you describe the two Pokemon that keep at you with the bad intentions, I think I know them, describe them to me please" Leavine said hoping that he might know them.
"The Pokemon Patrat is brown like rat that has these yellow wristbands on, I only realized them on this time, the other Pokemon was like a small body builder holding a log, I can't remember any more detail"
"Er don't hurt me" Mikami said feeling shy backing of a bit behind Jason curling around him for defense "But I can remember two other things, the small body like builder had a black eye which was his right eye, and a huge cut near his left eye" Mikami said.
"Now when I think about it your right Mikami" Jason agreed.
"There's no doubt about it, they're the same Pokemon that tried to attack my sister Daisy when she was only 2 years old, I was a Snivy back then and I was walking to the lake to show my young sister how great the lake looks on a nice sunny day, then those two came Timber and Patrat they wanted to rob me, I was holding a big pearl and I gave my sister a silk scarf to wear as a present from me, I wasn't taking any of it so I pretended I was weak and intimidated by them, when they got close I had unleashed my strongest attack leaf blade followed by multiple hits of Vine Whip and a Solar Beam to top it of to KO both of them, I then found that they're wanted on the Outlaw bulletin board located close to this village, handing them in for a some reward, I think they were rated D on the outlaws and got myself 1000 Poke-dollars for handing them in, they gave me a tiny kit for taking down an outlaw, just a map and an escape rope to me by the police governed by Pokemon in this area for the capture of them both, but somehow they must of escaped and seeked revenge on me, remembering me as the Snivy and picked on you Jason, you do look like the old me but a bit smaller and more lucky trait wise hehe" Leavine concluded.
" What's can you do with Poke-dollars? Sounds very interesting" Jason asked Leavine.
" Well in Towns set up for Pokemon like the one close to here you can buy items from multiple stores to choose from, some are for looks and accessories that can enhance your Pokemon powers like speed and defense and even more that even I don't know but I know quite a bit though, in nearly every every town there's normally 3 bulletin boards that have specific jobs, one for escorting and item finding requests, one for exploring with Pokemon and rescuing Pokemon in need like lost ones or even imminent danger threatening them, and finally the criminals board which give requests to take them down and bring them to the Police house and hostage situations in every town even if it's for stealing without a good backup and believable story, each board will tell you the reward that you earn for completing the request and you will either receive it by post or in hand by the person requesting normally. The ranks of quest go from lowest to highest in order F, E, D, C, B, A, S and after that the higher the number next to the S means extremely harder like S2, but I heard that they try their best to put rank C or higher for outlaws that attack back or Sneaky" Explained Leavine trying to give out the best details.
"Sounds interesting I might check it out and do some quests, I would love to explore more and help those in need not to mention the amount of things I would buy and find out how good they are, oh wow can't wait!" Jason said shaking with anticipation wagging his tail left to right constantly thinking about it.
" What about you Mikami and Daisy also you to Levine, we could split the rewards as equally as possible, so what do you say guys" Jason said quickly.
"I uh don't know could be Dangerous like helping someone then being attacked on the mission, I've been thinking about this should we all go for the two that must of escaped from Levines past event and bring them in? We may get a reward" Daisy suggested turning to look at everyone.
"I'm up for it seems really cool and helpful to the world we all call Pokemon, so let's get those two criminals to justice!" Mikami said feeling sparked up.
"It should be easy with all of us lets do it 4 vs 2 we have the advantage" Leavine stated thinking that it's going to be a breeze.
"Then it's settled let's hunt for those two" Jason said coming up with a quick idea which he thinks might be a good idea. " Hey everyone how about this as a plan to catch them, I'll be the bait as they hate me soo much, good idea right? You all can be waiting nearby and ambush them as they go for me at the lake as they always attack me there, ill also trash talk to provoke them so don't think I really mean any of it"
"Right it's settled then we ambush them" everyone agreed understanding the plot.
"He's so cute putting himself in danger like that" Daisy whispered to herself extremely quiet."Go Jason!" she shouted staring at him by accident.
"You alright Daisy, erm you're scaring me a bit but it's kinda funny" Jason's said giggling in confusion seeing Daisy starring focused at Jason.
"Ah what, sorry was I staring at you I apologise if I did sorry, I going to see what the weathers like out the window, I was just interested in your plan" Daisy walks of towards the window looking outside."Oh gosh I made myself look like a fool" Daisy gazed out the window with red cheeks showing on my face. " It's quite cloudy now" trying not to muffle her words in embarrassment.
"Everyone get ready for your first criminal capturing job, give them no mercy and be persistent to the very end, also remember they will use dirty tactics so dont be afraid to do something horrible to capture any criminals, don't let them escape at all costs, prepare your equipment if you have any stuff that increase your odds of winning ok we we will leave in 20 minutes, I'll inform mum and dad about this, be right back" Leavine Said walking downstairs as Jason's heart races.
"Wow that plan sure sounds cool but a tad risky if you ask me" Mikami thought to himself.
"Why would you say that?" Jason replied turning to Mikami.
"Well you know, possibly going to get hurt in the process like again maybe" Mikami said.
"Well if you all don't back out it should be fine, remember it is two against four plus Leavines strong and has already beaten them by himself, actually now twice" Jason told Mikami increasing the moral of the team."Daisy don't get hurt hehe" Jason said twiddling with his little green fingers smiling with red cheeks starting to glow.
"Oh well that sounds like a huge confidence boost hehe" Mikami said smiling.
"Just try your best not to further endanger yourself Jason I.... Can't stand seeing you hurt, please avoid damage as much as possible, I can't bare it any more" Said Daisy feeling a slight awkward from Mikami being there seeing Jason acting shy.
"Awww Daisy thanks for caring about me soo much, It's fine" Jason winked a Daisy."I will do this for our sake!" pulling a determined face.
With evening nearly finished starting to get dark and the game still on, what will the all the Pokemon do with their time left?
"Vulpix get up, tell me are you ok? Are you hurt" said Jason raising his tail wag it side to side worried about the Vulpix.
" You are really risky and a brave guy Jason, just after me telling you all that stuff and you act like you don't even care, you don't even know if this Pokémon is trouble or not" said Teddy surprised about Jason's reaction.
" Um where am I? Urghh I feel slight dizzy but strange" said the confused Vulpix looking around.
" You're in the forest with other Pokemon, please tell me how did you end up there unconscious? do you remember?" Jason's said having a slight Da Ja Vu."Ahh Daisy said that to me when I was unconscious Vivivii" Jason mentioned as he then laughed remembering the exact moment, Levine, Daisy and Aipom have spotted the two after running through the same bush.
"Found you both Jason and Teddy" said everyone but Pikachu as he was still hiding.
"Huh why am I understanding you, wait your..... your a Pokemon, h-how did I get here? And why do you speak human language?" said the Vulpix scared but staring straight in concern.
" Whoa what's going on? Actually that strikes my mind as well, can humans understand us? Like English" Jason said very surprised and anxious knowing the feeling Vulpix seems to be showing.
"Well we can speak both Pokémon talk which they definately don't understand and English as well, if we do ever encounter full humans anyway" Leavine stated.
"Thanks for the answer, you there" Jason pointing at the Vulpix, the Vulpix saw Jason pointing and gets his attention ." I beg you follow me this instance, I need to have a huge private conversation with you, this is urgent please do come"
" This is the second Pokemon I've met recently that has no idea what's going, Jason is this like bothering you?" Daisy said in a concerned manner.
" Yes definitely, everyone please excuse me er I'm going to the lake to talk to Vulpix here if that's alright" Jason said quickly.
"Ok" everyone but Daisy said looking at Daisy as she pulls a really concerned face at Jason for a few seconds tapping her finger on her lips.
" Meet me at my house soon and be careful then, ok" Daisy said confirming it with Jason.
" Sure I promise I'll be back before dark, hopefully Daisy, and come with me pacing towards the lake" Jason said feeling nervous.
" Oi what do mean by hopefully" Complained Daisy.
"I errr ..... What's going on I'm not feeling right" Vulpix said wobbling side to side stuttering.
" Kinda scared that Pokemon might jump me again, but don't worry if I don't come back then you may know why, like knocked out or still chatting with this Pokemon ok" Jason said looking at Daisy.
"Fine me and Levine will come to check on you after a certain time ok, right Levine?" Daisy said nudging Leavines side.
"Yeah I will do baby sis" Leavine agreed, so just like that Jason felt personally attached to this Pokemon like he might of had something to do with his previous life as a human and how it behaved having some sort of connection, Jason didn't want to risk the awkwardness being spread among the others dragging out the conversation to the lake where he can discuss the chat quietly in peace.
"Leavine I beg you to not call my name like that again, it's sooo embarrassing Leavine" Daisy let out, Mikami and Jason both make their way as the strange Vulpix looks around scared and shy about new things happening also getting use to walking along the trip, many minutes past walking through the quiet woods as the sun starts to set, Jason finally escorts Vulpix to Lake Aqua, the sky is reddish with clouds everywhere and the Lake seems to be calm.
"Sorry but I'm not used to all this so can you explain a few things? You seem like you have some knowledge right?" Vulpix arrives at the lake seeing that the strange Pokemon turned around, having this weird da ju vu feeling inside.
" Ok I'll quickly introduce myself" Jason said clearing his throat."Hi I'm a Pokemon called Snivy and I'm a grass type Pokemon if I'm right, also my real name is Jason so please call me by my name, I'm a male meaning I'm a boy because I'm quite young and I am having many questions and problems I can't quite solve, but please tell me everything about yourself"
"Ok here goes, my name is Mikami and I'm a boy that is human ......" paused Mikami being rudely interrupted.
" HUMAN! sorry but you need to listen to this I'm a human, in a Snivy or something wierd, your experiencing what I went through so far, here take a look in the water it will show your reflection if you don't believe me, you're just a regular Vulpix if I'm right and you are having the same event as me, a human turning into a Pokemon transformation thingy majig" Jason said in shock getting this sensation thinking he might have know him before when he was a human or something."Why do I feel like this?" mumbled Jason, Mikami Walks towards the water in the lake to see reflections anxious to know if he has turned to a Vulpix, he gazes at his own reflection to find out the truth.
"You're right.... Why are we both Pokemon if we're both naturally human?" Mikami asked sniffing about.
" I really don't know but we should stick together to find the answers, it'll be better to find out in a pair than to separate, also er about Pokemon info I know so far there are many dangerous Pokemon and guessing there are many different types a Pokemon can be, apparently you're naturally a fire type Pokemon, mines a grass type, that's what's Snivy's are so you quite dangerous to me as fire beats grass in natural power, it's kinda like a complicated rock paper scissor game but with our nature and moves" explained Jason walking by Mikami.
" Oh sweet! fire sounds strong if I'm going to stay in a Pokemon like form then I'm not that worried, oh yeah I don't have a memory just a name of when I was a human, but unfortunately I have no memories of being a human accept from a few flashes of imagery and a dream before that telling me that i have a........ I forgot, so I don't know why I was out unconscious in the woods and why I'm suddenly a Vulpix" claimed Mikami circling Jason walking around smelling him as his instincts took over.
"Ok you have literally answered all my remaining things I was gonna ask you" stated Jason."You've just basically re-said everything I did when I first found out I was a human turning into a Pokemon, so you're not lying, ok so please live with us while trying not to talk about this human conversation we are currently discussing, because other Pokemon think we're like lunatics and thinks we stupid and need treatment, but that's not the case so let's try to avoid that kind of attentions ok, plus it's extremely dark oh my Arceus, what is an Arceus? My mind tells me to say that very time round, er so come with me and make a home nearby and we will try to work out this thing together........ Deal?" Jason said hoping Mikami wasn't lying.
" Yeah sure I'm putting all my faith in you ok so don't break my trust and I'm not joking please don't lie to me as I believe you being like me transformation stuff and all" Mikami said.
" I won't ok, let's go I'll lead the way just follow me, to tell you the truth it's so dark and for some reason a bit misty, it's hard to tell where I should go but I'll attempt to try" Jason said walking in front leading the way as Mikami tags behind him, two hours have passed since the conversation between Jason and Mikami the Vulpix had having a very serious discussion, meanwhile Levine and Daisy have started their search for the two Pokémon Jason and Mikami, the air thickens with vengeance and becomes very negative in the atmosphere, Jason is still trying to attempt his way back to Daisy's house escorting Vulpix on his way hearing a rustle in the bush next to him as Jason senses a certain danger close by.
"Stand back Mikami!" Jason yelled out dodging a log coming from the same bush jumping back close to Mikami.
"Well well lucky us" Patrat said coughing after.
"Oh wow a second chance" Timber said.
"What's going on?" said Mikami hiding behind Jason, Jason's heart races really fast as he knows they're back for trouble.
"I know their voices they're, Timber! And Patrat!" Jason said as they show themselves coming out of the bushes.
"Oh we're going to get you hard this time, you've done it now!" Timber said sounding mad swinging again quickly at Jason with his block of wood as he dodges just edging the wood side stepping, Jason clenches his fist in anger.
"Whoa! leave me alone or else, Mikami these are bad Pokemon, do not listen to anything they say, I've been attacked by them and sadly lost the fight with them, it was them two attack me only they didn't give me a chance from the start" said Jason preparing to protect Mikami standing in front of him.
"Stop babbling with those pathetic lies of yours now" Said the Patrat sarcastically stretching his neck readying a stance."TAKE THIS! SUPER FANG" Patrat quickly runs at Jason with powerful fangs illumination from his jaws out as Jason takes this extremely serious remembering that if he's going to make a good impression to be Daisy's girlfriend or even a chance, Jason should become brave at least, also Mikami is in danger to.
"Forget this, I'll take you on, VINE WHIP!" Jason said quickly shutting Patrats mouth and whipping him with the other vine out of the two."Take that!"
"OWW!" cried Patrat taking hits from Jason's whips trying to shield himself with his arms to block some hits as Timber becomes more mad by the second.
"The nerve arh, you'll not get away with that, FOCUS BLAST!" Timber said aiming the orange ball of energy at Mikami firing the move then running towards Jason after he fired fired move.
"You wanna play dirty, fine I will as well" Jason said grabbing Patrat moving the two vines from vine whip wrapping one on each arm on Patrat, putting all of his force into hurling the Pokemon into the focus blast, forcing the Pokemon to KO with a small explosion letting out a grey dust cloud.
"Wow Jason you..... Protected me, I never knew that your so strong for a beginner? I feel useless but you look tired out of energy and I've just got used to walking" Mikami pulled a very determined face as he didn't want Jason to be taken down.
"Your FINISHED, DYNAMIC PUNCH!" Timber said knowing that Jason couldn't dodge this exciting him hoping to hurt him as Jason had a huge recoil from putting so much of his force from hurling Patrat trying to get his breathe, Mikami panicked doing what his mind told him going with his instincts.
"Jason! No you don't" Mikami runs at a fast pace increasing his speed tackle Timber.
"NOW TAKE THIS AHAHA" Timber fully charged up swinging his fist at Jason as he stared hopelessly.
"SSNNIIIIIIVYYYYYYY!" cried out Jason preparing for a knockout putting both arms in front for defence shaking with fear closing his eyes heavily knowing he can't escape the move.
"No!" Mikami yelled tackling the Pokemon Timber hard by the side forcing him over tumbling on the floor" Thank goodness but we are not outa this fight yet, Jason get up" realising that Jason had been scraped by that move and is in agony over the floor. "Damn he still clipped you, I'm so sorry Jason I couldn't make it"
"Sssniivy! You will not defeat us I swear it" Jason weakly said holding his stomach with my eyes half shut in pain panting, Levine and Daisy lurk nearby as they slowly make their way to the screams of Jason's pain desperately trying to make it in time as the fog and darkness doesn't help them, it felt like a race between time for the searchers as they knew something bad has happened and getting to the other two was something they desperately wanted, knowing that they're either fighting or something bad to cause them to yell in an agonising way.
"That's what you get you bad Pokemon" Grinned Mikami, Timber smirks back to him.
"Still hit him didn't I, now your next, BRICK BREAK!" Timber runs fast at Vulpix hitting him with a lot of Power doing some damage to Mikami forcing him back .
"Ow I'm barely standing from that one attack, I need to do something about this fight It's being handed over to them at this rate, we are both very hurt, damn what to do?" Mikami said looking around skidding on the muddy surface hurt.
"Now with no more interruptions, you're going down first hehehehe, what you gonna do now weakling" Timber said talking to Jason in disgust.
"Sniivyy, heh, heh, funny your mates down for the count and we are weak" Jason doubtfully said knowing by himself he had no chance left.
"ERRRR! I'll teach you to make fun of Patrat! This time no-ones gonna save you this time, lights out for you CROSS CHOP!" Timber rages just about to hit Jason.
"NOOOOO! Huh?" Mikami said nervously as multiple shot of fireballs come out launching aiming at Timber just missing Jason accept two to five that hit him,
Jason's body glow bright lime green.
"THIS ENDS NOW SSNNIIVVY!, VINE WHIP!" seeing that Mikami is still shooting these balls of fire, forcing his two whips to restrain Timbers movements as the the balls of fire burn Timber and the whips every so often causing burn marks and smoke enveloping around the burns making Jason scream each time in pain because the the burning and stinging sensation.
"OW, OW" Timber panted in pain fealing the burns all over him as smoke coming of his from the fire that kept on his body for a while.
"Mikami quickly tackle him while he's down" Jason's quickly ordered seeing Mikami agree nodding his head.
"Ok" Mikami runs using his remaining last energy left into his move towards Timbers forcing his body to the very end, Levine and Daisy spot that the fog is clearing but have located Jason and Vulpix about 30 metres away moving fast noticing the Pokemon trying to get revenge witnessing for themselves again but noticing that Patrat is knocked out and Jason and Vulpix have barely got any energy left.
Timber feels extremely dizzy from the burns and attempts to dodge."Heh think you can hit me, joker!" Timber said trying to bluff his way out of it nearly enabled to move.
"NOW MIKAMI!" Jason shouted rapping Timbers legs together with the remaining energy his whips are using up, Timber doesn't back down firing a powerful focus blast at Jason.
"Vulllpppixxx!" cried Mikami watching the move skim him moving towards Jason knowing hes not dodging it, Mikami jumps at the last second with fast speed tackling the Pokemon in the throat.
"AHH" Timber was sent flying of his feet hitting the tree hard fainting on the floor from the impact as an explosion was created from behind.
"SNNIIII!" Jason cried in pain getting up shaking extremely badly."Th-tha.....nks..... Mikami, Snnivyyyyyyyyy" Jason said fainting on the floor as he retracted the whips with both arm facing towards Mikami laying flat on his belly, Mikami moan in pain more worried about Jason.
"Uh Jason! No" Mikami weeped moving very slowly and stiffened towards Jason shaking from exhaustion touching Jason's hand with his paws collapsing fainting by Jason's side, Daisy was shocked and upset for many reasons.
"JASON! NO!" Daisy cried out quickly picking up Jason with her arms squeezing him with a hug."Your going to be alright, Jason please wake up, wake up please"
"Looks they're the same two that bullied Jason from before" Leavine said pointing them out."This time he beat them with the work of that random friendly Pokémon even though its basically a tight draw, quick I'll carry Vulpix back to the house, you carry Jason back" Leavine ordered picking up Vulpix.
"Right, leave the other two here, they deserve it" Daisy harshly put it carrying Jason hearing him mutter extremely quiet just loud enough for her to hear as they both ran to their house.
"Daisy noooooo, I can't lose you, I am nothing just a pathetic Snivy, Daisy must think I'm useless and strange, I uh wish that Daisy's family doesn't get attacked especially Daisy, it would break my little Snii h.........She's soo beautiful, she's just too much it breaks me, vy" Jason muttered sleep talking not noticing that he'd said all of this as he was unconscious.
"Did you hear all of that Levine? Jason, hello, Jason" Daisy said quietly not waking him up giving him a gentle nudge."Huh he must not be awake, what does he mean by those words? Wait I think he has a crush on me, I really do, all the things he's said just now adds up to the fact he's either in love or chatting nonsense, I think he's in love with me or he cares about me to that extent, I'll ask him when I get alone time with him" Daisy said extremely quiet talking to herself, Levine and Dasiy scurried back home and all together as the family helped Jason once again but this time with Mikami, the wounds on Mikami weren't that bad, but Jason had multiple burn marks on his back and on his collar which gradually healed quite fast, after the family helped the two as much as they could they put Mikami in the spare room and Jason on the hammock to rest up from their battle against the two aggressive Pokemon, Jason has a strange dream in which he could make out what the Pokemon was saying but it was a little clearer this time, both Mikami and Jason wake up next day to be greeted by Daisy one after another Mikami follows Daisy into her room to check on Jason.
"Morning! Both of you" Daisy said cheerfully stretching.
"Morning, hi" said the two yawning fully recovered.
"Hi Daisy er about yester..." Jason said cut of by Daisy seeing that she changed her look to being serious.
"Brother come here they're awake" Daisy called out tapping her feet on the floor.
"Huh whats wrong" Jason said rubbing his head.
"I'm here, morning you both, Jason can you describe the two Pokemon that keep at you with the bad intentions, I think I know them, describe them to me please" Leavine said hoping that he might know them.
"The Pokemon Patrat is brown like rat that has these yellow wristbands on, I only realized them on this time, the other Pokemon was like a small body builder holding a log, I can't remember any more detail"
"Er don't hurt me" Mikami said feeling shy backing of a bit behind Jason curling around him for defense "But I can remember two other things, the small body like builder had a black eye which was his right eye, and a huge cut near his left eye" Mikami said.
"Now when I think about it your right Mikami" Jason agreed.
"There's no doubt about it, they're the same Pokemon that tried to attack my sister Daisy when she was only 2 years old, I was a Snivy back then and I was walking to the lake to show my young sister how great the lake looks on a nice sunny day, then those two came Timber and Patrat they wanted to rob me, I was holding a big pearl and I gave my sister a silk scarf to wear as a present from me, I wasn't taking any of it so I pretended I was weak and intimidated by them, when they got close I had unleashed my strongest attack leaf blade followed by multiple hits of Vine Whip and a Solar Beam to top it of to KO both of them, I then found that they're wanted on the Outlaw bulletin board located close to this village, handing them in for a some reward, I think they were rated D on the outlaws and got myself 1000 Poke-dollars for handing them in, they gave me a tiny kit for taking down an outlaw, just a map and an escape rope to me by the police governed by Pokemon in this area for the capture of them both, but somehow they must of escaped and seeked revenge on me, remembering me as the Snivy and picked on you Jason, you do look like the old me but a bit smaller and more lucky trait wise hehe" Leavine concluded.
" What's can you do with Poke-dollars? Sounds very interesting" Jason asked Leavine.
" Well in Towns set up for Pokemon like the one close to here you can buy items from multiple stores to choose from, some are for looks and accessories that can enhance your Pokemon powers like speed and defense and even more that even I don't know but I know quite a bit though, in nearly every every town there's normally 3 bulletin boards that have specific jobs, one for escorting and item finding requests, one for exploring with Pokemon and rescuing Pokemon in need like lost ones or even imminent danger threatening them, and finally the criminals board which give requests to take them down and bring them to the Police house and hostage situations in every town even if it's for stealing without a good backup and believable story, each board will tell you the reward that you earn for completing the request and you will either receive it by post or in hand by the person requesting normally. The ranks of quest go from lowest to highest in order F, E, D, C, B, A, S and after that the higher the number next to the S means extremely harder like S2, but I heard that they try their best to put rank C or higher for outlaws that attack back or Sneaky" Explained Leavine trying to give out the best details.
"Sounds interesting I might check it out and do some quests, I would love to explore more and help those in need not to mention the amount of things I would buy and find out how good they are, oh wow can't wait!" Jason said shaking with anticipation wagging his tail left to right constantly thinking about it.
" What about you Mikami and Daisy also you to Levine, we could split the rewards as equally as possible, so what do you say guys" Jason said quickly.
"I uh don't know could be Dangerous like helping someone then being attacked on the mission, I've been thinking about this should we all go for the two that must of escaped from Levines past event and bring them in? We may get a reward" Daisy suggested turning to look at everyone.
"I'm up for it seems really cool and helpful to the world we all call Pokemon, so let's get those two criminals to justice!" Mikami said feeling sparked up.
"It should be easy with all of us lets do it 4 vs 2 we have the advantage" Leavine stated thinking that it's going to be a breeze.
"Then it's settled let's hunt for those two" Jason said coming up with a quick idea which he thinks might be a good idea. " Hey everyone how about this as a plan to catch them, I'll be the bait as they hate me soo much, good idea right? You all can be waiting nearby and ambush them as they go for me at the lake as they always attack me there, ill also trash talk to provoke them so don't think I really mean any of it"
"Right it's settled then we ambush them" everyone agreed understanding the plot.
"He's so cute putting himself in danger like that" Daisy whispered to herself extremely quiet."Go Jason!" she shouted staring at him by accident.
"You alright Daisy, erm you're scaring me a bit but it's kinda funny" Jason's said giggling in confusion seeing Daisy starring focused at Jason.
"Ah what, sorry was I staring at you I apologise if I did sorry, I going to see what the weathers like out the window, I was just interested in your plan" Daisy walks of towards the window looking outside."Oh gosh I made myself look like a fool" Daisy gazed out the window with red cheeks showing on my face. " It's quite cloudy now" trying not to muffle her words in embarrassment.
"Everyone get ready for your first criminal capturing job, give them no mercy and be persistent to the very end, also remember they will use dirty tactics so dont be afraid to do something horrible to capture any criminals, don't let them escape at all costs, prepare your equipment if you have any stuff that increase your odds of winning ok we we will leave in 20 minutes, I'll inform mum and dad about this, be right back" Leavine Said walking downstairs as Jason's heart races.
"Wow that plan sure sounds cool but a tad risky if you ask me" Mikami thought to himself.
"Why would you say that?" Jason replied turning to Mikami.
"Well you know, possibly going to get hurt in the process like again maybe" Mikami said.
"Well if you all don't back out it should be fine, remember it is two against four plus Leavines strong and has already beaten them by himself, actually now twice" Jason told Mikami increasing the moral of the team."Daisy don't get hurt hehe" Jason said twiddling with his little green fingers smiling with red cheeks starting to glow.
"Oh well that sounds like a huge confidence boost hehe" Mikami said smiling.
"Just try your best not to further endanger yourself Jason I.... Can't stand seeing you hurt, please avoid damage as much as possible, I can't bare it any more" Said Daisy feeling a slight awkward from Mikami being there seeing Jason acting shy.
"Awww Daisy thanks for caring about me soo much, It's fine" Jason winked a Daisy."I will do this for our sake!" pulling a determined face.