Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 12

Never mind the cold, never mind the pain in his back and the sting in his bleeding fingers, never mind how he had to drag his son into a deed as grim as this.

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 35

She was the one who made the strings of feathers that now adorn the gates ander was so grimly pursuing.

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Sirius: Book one - The Beginning: Chapter 3: The Great White North

The destruction of the falchion was a grim fate and i hope sincerely that it wasn't a violent precursor of things yet to come," the woman sympathized.

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 35

She's the one that made the strings of feathers that now adorn the gates ander was so grimly pursuing.

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Not All Beginnings Are Good Beginnings

He warned grimly. "understood." alaric growled. "what is the name of the ship then?" he asked, ready to leave right then and there. "its called the undying." wallace replied.

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Ragnarok - III

Great stones of grim grey, like thick thunderclouded steel, lay sprawled, like chessmen halfway through the game.

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Ragnarok - XXIV

He remembered-- grim satisfaction was it that he could-- seeing just such a look as they all wore upon the still, settled face at a wake.

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After the Storm - Part 21 [Unsettling discussion]

Each of them wore a grim expression on their face as their argument and debate has been going on for hours now since the terrorist attack. aiden, the blaziken, sided with joseph, the sceptile, in this argument.

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2. Farewell to a Freind...

He said with a grim look. "yes i am well aware of that. we will wait until we can not wait any longer then open fire, if necessary." she replied with a frown. 'we are at a disadvantage...' she thought.

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Reveng Begins

Dark kat snorted in grim amusement. "too bad it didn't keep you! anyway, i've since built another. i promise feral's head will be on display soon!" he said, eyes glittering with anticipation.

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A Journey Begun - Prologue - Chapter 2

grim and steadfast, the boy trudged through his day, enduring another humiliating session during lunch, and one more after his last class of the day.

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