He Walks As My Shadow 7 - The Demon and the Werewolf
Jon let the momentum of the headbutt push him back and away from the reach of the scissors, before springing forwards with a brutal shouldercharge.
The Search For Tabitha's Parents (Part 2)
Navel piranha shakes off the attack, rears her head back then performs a headbutt that nails the robot's chest as she gets sent flying at 100 mph before crashing into the glass wall of the dome back-first, creating a crack in the dome before it cracks
Midline Shift 43 - The Death of Drumarien
He tried to headbutt by bringing her close, she tried to headbutt back to absorb the damage but fail against the larger male's skull.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 18 - A trip down Memory Lane
„okay, okay, no arguing-" \*bam \* another headbutt. „okay, now this is going to far!" angel wanted to move, but couldn't due to the pressure on her tail. she couldn't stand the dust that fell on her. „angel wait!!
Strong Wolf Chronicles part 8 - Revelation
Now, zen headbutt!" i quickly went over what moves i could use to get out of the situation. defense curl would be useless at this range, but something odd happened.
A Spare in the Trunk: Part VII
It took her a few tries, but ryu ended up on the receiving end of a headbutt. "ready to give it a shot then?" "yeah, take it easy though." "kind of hard for me to hold my controller with you in my lap."
Shadow of a Doubt
As the fog of demidevimon parted a bit, he could see frost off in the distance, the koromon leaping now to headbutt and bite at the attacking creatures. lady devimon laughed as she darted around the flock and stared at frost and the koromon.
Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 4: Clash
Tundra wheeled around, and soared at wade from behind, attacking with a headbutt.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 135
"n-nobody wins with a headbutt..." chris hissed, looking over his butchered arms and torso as well.
Red's Adventure (8) - Bugs
I want you to headbutt it." charmander grinned. "oh! i know what's going to happen! it's -" sparky held up a paw. mankey's face cleared. "i get it. this way some pokémon will drop down and i can kick their butts! you two: watch this.
Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 13 Royal Seafront Assult
Dratini coils up again and headbutts pidgetto causing it to faint. once again hakuzo's pokemon drags their team member out of the arena and dratini though tired redraws the lines again.
Chapter 1: The Sweet, Swelling Secrets of Suspicious Sap...
Twig slipped behind the leafeon, giving his owner a resolute but well-meant headbutt to the butt, toppling aspen to all four of his feet. "shush-hush-ush! you got four feets now, you should use 'em!